roses and lilies

Chapter 311 Lead the snake out of the hole

"The black-clothed assassin is very helpless. The princess's martial arts are very strong. If he continues to fight like this, it will be very difficult to win. He planned in his heart not to use special skills, but it seems that he can't do it.

Thinking of this, he made a feint, leaped back, and moved a certain distance away from the princess, and took out three gleaming hidden weapons with red tassels tied on them from his bosom.

It was too late to say it, but it was soon, he raised his hand, and the three hidden weapons were shining brightly, and they were flying towards the princess's head, body, and feet with lightning speed.

The princess was not flustered, and she muttered something, "You will stay in the clouds, and the cup will be received in the sky." But seeing the princess use her feet, she galloped towards the direction of the hidden weapons, and quickly picked up the three hidden weapons one by one with her slender hands. Stopped, then lightly fell to the ground, but there was no sound.But seeing these three red-tasseled silver darts caught between his fingers.

The black-clothed assassin couldn't help being taken aback. The princess's movement was so fast, but he didn't expect it.This is a unique skill that he only uses at critical moments. It is called Lightning Silver Dart. As the name suggests, it is because this hidden weapon is as fast as lightning.

He has been using this hidden weapon for so long, and he has never missed it. On the one hand, the speed of the silver dart is too fast;Generally speaking, with such a fast hidden weapon, one is already a master if he can dodge it, let alone pick it up empty-handed.

The assassin only knew that the princess was so powerful, and he felt that today was really a bad day.Simply accept as soon as it is good, and the 36 plan is the best.Thinking of this, the black-clothed assassin jumped up with his feet, wanting to have a good time, but it is easy to come, but it is very difficult to go.

The princess muttered something, "God is happy to purify himself, and wants to soar in the wind." With his feet stepping on the wind, he blocked the assassin's path.

The assassin was taken aback when he saw this, turned around and galloped away, but unexpectedly the princess stood in front of him again. He tried several times in a row like this, but it was still the same.

He felt anxious, and he fell to the ground without any hesitation. Such a big movement disturbed the guards in Qifeng Palace.They came one after another to arrest the assassin.

All the guards surrounded the black-clothed assassins, and the servants hurried over to care about the safety of the princess, and they were relieved when they saw that the princess was fine.

The guards were about to interrogate the origin of the black-clothed assassin. When who ordered it, they didn't know that the assassin who was alive just now really vomited blood and died.

After investigation, he died by biting his tongue.It was obvious that he felt he had nowhere to go, and he didn't want to reveal the instigation behind the scenes. Therefore, he threw his pawns to save the car and committed suicide.

Once the assassin died, this clue was also interrupted.

The news of the princess's assassination quickly spread throughout the palace, and the emperor was furious, demoting the guards around the princess to Shuomin one by one.

Rearrange more guards to protect the princess in turn, and change the checkpoints and garrison officers.

The emperor was very worried about the safety of the princess, so he summoned the prime minister, Hanyuan, to discuss how to deal with it.

"Aiqing, you must have heard about the assassination of the princess, right?" The emperor frowned. This precious daughter has always been the biggest concern in his heart. Once something goes wrong, how can he be worthy of the dead concubine Zhen? ah.

"Hmm! Your Majesty! You don't have to worry! The princess has special skills, so it shouldn't be a serious problem. As far as I know, the assassin tried his best to put the princess to death that night, but he didn't take the slightest chance. But Princess Xueyan didn't say anything with her bare hands, she dodged left and right, and subdued the assassin without even making a single move.

It's really admirable, you are really wise to let the princess practice martial arts.Otherwise, the princess would die in Huangquan that night. "Han Yuan tried his best to comfort him.

"Aiqing! I think so. Although the princess is good at martial arts, I am still very worried about her safety. The assassination this time is by no means accidental. Someone must have instigated it. Otherwise, the assassin would not be able to kill himself by biting his tongue. The person behind the scenes is definitely not taking it easy generation.

However, I couldn't figure out their motive for assassinating the princess. The princess stayed in the Qifeng Palace all day, almost isolated from the world, so who could she offend?I'm worried about the instigator behind the scenes, and he will never let it go.Therefore, the number of guards has been increased, and the guards at each checkpoint in the palace have been replaced! "The emperor said helplessly.

"Your Majesty! It's normal for you to worry about the safety of the princess! But the number of guards is not to increase, but to decrease. The less the better!" Han Yuan smiled, still confident.

There were several question marks in the emperor's mind, "Aiqing! Why did you say that?"

"Your Majesty! You just said that the behind-the-scenes instigation will never let it go! That's right! Following this line of thought, we don't know what their motive for assassinating the princess is.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about it, right?We are looking forward to their next action. If you make the palace heavily guarded, even if the messengers behind the scenes have ideas, they will not act easily. After all, they know that the palace has been guarded for a long time.

Therefore, the intention of being a minister is to let nature take its course, and refrain from recreating external momentum. There is no need to increase or decrease the number of guards. In addition, increase the eyeliner and secretly protect the princess. It is better to lure the snake out of the hole, after all, we are in the open , others are in the dark.

