Everyone listened quietly, the Eagle King said a few words, and Ah Mang translated a few words in the animal language.

The Eagle King really had a thorough understanding of the ten heroes of Zhou Zhidao.The information collected by the eagle group was very accurate.Touched the background of these ten heroes all over.These ten outstanding talents are not low, and they possess unique skills, except for the fifth one who is upside down, but none of them are good at it.

Fang Lin and Che Li tasted the table of delicious seafood while listening to their legendary words, feeling very fresh. These things are like the Arabian Nights, which will never happen in Dajiang District, especially I am very curious about the peerless martial art of martial arts.

They would never have imagined that South Island, outside of the highly developed metropolises in the Dajiang District of Quanyang Province, was actually in the world of martial arts.

The grievances, love and hatred here are more legendary and romantic than the urban life in Dajiang District. Therefore, Fang Lin and Che Li seem to have fallen in love with the life in this world.

Especially Che Li, she hoped that something could happen to divert her attention so that she would no longer worry about her husband's illness.

In this way, she can spend this holiday with her husband as happily as possible. In fact, she really yearns for this kind of life of wandering around the rivers and lakes and fighting for justice.

The young couple were also moved by the crocodile, Anacong, Eagle King and the brothers' generosity, so they coincidentally came up with an idea, which is to follow in the footsteps of the crocodile and the brothers, and start a fight with the ten heroes of Zhou Zhidao. confrontation.

The two of them really wanted to see how capable the master Eagle King said, and even more wanted to see the peerless martial arts of the hero Ah Mang.Therefore, there is a sense of reluctance to miss Shu.

The big crocodile listened quietly. He knew a thing or two about the power of Zhou Zhidao. The boss is down.He subconsciously looked at his brothers, and felt a little cold, except Ah Mang and Ying Wang's kung fu is not bad, there are few people who can resist the Qianmo, Hanlong, Huoju, Fengyu.

Everyone is a peerless master!How can this be good!While thinking, he continued to listen to Ah Mang's translation of Eagle King's words sentence by sentence.

Ah Mang knew that everyone was very concerned about the situation of the ten heroes, so he didn't dare to neglect, so he translated Eagle King's statement eloquently.

"The seventh out of the ten elites, Zhuqin is an elderly old lady with gray hair, her back bent like a big hunchback, and she is holding a cane. She seems to have some asthma. different.

However, he possesses unique skills, and has devoted his whole life to studying this advanced martial arts. The all-bronze gilt dragon snake staff in his hand can be swung up with a whistling wind, which has enough strength of several hundred catties.

Integrating a set of Heavenly Dragon, Earth Snake and Five Elements stick techniques, the dance is so superb that no one in the world knows it, no one knows it.

However, the biggest unique move of the Zhuqin old lady is the wild attack of a hundred birds. This move is so powerful. She holds up the dragon snake staff and casts a mantra to the sky. After a while, hundreds of birds will come from all directions Birds of prey attack the enemy in groups, catching the enemy by surprise.

Countless martial arts masters were defeated by the granny's incomparable miraculous attack, and their deaths were horrific. Many of them were pecked out of their eyes and died in pain.

The Zhuqin old lady didn't show any mercy, and very few of those who fought against her came back alive!Therefore, many martial arts masters on the rivers and lakes talked about this person, all of them were ashamed and showed fear.

When Zhuqin was young, he loved to practice martial arts. His family was well-off. His father, Zhu Yun, was a third-rank Dayuan in the dynasty. He was in charge of the salt affairs. Beheaded, so the power is very huge.

Zhuqin was talented and intelligent, so her father invited many great scholars to take turns preaching and teaching her, so that she could concentrate on reading and literacy in order to obtain fame.

At that time, the consciousness of patriarchy and inferiority was serious, and girls were not allowed to enter the school to study and study, let alone go to the foot of the imperial city to obtain fame. However, Zhu Yun was an official of the imperial court and had great power in his hands, so some unscrupulous and unscrupulous people were indispensable Instead of making suggestions, since the private school cannot be attended, teachers can be invited to teach at home. Therefore, Zhu Yun invited many respected people at that time to teach her daughter the law of the Four Books and Five Classics.

This Zhu Yun suffers from having no children under her knees, only this daughter, so she has to find ways to train her daughter and obtain fame in the exam.

Unexpectedly, this Zhuqin is a prodigy in reading. He not only memorizes the Four Books and Five Classics backwards, but also masters the masterpieces of "Zuo Zhuan", "Warring States Policy", "Spring and Autumn", "Wen Xin Diao Long", "Lu Shi Chun Qiu", "Book of Changes" and so on. , "Laozi", "Zhuangzi", "Shan Hai Jing", "Historical Records", "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and other ancient books one by one.

His love of reading has already reached the level of obsession, and often when he reads it, he forgets to eat and sleep, and reading at night by candlelight is even more common.

Seeing her daughter working so hard, Zhu Yun felt very relieved. Not long after, Zhu Yun called her daughter Zhu Qin to her side to test her learning achievements at this stage.

Unexpectedly, not only the textbooks are fluent, but also the extra-curricular books are mastered fluently.

Seeing that her daughter has made great progress, Zhu Yun was very happy, especially the extensive knowledge she learned outside of class, and felt that these great Confucians taught well, so she rewarded her with a lot of money.

