The crocodile stopped Ah Mang curiously, "Third brother! You tell the second brother to wait for a while before talking about the old lady who is the head of the pearl bird who is the seventh out of the ten outstanding ones and went to Beijing to catch the exam.

The story of the sixth family style girl is not over yet!Didn't it mean that Boss Zhou took Miss Feng's income and asked her to sit on the sixth golden chair, and Miss Feng readily agreed, Boss Zhou was very happy and gave her a peerless treasure?

Just now, the second brother mentioned the matter of the seven-headed pearl bird, and he said it so wonderfully that he couldn't bear to interrupt it. In fact, we are also very interested in the matter of the Feng girl.Let the second brother talk about the girl Feng first! "

After hearing this, Ah Mang felt amused in his heart, thinking, it's still beautiful women who attract elder brother!Why does he like to hear about the old lady!

This is also human nature, the eldest brother is in his prime, and he devotes himself to business, so it is only natural that the male college should marry and the female college should marry.

Besides, at his age, it's time to consider the matter of marriage.

When he was talking about Miss Feng just now, he listened very attentively and repeatedly asked about Miss Feng's condition.

When he learned that Miss Jiafeng was still the eldest daughter of Huanghua, the eldest brother showed a very happy expression. Could it be that he is interested in this peerless female master of martial arts?

This is probably the case, otherwise, how can this once-passed thing be rediscovered and carefully considered?
Ah Mang didn't dare to be negligent, so he translated the question raised by the predator just now to the second brother Ying Wang.

The Eagle King looked at the anxious expression of the crocodile, and smiled slyly at his third brother, Ah Mang, knowing how smart the Eagle King was, he also saw the clue.Then he continued to talk about the wind girl in that animal language.After hearing this, Ah Mang translated it vividly for everyone.

"Satisfied with wine and food, Boss Zhou took Miss Feng to Zhou Zhidao's affluent Zhou family's Dazhai, where silk banners were flying, and it was very lively. There were ten golden chairs in the conference hall, the spacious hall, and the red carpet. The floor, wooden tables and chairs are arranged in an orderly manner.

Boss Zhou enthusiastically took Miss Feng to get acquainted with Zhou's Dazhai.

Walking out of the meeting hall, passing through the red-lacquered wooden doors, you will see mansion courtyards, among which there are bluestone pavements, green tiles and red walls, green pines and cypresses, and clusters of flowers.

Not long after, the two of them came to a red lacquered gate, with huge stone lions on both sides, and above the gate, a huge plaque with the words "Fengxiang Pavilion".

Stepping into the mansion, bursts of fresh fragrance wafted into the nostrils. In the center of the courtyard, there were fragrant flowers blooming, which was very clean and tidy. The four or five rooms around were the boudoir, the study room and the washing place.

Among them are extremely luxurious rosewood tables and chairs, bookcases and boudoir beds.

In front of the exquisite dressing table are those Ruyi hostas, gold and silver jewelry.

Although Miss Feng is a peerless martial arts master, she is a young woman after all, and she likes gold, silver, jewels, and jewelry the most, so she is like a naive child, playing with this, weighing that, it is very fresh, and her mood becomes even stronger. cheer up.

Boss Zhou felt relieved when he saw that Miss Feng liked her so much. He loved talents all his life, especially those with high martial arts skills, so he tried every means to make money from them and work for him.

For this, he will spend a lot of money to win over these martial arts masters, and it is no exception for Miss Feng. He knows that she is capable and capable, and will never miss this peerless martial arts master, so he racks his brains to try to keep Feng Yu.

"Girl! Are you satisfied with this mansion? If you need anything, you can tell me at any time. You can come to my Zhou family's Dazhai to make my place flourish! We welcome you with both hands!" Boss Zhou said in his words With sincerity and joy.

After hearing these words, Miss Feng was very moved, "It's rare that the eldest brother invited you so kindly. The little girl is so kind and capable. She is just a scholar in the world. Thanks to my eldest brother's appreciation for me, I will use what I have learned in my life to serve the Zhou family. Do your part.

This mansion has everything in it, I like it very much, I can see that the furnishings here have been put in a lot of care and thoughtful, it is already impeccable, I am very satisfied, there is no other request! " Miss Feng thought that this mansion was a gift from Boss Zhou, but she was greatly surprised when she didn't think about it.

"Girl, you are welcome! When I was drinking just now, I said that I would give the girl a peerless treasure. What I, Zhou Xuan, said is absolutely no joke, just follow me!"

After saying that, Zhou Xuan used his footsteps and leaped up. The speed of his movement surprised even Miss Feng.

Boss Zhou has unique skills, but Fengyu has heard about it for a long time. This is also the consensus of countless people in the martial arts world.

Just this appearance is quite different, the speed of his movement and the high level of lightness kung fu made him amazed.As the saying goes, when an expert stretches out his hand, he will know if there is one.

The wind girl hurriedly used her wind-chasing footsteps, and followed behind, for fear of losing her, it would be a big somersault.

She considered Boss Zhou also to test her lightness kung fu.

Just like this, the two were one in front of the other, and the two floating figures flew over the walls, walked the streets and alleys, tapped their toes, and came to an empty grassland like flying.

Boss Zhou held his breath, put his hands together, closed his eyes, and muttered something, as if he wanted to summon something.

Miss Feng knew that Zhou Xuan had this peerless magic skill, and could summon a group of beasts to help her defeat the enemy.I don't know what will happen to him today.

