After Su Yi and Shao Liheng returned from the pilot meeting, they began to discuss the next strategy.

"In fact, we have been able to figure out this industrial chain, but some of the details may need to be improved." Shao Liheng recorded something on the computer.

"Yes." Su Yi leaned closer and looked at Shao Liheng's information, "here."

"Look, we need to change it." Suy also held a book on tourism in his hand.

But to really open up this market, a stepping stone is naturally needed.

"Here in France." No matter what, the two of them have been investigating here for so long, so they are naturally unwilling to give up this piece of fat, "How do you say?"

Suy felt that since he happened to meet this time, he might as well make good use of this opportunity.

"Williams?" Suy gestured to Shao Liheng over there.

But the last trial with Williams was not pleasant at all. Listening to what Williams meant, it seemed that he had no intention of cooperating with them at all.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow." Shao Liheng stretched his waist and closed the computer in front of him at the same time. "It would be great if he is willing to cooperate at that time."

Su Yi nodded, also expressing his willingness to help Shao Liheng.

The next day, Shao Liheng approached Williams.

"Long time no see?" Shao Liheng stretched out his hand, but he didn't expect that Williams over there seemed to ignore it.

Now, Shao Liheng could only smile awkwardly, as if nothing happened just now.

"What's the matter?" Williams didn't want to deal with Shao Liheng.

Seeing Williams being so direct, Shao Liheng had no choice but to ask, "That's right, we are very interested in the French tourism industry."

"You also know that many people from China come here to travel every year. We also take a fancy to the tourism resources here, so we made such a decision."

"But based on our current understanding and capabilities of France, it seems that we will not be able to succeed."

"And then?" Williams raised an eyebrow.

"We want you to cooperate with us and provide us with a certain amount of support. As for the benefits, of course you will not be missing." Shao Liheng has been observing Williams' expression at this time, but he did not expect it to be impossible at all. Get any useful information.

I don't know how long it took before Williams over there responded, "Yes, yes."

Just the first half of the sentence made Shao Liheng very happy, "What?"

"I have one condition." Williams couldn't help but think of something.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree." Now that he finally found such a good channel, Shao Liheng was really unwilling to give up.

"I promise you, I will give you resources, but you will not be able to come to France again, forever." The reason why Williams said this was because of Wilhelmina.

It's not that he doesn't know Wilhelm Nana's feelings for Shao Liheng. Since there is no other way at the moment, he can only cut it off directly, once and for all.

This condition does not seem to be difficult for Shao Liheng.

"Is that so?" Shao Liheng repeatedly confirmed.

After thinking about it carefully, Williams couldn't help adding, "Don't have any contact with Nana, and don't have any relationship with her."

It turned out that it was for Wilhelm Nana. For Shao Liheng, such a condition was indeed not a difficult task.

If he just agreed to Williams so directly, he would be able to exchange for his own tourism resources in France. It seems that it is not impossible.

Shao Liheng nodded, "Yes, I have no objection."

"I will never come to France, and I will never have any contact with Nana." Shao Liheng began to confirm with Williams over there, "However, you have to give me French travel resources and timely travel information. May I?"

"Okay." As long as he can leave Wilhelmina, that is more important than anything else.

The two reached an agreement in this way, and after Shao Liheng went back, he even relayed it to Su Yi verbatim.

"Is that what you really said?" However, after Suy finished speaking, she vaguely felt something was wrong, "Leave France, leave Nana?"

Shao Liheng nodded, "You think, if I can do this, I can win the tourism industry in France. Tell me, is it worth it?"

This condition is indeed easy to fulfill, but Su Yi feels that something is wrong, "Ah Heng, do you really want to do this?"

"Is there something wrong?" Shao Liheng didn't care at all.

"But, don't you think Nana is really too innocent?" Perhaps it was because of her empathy as a woman, Suy felt a little unfair when she put herself in her shoes.

"What did Nana do wrong again?"

Shao Liheng touched Su Yi's head, "I understand what you mean, and I also know what you are trying to say."

"However, you have to know what we are here for this time. Since we are businessmen, we naturally have to put our immediate interests first." Shao Liheng explained, "This is not the time for children to love each other."

Su Yi knew that there was no need to continue communicating with Shao Liheng now, so she had to go to Wilhelm Nana's residence the next day.

Seeing that it was Suy, Wilhelmana simply greeted her, "You must be familiar with this place, just come by yourself."

Indeed, Suy had stayed here for a while before and knew exactly where those things were.

Wilhelmana didn't pay too much attention to Suy, but sat back directly in front of the piano and started playing.

Although Suy was not proficient in the piano, but just listening to the melody at this time, he couldn't help but feel sad.

She didn't bother Wilhelmana over there, but let her just keep playing until the whole piece was played.

"Is it because you can't love it?" Suy has a feeling, but after all, she is not an expert in this field, and she doesn't know how to express it.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Nana didn't deny it at all, but nodded generously.

"I just admire, but I can't get it." She walked to Suy's side, "Suy, did you feel this way before?"

"Although the two haven't met a few times, you are already attracted to him." Wilhelmana stood up and walked to the window, a ray of sunlight fell beside her.

Suy still didn't make any sound, but let Wilhelmana continue to describe.

"However, that person didn't mean that at all, and you have no way to get close to him at all."

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