Gradually, Zhu Yun felt that what he had learned outside of class was not taught by the great Confucianism, but was obtained by his daughter's mesmerizing reading, and he was very surprised, after all, what he had read in his life was nothing more than these.

He was shocked that his daughter had mastered memorization at such a young age, and he wanted to find out what was so special about her daughter's reading.So he sent his subordinates to observe secretly, but they didn't know that the subordinates reported back after exploring, but it shocked him even more.

It is not easy for an extremely intelligent person to see ten lines at a glance, but my daughter can read every page at a glance, and she can recite all the pages she has read backwards, without missing a single bit.Therefore, no matter how thick the ancient book is, it will not be able to support her to read every page!

Zhu Yun couldn't help feeling secretly happy, could it be that her daughter is a genius, isn't she good at studying?So he sent people to search for the ancient books, official history documents, and put them in the bookcase in the daughter's room. Like this, Zhu Qin grew up in the sea of ​​books. , but she is a daughter, and she is going to Beijing to rush for the exam, and women are not allowed in the exam room, what should I do!

After thinking about it, the Qing people under his sect did not have any good methods. If they don't get fame, even if they are full of knowledge, what can they do?When everyone was frowning, a man stood up among the servants. This man was of middle age, with a broad forehead, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a straight nose and a wide mouth, and a little black beard.

Zhu Yun looked up and saw that it was none other than Zhibo, Zhufu's chief steward. This man had followed him for many years, was loyal, hard-working, and managed Zhufu's up and down in an orderly manner. praise.

But seeing his slow pace, he cupped his fist thoughtfully, "Master! How difficult is it to go to Beijing for the exam?"

Zhu Yun couldn't help but shine brightly, "Zhibo! What's your opinion, but it's okay to say!"

"My lord! Miss is full of economics, she has a bright mind, and she is full of knowledge. It is more than enough to get a name. The focus of the problem now is that she is nothing more than a daughter! Wouldn't it be enough to turn her into a man?" Zhibo said very easily.

When Zhu Yun heard this, her heart turned cold, "Zhibo! Zhibo, what time is this? You're still joking. How could this girl turn into a man? It's such a joke!" , flicked his sleeves and stopped talking!

Zhibo knew that the master was angry, but he was not in a hurry, "Master! Listen to me, how difficult is it to turn a lady into a man!" He said, ordering the servants to bring two sets of men's clothes, and let the female relatives The maid served the lady to go into the boudoir to change clothes, and Zhibo did not forget to tell the leading maid a few words.

Not long after, the handsome young man in red and green with a high bun appeared in front of everyone.

Zhu Yun looked carefully and found that it was none other than his own daughter Zhu Qin. He did not expect her daughter to transform into a suave and handsome young man.This heart has just landed.

Zhibo hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master! You think it should be all right now, right?"

Zhu Yun couldn't help nodding, "Zhi Bo! The one who knows me is you!"

"My lord! Don't worry! I'll let this servant girl serve you all the way along the way, and I'll send a few more people with high martial arts skills to covertly protect you. The lady will be fine!" Zhibo's arrangement was extremely appropriate, which attracted everyone's praise .

Zhu Yun was very impressed by the man who helped his daughter change her clothes, she couldn't tell she was dressed like a woman, he couldn't understand how he did it, he couldn't figure it out, so he had to ask Zhibo for advice.

Zhibo leaned back and laughed loudly, "Master! If you say that this young lady has suffered a bit, it's really uncomfortable, but there's no gain in being reluctant!

As we all know, men and women are different, women's curves are protruding, and the maid wraps the lady tightly with gauze several layers, so after putting on the man's clothes, she is no different from a handsome boy! "

Zhu Yun couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this.I thought, Zhibo!Wisdom Bo!You can really figure it out.

Ten years of hard work, just to gain fame, these scholars and sons from all over the world gathered in the capital, and they wanted this carp to jump the dragon's gate. Salary, this fate is a world-shaking change!

However, the level of those who went to Beijing to rush for the exam was even more uneven. Many people accompanied the prince to study, went to the capital for a visit, and then returned home. Most of them followed along to join in the fun.

Zhu Qin walked into the examination room according to the procedures, and took three consecutive examinations, which were the examinations of history, politics, art, and the Four Books and Five Classics.

Expanding the test questions, I can't help but feel a little dull. Zhu Qin originally thought that the questions in the test would be of a certain level, but he didn't know that they were just pediatrics.This invisibly buried her talent.I have no choice but to do something casually according to this stupid question.

Ban Gu ridiculed Jia Yi's theory of five baits and three signs, but Qin Mu tried to use it...

Zhou Liyan's agricultural policy is the most detailed, and all scholars have learned about farming.Recently, various countries are studying agriculture, and most of them use personnel to transfer the climate...

The way of university, in Mingmingde...

Unexpectedly, she was out of control when writing each question. After all, she had read thousands of volumes and wrote like a god. Full.

write!There are still some ideas that are still unfinished, but after a second thought, it is better to accept it as soon as it is good, and don't be too sharp, after all, you must restrain yourself.

Unexpectedly, going to Beijing to rush for the exam brought her into a catastrophe! "

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