Shao Liheng hurried out of the rainforest for half an hour. He didn't care about resting for a few minutes, so he immediately started to gather the staff.

"My secretary got lost inside! Please help me find it."

"She's wearing a white shirt and jeans, she's recognizable, thank you."

He seldom asks for help, and after saying this, he regrets his irresponsible behavior just now.Why did Duandan abandon her.

He hated himself so much, but there was nothing he could do. Suy hadn't found him yet, so he didn't dare to let himself slack off like this.

The rainforest is the signature attraction here. If other tourists know that someone is missing here, will they still do business?
The person in charge of the scenic spot quickly called the staff from several other places, and a group of people went in to find someone.

A few tourists who were still in the rainforest also spontaneously joined the search team. Everyone came out to play, and no one would feel bad if something happened.

For a while, "Sui Sui" was everywhere in the rainforest, and the birds were frightened away, but no one was found.

Shao Liheng felt more and more hopeless. Now that it was raining so heavily, where could she go?

Will she catch a cold?Will he never find her?Countless questions flashed through his mind, and in the end they all turned into shouts on his lips.


The staff worked very hard, wishing to turn over this rainforest to find people. If the rainforest is deserted, everyone will lose their jobs.

Seeing that the rain couldn't stop for a long time, Su Yi was worried that Shao Liheng and the others would look for her, so she panicked.

She came out of the tree hole as if she was in a daze, and walked in the heavy rain, paying attention to other sounds except the sound of rain, lest she miss other people's cries.

But there was nothing around except the sound of heavy rain, and she felt a little desperate. Hasn't he come to find her after so long?

An entrance suddenly appeared in front of her, as if it was the place she just entered.She was in a trance, but she stretched out the wooden stick rationally.

After feeling that the wooden stick touched a solid tree, the scene before her eyes changed again. She was on the bed at home, and nothing happened.

She shook her head, did she have hallucinations?Her spirit suddenly relaxed, and she stepped on it.

There was a problem with this foot, and when she felt that she was stepping on soft soil, it was too late, and she slipped down the slope.

This was a very steep slope, and her body kept falling. Her consciousness seemed to return to her body suddenly, and she quickly grabbed a protruding stone with her eyes and hands.

She held onto the stone tightly with both hands, and looked down, almost frightened out of her wits, there was a cliff below.

Suy's body was stretched into a string, and there was no place in his body that was relaxed.She was afraid that if she was not careful, she would fall to pieces.

With her head cleared, she began to cry out for help.She can't last long on the cliff, and now she can only count on someone to rescue her.

"Help! Help!"

Some faint voices reached Shao Liheng's ears. He listened carefully and found that it was not a hallucination.

"I seem to hear her voice! Let's go!"

He was followed by many staff members, and a group of people reached the cliff.

When Shao Liheng saw the cliff in front of him, his heart wrinkled into a ball, and he was afraid that he would not be able to hear her voice in the next second.

"Suey, don't move!" He suddenly yelled, ran to the edge of the cliff, and saw her as soon as he lowered his head.

When Suy heard the movement, he tried to raise his head, and saw the face in his mind, and thought it was his hallucination for a moment.

She couldn't help rubbing her eyes, so she could only mutter, "Could it be another hallucination."

Shao Liheng only felt that his heart was going to be broken, "Don't move! Don't talk! Hold on, I'll come down right away."

Hearing his voice again, Suy was sure it was not a hallucination, and immediately relaxed a little, and the hand holding the stone was a little loose.

He was terrified, and said angrily, "Don't let go! Hold on to me! Otherwise, your salary will be deducted!"

Seeing his expression of "wanting to go directly to rescue her", several staff members were speechless for a while, what time is this, and they still want to deduct their wages.

Fortunately, several staff members were sober and immediately grabbed him in a hurry. "Mr. Shao, don't be impulsive, we have tools, don't panic."

"If you have tools, why didn't you take them out sooner!" Shao Liheng activated the indiscriminate attack mode, and only Suy, who was holding on to the stone tightly, was left in his mind.

The staff are very innocent. They carry tools with them all the time. They didn’t need them when they were looking for them in the woods just now.

However, it is normal for the family members of the victims to be a little emotional, and they can only comfort themselves in this way.

Several people quickly tied the hemp rope into one strand, twisting it as thick as an arm before they dared to hang Shao Liheng up.

This matter can't be sloppy, if you don't pay attention, it will cost two lives.No one can afford this responsibility, and the person in charge of the scenic spot is even more exhorting.

"Mr. Shao, let's go down, you wait here, we promise to bring Miss Su up."

"It's okay, I'll go. Hurry up." Shao Liheng didn't say much, his eyes were indeed firm, and there was no need to discuss this matter.

He provoked this matter, and he was not at ease about leaving Suy's life and death in the hands of others.

Trembling, several people tied the rope for Mr. Shao, and carefully let him down.

Shao Liheng went directly under Su Yi's body and hugged her. It was not safe to hold hands, so it was safer.

Fortunately, he usually pays attention to exercise, and his arm strength is not bad, otherwise he might not be able to hold people.

The staff dragged the person up with all their strength, and also assigned individuals to pay attention to the rope, so that it could be remedied if it broke.

Even though it was only a few minutes, it felt like a year to a few people, and this time there was no danger.

Shao Liheng hugged the person in his arms, his hands trembling a little.When he saw that scene just now, his heart almost stopped beating.

He couldn't imagine that if Suy just fell off the cliff just because of his tantrum, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

He held her tightly in his arms, unable to call an ambulance for a moment. "Please help me to call a doctor."

The person in charge was probably afraid that something might happen, so he hurriedly brought the usual doctor in the scenic spot and hurried over.

I thought it was a big business, but Shao Liheng has been in the limelight recently, and even Tigerson dared to fight against him, so maybe he will be someone in the future.

But I didn't expect that the weather was not good, and I lost his secretary.The identity of the secretary, coupled with Shao Liheng's anxious expression, made the person in charge guess a lot.

He smiled flatteringly. "Since President Shao has been found, let's go back quickly. It's still raining heavily outside, and the weather is still cold, so let's go back quickly."

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