roses and lilies

Chapter 106 Love and Marriage

The beautiful two-person world is like a fairy tale, interpreting an ideal life full of fun. She selflessly blends with nature and revels in this beautiful ocean of dreams.

I devoted all my energy to caring for this little princess, to be exact, a little princess who was seriously injured.I will try my best to meet all the requests she makes.What I am most afraid of is that she will be silent without saying a word. Silence is golden to ordinary people, but to her it means the unbearable past, which is tormenting her heart.She was trapped in a depressed mood and couldn't extricate herself.What I have to do is try to enrich her monotonous life.

"Brother Wen, do you still remember the article you wrote for me?" She asked with great interest.

"It's all nonsense, not thoughtful." I perfunctory.

"I especially like the "The Person Who Loves Him the Most", the feeling of the boy playing the long flute and the girl reciting a small poem. Gentle and beautiful, it is really enviable."

"What I want to express is a romantic and sincere feeling. This kind of love makes people feel poignant and regretful when they read it." I recalled that article and started talking with her.

"The girl is so infatuated with him, why did the boy change his mind?" She asked inexplicably.

"When I wrote it, I really didn't think about it that much. I felt it was a need for a plot twist." I tried my best to avoid touching on topics that would easily arouse her sadness.Repeatedly pull objectivity.Try to divert the topic away.Stay away from those pitfalls.

"Brother Wen, will you be like the boy in the article?" She asked aggressively.

This can make me difficult, my current role is very awkward, I don't know what my current identity is!Be it Xiaoya's brother, boyfriend, savior, counselor, personal butler, guardian, bodyguard, playmate, friend or confidant.It seems that both are detached, and neither is complete.

But in Xiaoya's mind, I only have one role—her lover.There is no doubt about this, she implicitly expressed her love and dependence on me.Perhaps she will feel that my conservatism is a respect for her, but she still feels that this conservatism is a bit redundant.It is a well-known thing that two people are in love with each other and bathe in love together, and it is also an innate instinct between men and women.It's a very natural thing to do.However, the two of us never crossed the threshold.This really made her feel incredible.She raised this matter to the height of my respect and love for her.The more I treat her like this, the more she feels my nobility and value.

In order for her condition to get better as soon as possible, I had no choice but to comfort her and say, "Of course not!"

I know that sooner or later she will fly far, far away, and may never come back in her life.Now this time to get along may be a countdown.

She will go abroad soon, and may spend the rest of her life abroad.The two of us will be on each side of the sky, one kind of lovesickness and two places of worry.

Doubly cherish the time together, even though this short-lived Freudian love ended in separation.But at least the present time belongs to our pure hearts.

Despite the conflicts in my heart, I hope that she can study abroad smoothly and have a good home, but I am reluctant to part with her.

As time went by, I gradually felt that she had become an integral part of my life.In the days when she left in the future, I really don't know how to spend it in depression and hesitation.
"You like reading my articles?" I quickly shifted the topic from the sensitive area to the safe area.

"Well! I really like your novels. Your emotions are delicate, your words are gorgeous, and the words feel like they were written by a woman. I think you are more suitable for writing romance works, and I am very much looking forward to your novels. I can be lucky to be your novel Is it the first reader?" She commented wonderfully.

"If you really like it, I have a good one. You can use it to relieve your boredom when you have time. It is designed to cure insomnia and depression! When you can't sleep, you only need to read two chapters, and you will be sleepy and breathless immediately. Within half an hour You can sleep soundly, this is the so-called Wen's hypnosis method. Others rely on drugs, Wen uses articles. It is very easy for me to start a business, just buy a book number and print more. Once it is released, it will treat insomnia and depression. Geding is closed. Let’s post it.” I joked.

It made her grin from ear to ear.Can't help but lean forward and back together, the long-lost smile is bright and beautiful, and the complexion is obviously much more moisturized than before.Under my careful care, Zhenxin is recovering well.

"You are so funny! You can think about it!" She said happily after laughing.
""The Rose and the Lily" was written by me recently! You can read it." As I said that, I sent the e-book manuscript to her mobile phone.

"Wow, I really wrote a lot! The file is so big! Can you give me a spoiler? What is it mainly about?" She wanted to understand the general content first.

I deliberately sold off.Leave a bit of suspense, "You can tell at a glance, what is the content? I am not good at boasting, I have to be judged by readers, but what I write is what I want to write most in my heart."

"You really hide it! We have been together for so long, and you haven't revealed anything to me. It seems that it is a rare and good work. It shouldn't just be about these two kinds of flowers, right?" She asked tentatively road.

"Hmm! Good guess! If you write about these two kinds of flowers, then use me! Just look it up in the encyclopedia and you'll know. People can write more authoritatively than me."

"Then what should I write?" She kept asking.

Impatient, I had to ask back, "What does the rose represent?"

"Rose represents love!" she replied without thinking.

"Smart! The answer is right! What does the lily represent?" I continued to ask.

"Happy marriage for a hundred years! Hold your son's hand, and we will grow old together! Is it the person who represents marriage?" She seemed to have guessed right.

"Yes, lily represents marriage, so let me ask you, what else can the title of this book be written?" I asked her another question.

This time she replied without hesitation: "Of course it is "Love and Marriage". This time the answer must be correct!"

"That's right, it's really a child can teach!"

"Brother Wen! Can you write me in?" She suddenly became serious.

I was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say, but her expression was very serious.

She went on to say: "I know this book, and it took you a lot of hard work. I think it's okay for me to be a heroine in your book?"

"Of course, I can insert relevant chapters in the book to include you. But can you tell me why you want to be a character in my book?" I asked curiously.

"I can guess that the male protagonist in the book has your own shadow on him, and I want to be the heroine in it, so that even if we disappear from this world after a hundred years, at least we will leave our own footprints in this world , and record it into a book. There is no regret at all. I believe you can write a good thing. It is not to be immortal, but to prove that we have at least known each other and loved each other in this world!" She said sadly and affectionately Tell me, tears can't help but come out of my eyes.

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