Three days later, Shao Liheng and Su Yi came to the place Omsen said.

After all, it is also a pilot conference for the tourism industry, and there are many industry leaders who come here.

Although Shao Liheng and Su Yi have just entered this industry, they are full of energy, and they have gained a lot after coming here.

Meanwhile, Williams has been secretly watching the two.

Seeing the two people walking back and forth with wine glasses to greet others, and the content of the conversation couldn't escape the word "tourism", Williams thought that the two of them were really ambitious.

But even so, Williams couldn't help but snorted coldly.

He gradually began to feel that when he first saw Suy, there was something wrong.

In this way, the appearance of these two people seems to have some purpose.

Thinking that he has also become a pawn in the development of these two people, Williams really feels bad.

Many people around him took the initiative to say hello to Williams, and Williams had to answer them one by one.

With just one glance, Williams noticed Wilhelmina over there.

At this moment, Wilhelm Nana's eyes kept falling on Shao Liheng over there, and she never left.

In the past few days, although Williams did not deliberately inquire about Wilhelm Nana, he also knew that Wilhelm Nana lived in the hotel alone.

It was not easy to see her here, and Williams would never let her leave again.

"Yes, yes." Williams obviously had no desire to continue communicating with the person in front of him, and his tone of speech began to become perfunctory.

"Then next time we meet again, let's have a good chat?" Williams raised his glass and lightly touched the person in front of him.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

Finally freed, Williams put down the wine glass in his hand and walked towards Wilhelmana.

"What are you doing?" Wilhelmana realized that a hand was suddenly placed on her shoulder, and she couldn't help shaking it, but the people over there were pushing harder.

She was quite dissatisfied, and turned her head to look, but she didn't expect it to be Williams.

"Did you not expect that the person standing behind you would be me?" Williams was afraid that Wilhelmina would just run away at this time, so he quickly grabbed Wilhelmana's arm.

"What are you doing?" Wilhelmina was impatient, "I don't really want to be with you."

"What am I doing?" Williams smiled. "Nana, I'm your father. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to tell me this?"

Wilhelmana knew that she was in the wrong, so she didn't continue to argue with him.

But she didn't expect that Williams used a lot of force, and before she could react, she was directly dragged away by Williams in front of her.

"Let me go." But Wilhelmina's strength was not as strong as Williams', and it was impossible to break free from him.

Just being dragged into the room by Williams, Wilhelmana's face was full of anger.

"Nana, don't think I didn't see it." Williams also changed his face in a second, directly expressing his dissatisfaction, "You were standing there just now, but your eyes were always on Shao Liheng over there. "

Her small thoughts were seen through like this, Wilhelm Nana could only curl her lips, but who told the person in front of her to be her father.

"Yes!" Wilhelmana was a little excited, thinking that since he already knew everything, it would be fine to just spread it all out.

Williams took a few steps forward and couldn't help sneering. The conflict between the father and daughter these days was all because of that couple.

"No matter what, I must marry Shao Liheng." Wilhelm Nana played with her fingers and almost gritted her teeth before saying this.

"Nana!" Williams couldn't bear it anymore and roared angrily, "How old are you, you started talking about marriage."

"Really? Am I still young?" Wilhelmana felt a little ironic, "If you really thought I was young, would you choose a relative for me?"

It is indeed difficult for Williams to deny this matter.

"Anyway, it's impossible for the two of you." Williams was very serious. Seeing his expression at this time, Wilhelmana was too scared to speak.

"How much do you know about the situation of Su Yi and Shao Liheng now?" Williams has been in the world for a long time than Wilhelmana. Whether it is looking at people or doing things, he must be better than Wilhelmana in front of him. You haven't figured out these two people yet, how about you?"

"You don't know the basics yet, how can you say such a thing?" Williams really felt that what Wilhelmina said just now was too naive.

However, Wilhelmana didn't listen at all, "No, I've already identified him."

She wanted to continue to say something, but was glared at by Williams over there, and Wilhelmana shut up immediately in fright.

"Nana, don't you think about what they are doing these days?" Williams began to explain, "They use you again and again to develop their own tourism business."

"As for you, you are still entangled in the relationship between your children." Williams really did not expect that Wilhelmina was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end, "This kind of person with extremely bad character, do you think I will let you Are you together?"

"Besides, I'm just a daughter like you. After you marry Shao Liheng, you have to go to China with him." Williams paused when he said this, "No matter what you say, I don't want to."

Judging from these descriptions by Williams, it seems that he regards Shao Liheng as a profit-seeking businessman.

"You said they were using me, but I don't think so." Wilhelmana responded, "I think he is just working hard and has no intention of using me at all."

"Really?" Facing his innocent daughter, Williams felt a little helpless, "Can you think about it, isn't it you who gave them so much information?"

Rather than saying that Wilhelmana was innocent, it would be better to say that she was blinded by emotion.

Wilhelmina did not dare to deny this matter.

She gritted her teeth, saying that she was unwilling to continue communicating with Williams, and just wanted to leave here quickly.

Williams saw that Wilhelmana wanted to leave, and was worried that she would run away again, so he had to ask someone to take Wilhelmana back home.

And ordered the servants to watch Wilhelmana carefully and not let her leave here.

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