Su Yi and Shao Liheng realized that something was wrong. If the two of them continued like this, they might not get any news.

"Suy, we..." Shao Liheng gestured to Suy over there, and he looked outside the door from time to time for fear of someone standing by the door over there.

"I know, Ah Heng, we have to find a way. If we stay here all the time, the two of us..." Su Yi just wanted to continue, but Shao Liheng over there directly covered his mouth.

"Don't say it first, be careful there are people outside." Shao Liheng yelled, frowning at the same time.

Suy couldn't help but glanced behind her, and she really saw a figure.

"Then what should we do?" But the two of them still had to continue to think of a way, "We."

Suddenly, Suy came up with a good idea, "Why don't you just say that I'm on my period and take me to the supermarket to buy things."

This was originally a matter of avoiding suspicion. Although many of the servants who appeared here were women, it would still make people feel extremely embarrassed to say so directly.

"Then tell me what to do." Shao Liheng didn't know much about this aspect, but when he heard Su Yi say that, he couldn't help but follow her rhythm.

Su Yi nodded and explained to Shao Liheng what happened.

In the afternoon, Shao Liheng found the servant over there and said that he wanted to go to the supermarket. There was a little emergency on Suy's side.

"Ah?" The servant was a little surprised, but he didn't forget that Helan said before that as long as it was about these two people, he had to ask her opinion.

"You wait." The servant was also very tangled, but after asking Helan, Helan directly agreed.

"But, you have to be careful, don't let him run away." After talking to the driver about these things, Shao Liheng put a sack on his head when he set off.

"You" Shao Liheng just went to the supermarket once, why are these people treating him like this, "I just went to the supermarket once."

"That can't be helped." After the man finished speaking, he followed Shao Liheng into the car, "We just obey orders."

It seems that Helan over there has already realized that something is wrong.

This time, Shao Liheng deliberately chose a supermarket related to Sam.

If he remembered correctly, that supermarket was owned by Sam's family.

As long as he can contact Sam at that time, Shao Liheng will not forget the opportunity.

"What did you say?" On the way, the driver continued to question Shao Liheng over there.

"Is your wife in poor health?" The man's words reached Shao Liheng's ears word by word.

Shao Liheng nodded, "Yes, she is on her period, and she is not feeling very well."

"I didn't expect you to be very kind to your wife." The two of them talked one after another, and the car quickly drove to the entrance of the supermarket.

"Okay, the place has arrived, I will wait for you here, if I find out what you are doing, don't blame me for being rude." The man's tone was quite threatening.

Shao Liheng knew that he was dependent on others now, so he had no choice but to follow them, "Okay, I understand, but I still need to buy some daily necessities. If you can't wait, you have to wait."

Hearing what Shao Liheng said, the man shook his head dissatisfied, "I don't have that much patience."

Just now Helan arranged Shao Liheng's affairs on the phone, "We can't let him escape."

So even if Shao Liheng entered the supermarket at this time, the people over there still couldn't help following.

How could Shao Liheng not notice anything at all, he just turned his head and saw the person standing behind there.

But I can't say anything, after all, I am the one who is in the clear now.

After taking what Su Yi told him, Shao Liheng went to the stationery. Before he came, Shao Liheng had already discussed with Su Yi. If there was no other way, he could only use Sima as a horse doctor.

Therefore, Shao Liheng decided to write a small note directly to the cashier over there at this time.

The people over there saw Shao Liheng's movements a little strangely, but they couldn't see clearly.

"What is he doing?" Shao Liheng was not alone, so at this time the man couldn't help but communicate with his companions.

The man shook his head, "I don't know, is it possible to test the quality there?"

Shao Liheng had already written a distress message, and as long as there were no accidents, this note could reach Sam's hands.

It's just that this stage will take some time.

Shao Liheng had already bought something, he pushed the cart and walked towards the cashier.

"Hello." He greeted, and the cashier was a young lady with a bright smile on her face.

"This is what my wife wants. I don't know much about it, so take a look, can these be okay?"

The girl didn't seem to have thought that Shao Liheng would ask her such a question, and couldn't help but blush.

This is obviously a girl's private matter, but Shao Liheng is so gentle and patient.

The girl looked at it, then nodded directly, "I don't think there is any problem."

"Then thank you." Afterwards, Shao Liheng began to look for opportunities, and he could feel that the little girl over there was a good person.

The moment he handed the money to the girl, Shao Liheng still stuffed the small ball of paper to her.

"This is a distress message from my wife and I, I hope you can give it to your manager."

He saw that the girl's face was full of shock at this moment.

But she still understood what Shao Liheng said at this time, so she nodded quickly.

"Look, I didn't give you the wrong money, right?" Shao Liheng couldn't help striking up a few more words, and at the same time took the remaining change from the girl over there.

"No problem."

The person following Shao Liheng was far enough away at this time, so he didn't hear clearly what Shao Liheng said at this time.

"Going away?" Several people gestured, and it seemed that nothing suspicious happened.

The men greeted each other and returned to the car.

When Shao Liheng left the supermarket, several people there were already waiting in place.

"I'm back, did I delay your incident?" The girl just now must have understood what he meant.

The man nodded and extinguished the cigarette in his hand at the same time. It's not that Shao Liheng didn't miss it. The man hasn't smoked much yet, so he must have just returned here.

In this way, someone really followed him just now.

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