Minister Li Xia is very busy, and the budget department has ushered in a large number of newcomers these days.In addition to welcoming newcomers, the bidding work for house relocation in Xiaohe Street and Dashan Town is also in full swing.

The early stage of project approval, feasibility study, application for construction, and qualification review went all the way, and finally reached the bidding stage, from the issuance of announcements, pre-qualification, sale of bidding documents, acceptance of bidding documents, selection of bid evaluation experts, and opening of bids.No matter how big or small, everything is done by yourself.

Speaking of Lixia, it can be said that the elites in this industry have acquired the certificate of registered cost engineer very early on.As we all know, this professional qualification is more difficult than that of a construction engineer.This is the most important weight for him to become the minister of the early stage.It is also the thing she is most proud of.

Mr. Cicada has already greeted himself. The Xiaohe Street project is expected to be divided into five tenders, which means that five general contractors will be required for construction.

Relevant leaders of the Provincial Party Committee of Quanyang Province greeted the old secretary one after another.The old secretary couldn't bear the pressure, so he had to call Chan Lu to his side to teach him how to do it face-to-face.

Cicada couldn't stop nodding, knowing that the old secretary was in trouble.Thinking about these years, the old secretary has taken care of himself a lot, and even entrusted himself with such a heavy burden.

Although I don't agree with this aspect of things.However, seeing the embarrassed expression of the old secretary, his heart softened.Think about myself, from a college student who was not sad about the world, I have been with the old secretary after graduation.All the way through the promotion, I have a special appreciation for myself.How can I bear to refuse!

I know the old secretary very well. If it weren't for the huge external force to hinder him, the old secretary would definitely refuse it politely.It seems that I really ran into a stubble!I had no choice but to agree first against my will.

Seeing that Chanlu agreed, the old secretary let go of his heart.I know it's hard for this kid.There is no way, the background of these construction units is really powerful, and how many heads dare to refuse!

Xingwang Construction Engineering Company is a relationship with the Vice Governor of Quanyang Province.

The fourth branch of Dajiang Construction No. [-] Construction is the relationship of the deputy commander of the Quanyang Provincial Military Region.

Dajiang Construction's No. [-] and No. [-] are directly under the relationship of the director of the Quanyang Provincial Construction Committee.

The second construction of Dajiang Construction is the relationship between the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Quanyang Province and the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

Rongrui Construction Engineering Company is the relationship with the deputy director of the Quanyang Provincial Public Security Bureau
Dim this, think about that again, what can I do as a prefecture-level cadre!None of them are good stubble!As a local parent official, no god would dare to offend him!

As Li Xia expected, President Cicada found her very quickly and asked eagerly, "How is the bidding work for the house relocation project in Xiaohe Street going?"

"I've been busy these days. At present, more than [-] units have participated in the bidding! All have passed the pre-qualification review, and several companies have also made corresponding supplementary explanations for the bidding documents. The Bidding Office of the Construction Committee has followed the procedures in the expert database. Select social judges.

The construction unit arranged three judges to cooperate with the review work. The review will only be done in the past few days. Don't worry, we will not delay the matter here. After all, the follow-up construction permit application needs to confirm the team first. "Li Xia is very proficient in business, and almost has all the bidding procedures in his mind.

This made Chanlu more or less feel a little bit of spiritual comfort. She did not agree with the work attitude of the old comrades in the company, but Lixia changed her original thinking a little.At first he didn't have a good impression of her, he thought that Li Xia was a little bit right and wrong, and liked to stir up tongues.I never thought that she is so proficient in business, and it is really reassuring to have her manage the pre-budget department.It would be ideal to have such a skilled minister lead these new young people.After all, no one is perfect, who can have no shortcomings!As long as there is a place available.

Cicada is like a mirror in her heart.The ins and outs of the bidding can't be difficult for Li Xia. He has always been a good judge of people, and he knows that if this task is entrusted to Li Xia, she will complete it very well.And without showing any traces, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, as early as Mr. Cicada expressed concern about the progress of the bidding, she could smell the implication from the leader's words.She had expected the reason why the leader came to her today, this is experience!After all, Lixia has been in the leadership position of this department for so many years.

The retired old leaders also entrusted her to do it.These things can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, and they cannot be put on the table at all. If you don’t do it, you won’t succeed. If you do it, you have to do it smoothly and seamlessly.

Before the leader could speak, Li Xia said empathetically, "Don't worry, I'm very strict about these matters! You just need to tell me the names of those companies!"

Mr. Cicada was secretly happy, so smart!I haven't said it yet, others can understand it.This hanging heart can finally let go.

Handed her the note written in advance, "This matter is a bit abrupt, it's hard for you! It's really helpless, the old secretary is under too much pressure. If he hadn't opened his mouth to me, I would never have agreed!"

"You're welcome! This matter is nothing, it's just a matter of raising your hands. Leave it to me!" She said confidently.But the boss is not happy in his heart.What are you pretending, it's too hypocritical, let me do this for you, just say it straight.I also mentioned that I don't want to, that is, I want to be a bitch and I want to set up a memorial archway.Keep saying that the old secretary, the elder, and the secretary are short, can those construction units understand you?Who is fooled, in the commodity economy society, whoever serves whom for nothing!

"Then I will listen to your letter!" Chanlu smiled slightly and walked out of Lixia's office.

Minister Li Xia and two assistants came to the bidding conference room of the construction management station early in the morning.The meeting room is not big, with four small tables specially prepared for the judges of the construction unit. The staff took away the ID cards and mobile phones of Minister Li Xia and the other three.The four-legged camera on the ceiling has a panoramic view of the three people's every move.

Not long after, the staff brought in more than [-] tenders.The two assistants flipped through it with ease, picking items from the review form while flipping through.It contains the qualifications, performance, financial data of the past three years, corporate integrity records, and no arrears records of the bidding company.

The scoring items include the rationality of the technical bidding scheme, the advanced nature of the measures, and the main economic indicators.

Minister Li Xia leaned on the small backrest, quietly closed his eyes and rested his mind.

The social judges are in the judge's office on the first floor, carefully reviewing the proposals in the tender.If you have any doubts, use the communication equipment on the desk, which is similar to the punch card machine, to talk to the review team of the construction unit, and proceed after both parties confirm that they are correct.

Minister Li Xia had a good sleep all morning and stretched himself. The staff delivered delicious food, which was her favorite seaweed chicken leg rice with seafood soup.The two assistants knew each other, one took the rice and the other the soup, and handed the chopsticks to the minister, and there was nothing left to feed.

Li Xia's heart is naturally happy, and he can make a small fortune.She looked at the number of bids and said, "Today, each person can get [-], so let's have a happy night at the bar!".It turned out that it was not a free service for the construction management station to let these judges come to evaluate the bids.Remuneration is calculated according to the number of bids.This money is paid out of the bidder's fee for purchasing the bidding documents.

The little assistants smiled and said in unison: "Thanks to the leader, thank you for taking care of us!"

"Hmm! The main reason is that you two are doing well and have better eyesight. Can I miss you two if there are good things! Comparing our hearts to each other, we are all mutual." Li Xia's voice was a little out of shape, after all, he was chewing on a piece of tender chicken leg meat.

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