It is the best policy to strive for the moment when it takes the next step, so that we can strike ahead of time and bring out the manipulator behind the scene, so as to wipe it out in one fell swoop. "

Han Yuan's hastily said a few words, and the emperor felt that it was very reasonable, so he couldn't stop nodding.

"What Aiqing said is very suitable for me!" The emperor ordered someone to arrange eyeliner to secretly protect the princess.

When the son-in-law heard the news that the princess had been assassinated, he hurried back. Seeing that the princess was safe and sound, he let go of his heart.

The princess explained with relish the process of fighting the assassin that night.

Zhuqin listened quietly. She really didn't expect that Princess Xueyan was soft and weak on the outside, but also possessed unique skills and strong martial arts.

A question arose in Zhu Qin's mind, who ordered the assassin to assassinate the princess?What good does it do for him to assassinate the princess?She was also puzzled.

A few months have passed, and there is nothing unusual in the palace, and the eyeliners arranged by the emperor to secretly protect the princess have not gained anything. The only thing that feels a little strange is the busy figure of the son-in-law every day.They also felt very strange about this, the son-in-law was handling political affairs in the court during the day, only took a nap at the princess's side at night, and then left in a hurry without knowing where to go, leaving the princess alone in the warm room in the boudoir. Confused the eyeliners.They explained the only abnormal discovery to the emperor.

The emperor also suddenly realized, after all that night when he went to see the princess in Deqifeng Palace, he also saw the princess alone. At that time, he deliberately asked a question. According to the princess, he went to the court to handle political affairs.

You can't stay up all night while dealing with state affairs, right?The back of Concubine Zhen who was leaning over the desk with a candle appeared in his mind.Of course he didn't want the son-in-law to repeat the mistakes of the concubine Zhen, otherwise his daughter would be very sad.Thinking of this, he hurriedly declared the son-in-law to enter the palace.

Zhuqin heard that the emperor wanted to see him, but she didn't know why, but she usually talked about state affairs in that hall, and several people conspired in political affairs, but today was a bit special, there was no one else, she was a little incomprehensible after thinking about it, and wondered inexplicably in her heart , Could it be that the emperor already knew that he did not return home at night and went to Wanyun's side? Could it be that the princess secretly told him.

Probably not!The princess is a very face-to-face person, and she hopes to present her father with a happy and happy side forever. When talking with her about this point, the princess said a lot about it!She was thinking about how to respond if asked.After all, it must be consistent with what the princess said.She was thinking wildly like this.

The emperor appreciated the son-in-law very much, not only because his daughter liked it, but also because he was moved by the talent of the son-in-law. He was quick in thinking, strong in the overall situation, open-minded, and always had his own unique insights. It was precisely because of the capable helper of the son-in-law. State affairs can only be taken lightly for oneself.

The son-in-law came close to the emperor, and when he was about to bow down to salute, the emperor subconsciously waved his hand, "No!"

The son-in-law asked very respectfully: "Father! Do you have anything to do with your son?" If there were people on or beside the hall, the son-in-law would of course call the emperor His Majesty, but only two of them were left. , you can call him the father emperor.

The son-in-law's etiquette is very decent, and the emperor looked at her appreciatively, "My child! I called you here today. It's not a big deal. I just feel that you are working hard on state affairs every day, and I feel a little sorry for you and Yan'er. Ah!" The emperor's tone was very sincere, and his expression revealed the kindness of an old man to his children.

After Zhu Qin heard this, she let go of her hanging heart. It seemed that she was thinking too much.The emperor didn't know about Wan Yun, so he just said it?The princess would not talk about those things with the emperor. "Father! My son-in-law is obliged to work hard for state affairs and solve problems for the people. I don't feel wronged. On the contrary, my son-in-law has not done enough!" said the son-in-law very modestly.

"Boy! My father knows it well. You work day and night for state affairs. What I am most worried about is your body. You must have heard Yan'er talk about it. Her mother, Concubine Zhen, died because of working day and night for state affairs. Yes, therefore, I don't want you to have anything to do. There are endless political affairs to be dealt with, and everything must be focused on the body.

And don't rush for quick success, haste makes waste!Besides, out of selfishness, I also have to think about my daughter. You guys are just in the middle of your youth, and I also came here from that time, don't you understand?These emotions and desires are indispensable, and my daughter must not be left alone in an empty room, this is inhumane! "

Zhu Qin's heart shuddered at the last sentence of the emperor, after all, the emperor had mentioned what worried her most.She felt that the emperor might have placed an eyeliner in the Qifeng Palace and knew the whereabouts of the princess very well. Fortunately, the emperor had not noticed her whereabouts to Wanyun's place, so it was lucky.

Zhu Qin only felt that this contradiction began to emerge little by little, and what awaited her would be wave after wave of challenges.The emperor didn't rub the sand in his eyes, and the prime minister Hanyuan was a top-notch adviser, and these people were not easy to deal with.

"Father! My son knows it! Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been inseparable! My son still hopes to put the country and the people first. Don't worry about the princess, she is very supportive of me! If the relationship between the two lasts for a long time, how can it be there?" Day and night!" The son-in-law tried to use that principle to deal with the emperor. "

How the emperor reacted, please pay attention to the following content.

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