Shao Liheng didn't say anything, but was actually very grateful for Su Yi's action this time.If it weren't for her, he would have been forced to return to China by now.

He was determined to reward her well and give her something.A celebratory dinner is certainly not a gift.

He has been thinking about this for the past few days, and finally found out that there is a stimulating rainforest here, which is an interesting attraction.

"Put your work away and let's go to a fun place."

His mysterious appearance made Su Yi baffled, why is this person so strange?But lately he's been in a better mood.

"Next time, these documents will be used in the afternoon, and I have to change them out quickly." She waved her hand and refused.

Shao Liheng didn't expect this person to be so shameless, and he almost lost his temper.He managed to control his temper, took her hand and left.

"Others can change the file, so take a good rest today."

He looked down at her, and found that her eyes were black and blue, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Su Yi couldn't compete with him, so she resigned to her fate and went to change her clothes.

Today is not a holiday, and there are not many people stimulating the rainforest.This rainforest is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance.

Suy was full of confidence at first, isn't this an artificial scene?No matter how realistic it is, there is no danger.

She looked at the staff in the row next to her, and felt more relieved that this place would never get lost.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered the rainforest, everything changed.The staff disappeared without a trace, which was prepared by the organizers to create an atmosphere.

Su Yi casually followed Shao Liheng, slipped suddenly, and grabbed the tree next to him to stabilize his body.

What's this?mud pit?She was a little surprised, she thought this place was just a large "haunted house".

After that, no matter how careful she was, she still couldn't escape the sudden traps, invisible pits, and the eye-catching flour trap prepared by the staff.

She accidentally fell into the trap buried under the fallen leaves, and was hit by the flour again, making her face ashamed.

Hearing her "help", Shao Liheng walked back slowly, gloating on his face.

"Hey, how did our Miss Su fall into the pit? It's really rare."

Su Yi was furious. If he hadn't insisted on bringing her out, how could she have become what she is now!

She saw Shao Liheng laughing beside him but didn't intend to help, so she snorted heavily and sat down directly.

She just waited for the staff to come to the rescue, and this man refused to pull her out anyway.

Seeing that she was really angry, Shao Liheng restrained the smile on his face in embarrassment. Today, he was supposed to let her relax, but it ended up like this.

"Come up."

Suy looked at the hand in front of her, and put her hand on it without hesitation.She hit her leg when she fell, and it still hurts a little.

She came up without saying a word, and walked straight forward regardless of Shao Liheng next to her.This person is too bad, she wants to go out by herself!

Men are physically stronger than women, but she was injured again.Soon Suy, who was suffering, was left far behind.

Shao Liheng looked back at her who was in a mess from a distance, and snorted coldly, "I must give her a good look today, but I left myself just now and left like that."

Regardless of whether he walked forward regardless, the traps in this rainforest were regular, and he had figured it out long ago.

Su Yi, who fell down several times, finally lost her way. She couldn't tell where she came from.

She instinctively wanted to find Shao Liheng, but there were trees all around, and there was no sign of that person for a long time.She was a little flustered, and the place on her leg began to ache.

She walked for a while based on her memory, and found that she had never been to this place before, and she felt even more flustered, going around and not knowing which corner bump she was in.

After walking for a while, Shao Liheng finally thought of turning around, but there was no shadow of the woman in the densely packed trees behind.

He hurried back. Although this rain forest is not dangerous, it is indeed too big. This silly woman won't get lost, right?

He quickly arrived at the place where the two separated just now, but where are there people in the southeast, northwest and north?
"Suy! Suy!" He yelled a few times, and his heart became more and more heavy, but no one responded.

He stood alone in the same place, and the surrounding trees seemed to eat people, and they had already swallowed Suy.

He suddenly thought of something, quickly took out his mobile phone, and wanted to call the rainforest staff.

The staff members have been here all year round, so they must be much more familiar with the road conditions than he is. He also relied on discipline and luck to avoid the traps along the way.

He looked down, but found that the phone could not be dialed.The signal in the rain forest is not good, and now there is only one signal left.

The house leak happened to be raining at night, and the mobile phone signal is usually full, but now when it is needed, it is silent.

He was so anxious that he regretted that he left just now.If he didn't have so many things, Suy wouldn't have disappeared at all.

Today was supposed to be a reward for her, what kind of things did I do!Shao Liheng wished he could slap himself a few times, it was more than success than failure.

He left his backpack here as a mark, and he will start looking for it later.

To find someone, he had to go out by himself first. For the first time, Shao Liheng was thankful for his IQ. With the map in his backpack, he quickly strode forward.

The map is here, and Suy has nothing in his hand.Just now she looked dizzy again, Shao Liheng couldn't help but get worried.

This woman is so stupid, she might not know where she is now.He had to go back quickly to get reinforcements, one more person would be more strength.

Suy had completely lost her way, and tried to walk back a few steps, only to find that all the trees here looked the same.

Her mentality was a little broken, she could only move forward based on her feelings, her head was lowered and she was depressed, and she didn't know if Shao Liheng would come to her.

She picked a bright place to go, but there were quite a few traps here.After being tricked so many times, she also learned to be smart, and took a stick to explore the way ahead.

She escaped several traps and felt a little more relaxed, but the wound on her body hurt even more.

Just now, she walked around in a bucket just now, her face and head were all covered with flour, and she fell from time to time. At this time, she already had a lot of bruises on her body.

She gritted her teeth and continued walking. The sky was getting darker and gloomy. She didn't know if it was getting late or it was going to rain.

She had to find a place to hide from the rain quickly, and she walked slowly forward with a stick, for fear of being tricked.

Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm, and it rained heavily from the sky.

Although Suy had already taken precautions, he quickly dodged into a small tree hole, but his body was still wet a lot.

Shao Liheng was completely chilled, and it was too late to worry about his image at this time, he just wanted to get out quickly, and his speed was not delayed at all.

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