"How are you doing this step by step?" Su Yi blushed instantly after hearing what Shao Liheng meant, "I think you are threatening me."

"What?" Shao Liheng couldn't help but stop what he was doing.

"That's right, that's what it means." I didn't expect that I would still be so shy when talking about this matter, "Oh, don't be too anxious, I don't want to take wedding photos with a big belly."

Unexpectedly, Suy thought far ahead.

"What are you thinking?" Shao Liheng scratched Su Yi's nose, "Isn't it just a matter of a few days to go to the United States? Why are you talking like it will be several months later?"

At this moment, Su Yi realized what stupid thing she had said just now, she shook her head, and finally gave in to Shao Liheng.

After the two arranged their itinerary, they set off immediately.

Before going to the United States, Su Yi contacted Liu Feifei.

But because Liu Feifei and Sam were too busy, the two didn't connect right away.

When Su Yi and Shao Liheng arrived in the United States, they still looked like you and me.

"Hey, be careful, don't think that there is no one here." Unexpectedly, after Shao Liheng arrived here, he became more and more bold. Even if there were people standing around, he would suddenly kiss him.

Su Yi gave Shao Liheng a slight push, but in Shao Liheng's eyes, this action was obviously a refusal to welcome.

"It's okay, isn't it true that no one knows us?"

Su Yi couldn't handle Shao Liheng, so he had to let him kiss her on the face.

"Look at you." Su Yi couldn't help mocking Shao Liheng.

Shao Liheng frowned, "What do you mean? Are you looking down on me?"

"How dare I?" Suy picked up the luggage, and the two of them were going to the hotel.

"Did you forget our mission?" Shao Liheng walked behind and couldn't help but bring up this matter again.

"What?" Su Yi was thinking, completely unaware of what Shao Liheng was thinking about over there.

"That's right." Shao Liheng hesitated now, "It's about giving birth to a baby."

Unexpectedly, Shao Liheng said it so bluntly this time.

"I..." Su Yi's eyes darkened. I really didn't expect Shao Liheng to be so direct. Fortunately, the driver sitting in front didn't know what happened, otherwise Su Yi would be extremely embarrassed at this time.

"Shao Liheng, let's talk about this matter tonight." Su Yi had no choice but to answer Shao Liheng over there, wanting to reject him with such an attitude.

However, Shao Liheng remembered what Su Yi said at this time.

"That's what you said, you can't run at night." Shao Liheng really remembered it.

It's just that the two of them didn't expect to meet someone else before they settled down in the United States.

Su Yi and Shao Liheng were packing up in the rented homestay that day, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay." Suy specially wore a skirt today, just to take some daily wedding photos.

At this time, the two still hadn't contacted a professional team, so they could only take some wedding photos by themselves.

"Ready, shall we go out?"

Shao Liheng grabbed Su Yi's arm and was about to walk outside.

It's just that the two of them didn't expect to see other people when they opened the door.

"Hello?" The person outside the door spoke first, "I want to ask, are your names Su Yi and Shao Liheng?"

Unexpectedly, he actually knew the names of the two of them.

"Yes, may I ask who you are?" Shao Liheng gave Su Yi a hand, motioning for her to walk behind him.

"I'm sent by Sam. My name is Helan. He's too busy, so let me pick you up."

As soon as they heard the name "Sum", Su Yi and Shao Liheng couldn't help but nodded, "Oh, it was sent by Som."

"Yes, you know." The man repeated again, "Sam has been busy recently."

"Then we are now?" Shao Liheng asked about the next arrangement.

Helan began to explain, "I'll take you to the place where you live. You rented this place, right?" He took a few steps back and couldn't help but look around.

Suy nodded, "Yes, we are renting here."

"Then pack up your things? I'll take you away." The man walked outside.

Before, Su Yi and Liu Feifei had indeed discussed that, and let them pick them up when the time comes.

Therefore, Su Yi and Shao Liheng didn't think too much, and just followed them.

On the way, Helan was also very enthusiastic and kept introducing them to the local customs.

Suy also liked to listen, and the time in the car passed quickly.

But the two were sent to the villa unknowingly.

"Thank you." Seeing that they had settled everything, Suy couldn't help closing the door, "Really, Feifei didn't tell me why, and arranged such a big house for us."

"Isn't this a surprise for you?" Shao Liheng didn't realize anything else was wrong at all.

But it didn't take long for Su Yi and Shao Liheng to sense something was wrong.

Said that she wanted to go out to take wedding photos, but Suy could feel someone following behind her all the time.

After walking for a while in a skirt, Su Yi and Shao Liheng didn't see any people again. Where is this?

"Aheng, have you seen Sam?" Su Yi couldn't help asking, the surrounding environment made her think a little more.

"No." Shao Liheng also lowered his face, feeling more and more wrong, "Do you think it will be?"

He couldn't help looking around, "Are all Sam's people here?"

After returning, Suy couldn't help asking Helan about Sam.

Sam has talked about family matters more than once before, and their family relationship seems to be not very good.

"You said you were?" Suy couldn't help but confirm, "Sam's cousin?"

When the man heard this question, he paused, "Yes, I am his cousin."

"Then you." Suy thought about what he was going to ask, "Can you call Sam now, the mobile phone signal of me and Ah Heng is not very good."

Unexpectedly, the man directly denied it, "I'm sorry, I'm not good here either."

"Then is there any other way you can get in touch?" Suy continued to ask.

But what he got was still those few perfunctory responses, and it was precisely because of this that Suy felt more and more wrong.

"But Sam's side." Suy didn't continue, but was interrupted by the man again.

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