Not long after, I heard the sound of horseshoes not far away, a tall horse galloped towards it, and when it came close, its front hooves leaped high, and it screamed loudly, with a crisp sound.

Its whole body is snow-white, without any variegation, and its limbs are extremely strong, especially the huge horseshoe, which is wide and thick, very stable.The eyes are red and cold, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary BMW horses.

Miss Feng is from the rivers and lakes, she loves this BMW horse very much, how many people are not good for such a handsome and strong horse.

He couldn't put it down and stepped forward to caress the white and soft mane on the horse's back.This treasure horse is extremely humane, and appears very docile in front of Miss Feng, as if he was born with her.

"Girl! How do you feel about this horse?" Zhou Xuan saw that Miss Feng liked this BMW too much.He knew that the snow-white color of this horse was very suitable for the soft and white skin of this wind girl, as the saying goes, a beautiful woman matches a good horse. "Brother! If I guessed correctly, this horse is a rare and priceless treasure in the world. It is hard to come by. People in the world call it the God of Chasing the Wind.

This horse is extremely fast, has excellent footwork, travels thousands of miles a day, is tireless, and has amazing endurance. The most amazing thing is that terrifying speed, which is even faster than the flying speed of birds!

This horse has strong limbs and broad hooves. It can surprise soldiers in battle and is full of strength. Depending on the enemy's moves, it will strike the enemy unexpectedly with heavy hooves.

To achieve the effect of attacking it by surprise.What's more, I once heard someone mention it in Mobei Border Pass, this horse is not for everyone to ride, but it depends on fate?

Once an ordinary horse surrenders, it can be left alone and at the mercy of others.

However, this horse is quite different, it depends on its eyesight, it doesn't have to be so handsome and handsome, it can take a fancy to it.

This horse has an extremely eccentric temperament and may have its own unique aesthetic style.In other words, handsome men and beautiful women have no role in it, and it seems to have its own unique judgment. "The wind girl confided her understanding of this BMW.

Zhou Xuan couldn't help but give her a thumbs up secretly, that's all, this Feng girl really deserves her reputation, although she is young, she is well versed in world affairs, and she has been in the world for a long time.It's really admirable, and it's really a heroine.

"What the girl said is true, it is true, this horse has a weird temper, and it is difficult for ordinary people to surpass it. I have a lot of capable people, not to mention a lot of talents, there are also a few practitioners .

Let’s just talk about my second brother Qianmo, his martial arts can be said to be one of the best in today’s martial arts world, and how many people can match his peerless magical skills, and his giant beasts are also very powerful. I have never seen such a BMW horse , have not ridden.

I wanted to give him this wind chasing horse as a gift, he also liked it very much when he saw it, he didn't think too much, so he flew on the horse to test the horse's foot strength.

Unexpectedly, before it got on the horse, the divine horse galloped out like flying. This accident caught my second younger brother Qianmo by surprise. With a kick of his legs, he turned over in the clouds and landed firmly. His skills were so deep that he was about to fall hard to the ground.

This change made Qianmo interested. His greatest hobby in life is to rule all kinds of dissatisfaction.

So I conquered this horse in advance, my second brother is very fast, he is well known in the martial arts.

His lightness kung fu is very good, and his kung fu of just scratching the water is even more perfect, but he tried his best to catch up with this horse, but he was always short of it.

The more anxious you are, the more you can't catch up.After my careful observation, it seems that this chasing wind horse deliberately slowed down and deliberately kept a slight distance from Qianmo, just to make him anxious. It can be seen that this horse is as spiritual as a human being.This person and horse struggled for several hours, but Qianmo couldn't catch the horse.In the end, it was futile and left sadly.It can be seen how fast this horse's feet are! "Zhou Xuan said helplessly.

For Zhou's elder brother and second brother, Qianmo, Miss Feng knows her very well. Her ears are deaf and calloused, and wherever she goes, all the people in the world will admire his peerless miraculous skills.

Qianmo is a hero in the present age, and she also knows that Qianmo's old mentor is a figure like the Big Dipper of Jianghu Taishan, and there are only a few people in Nuo Da's martial arts world who have high martial arts skills, and there is no one.

Even Master Nanyun and Master Wudu may not be opponents of Master Mingjing.

But I never thought that Qianmo's strong martial arts and such a high status would be humiliated by this circus, which is really ridiculous when I think about it.

"Brother! This is unbelievable! How can the Erdang's great ability not subdue this animal! It must be that the Erdang's heart is kind, and he couldn't bear to make a move to hurt this thing, which is also reasonable." Miss Feng Trying to find face for Qian Mo.

"Girl! Don't smooth things over for him! My second brother is so proud, how can he lose face like this!

He really did his best that day!I have used all the moves that can be used, and I can't catch up at all, let alone send moves!
At that time, I also felt a little embarrassed. I had already promised to give this horse to my second brother. How could this change happen? It really surprised me. What I say always counts. I will do it, but this time I will break my promise.

On the contrary, Qianmo kept persuading me, not because I was reluctant, but because Qianmo couldn't subdue this horse. Boss Zhou kept shaking his head and sighing.

Boss Zhou went on to say: "I'm ashamed to say it, I promised you to give you this horse over and over again, but I'm worried that this horse is disobedient! If that's the case, wouldn't I have to break my promise again!"

Although Miss Feng is weak on the outside, she is indeed a strong woman on the inside. He understands the meaning of Boss Zhou's words, and he must use this divine horse to try her skills. Thinking of this, she smiled slightly, "Brother! Then let me Come and try this horse's footsteps!"

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