Originally, he would go to Yang Lei in Suzhou soon, but after separating from Su Yi, he stayed in a hotel near her.

Yang Lei thought she was still living in the original hotel and kept an eye on her whereabouts every day, but he didn't see her after squatting for several days.

But if you come to Shanghai to discuss business, you must go out. How can there be no trace at all?
It was still the same after a few days, and he went directly to the hotel front desk to inquire about their check-in status.He began to suspect that she didn't live here at all.

Fortunately, Suy had already expected that someone would follow him, so he deliberately let the front desk stare at him.If anyone asks her whereabouts, she just says she doesn't go out much.

Now when the front desk of the hotel called, she knew that someone was looking for her, and hurried to the hotel.

In fact, the two hotels are not far away, so although she was in a hurry when she went there, she didn't waste too much time.That person shouldn't doubt it.

Seeing Su Yi coming so quickly, Yang Lei felt a little less suspicious.Probably just hung out, so not here during the day.

Before he could express his question, Suy spoke first.

"Yang Lei? Why are you here? Didn't you go to Suzhou?"

I agreed to go to Suzhou, but I am still in Shanghai now.Obviously haunted.

Yang Lei was caught off guard by the question, and was at a loss for words for a while, so he didn't answer.But he reacted quickly.

"My friend in Suzhou has something to do, and I have to stay here for a while. I didn't expect to meet you here. I live near this hotel."

"Oh, what a coincidence, I live in this hotel."

"Really?" Yang Lei made a look of surprise. , trying to hide it from her.

But he was really guilty and didn't dare to look directly at Suy.He just wanted to inquire, but he didn't expect that the front desk would call her over directly.

The two pretended to be courteous, and finally sent Yang Lei away.

Does Yang Lei already know that they are going to develop the North China market?Otherwise, why would it be here all the time.It's been days.

Su Yi was still a little worried, so she quickly called the assistant and asked him to confirm the cooperation here.

If someone knows the news, they will definitely act first.They must not give each other time to contact the person in charge in Shanghai.

Fortunately, they have fully prepared for their previous work, and their relationship with the person in charge in Shanghai is also very good.

Now that they suddenly wanted to sign a cooperation agreement, the other party didn't suspect anything, and signed the contract directly.

Anyway, the conditions of the contract have been carefully read and checked before, and there will be no problems.

After Yang Lei left, although he suspected that he had been exposed, he was more guilty.

His emotions towards Su Yi are very complicated. On the one hand, he regards her as a pawn, and he went to seduce her just to give Bai Yanxin a chance to sneak in.

On the other hand, in the process of getting along with her, he seemed to have a little different feeling.He has a crush on her.

He confessed his love many times, and he was sincere, but unfortunately she still rejected him.

"Mr. Yang, what shall we do next?" the subordinate asked nervously.

"Did you really not see her out of the hotel recently?"

"Really not!" The subordinates were very sure. They stared at him 24 hours a day, but they did not see Suy coming out.

Yang Lei didn't speak for a long time, and he also knew that there would be no mistakes with so many subordinates guarding the hotel entrance all the time.Is Suy lying?

"Could it be that this woman escaped from her shell? In fact, she doesn't live in that hotel at all." The subordinate raised his own doubts. It's impossible for someone to teleport, right?


Yang Lei vetoed the answer without hesitation, subconsciously, if he was still Su Yi, he would rather believe that his subordinates were ineffective.

It was at night that he decided to call Guan Muya to Shanghai. The two of them belonged to the same department anyway, so she shouldn't have any problems if she went to see her.

As long as she didn't show up by herself, she wouldn't suspect him.

Guan Muya objected without even thinking about it. Naturally, she didn't want to get along with that woman day and night, so she went to Shanghai specially.

He saw this news from Shao Liheng's cell phone, and she also revealed it.At this time she went to Shanghai suddenly, Shao Liheng wondered what she would do.

"Wouldn't I be more suspicious? This news is from me." She tried to persuade Yang Lei.

Yang Lei has his own plan, as long as Guan Muya stays by Su Yi's side, her whereabouts are completely under his control.

Even if they have signed a contract, as long as they can get that contract.It's okay to repeat the routine from last time.

"Are you really not coming?" He lowered his voice, his tone was a little weird.

"You... what do you want to do!"

Hearing his terrifying tone, Guan Muya couldn't help but tremble with fear, this man knew too much.

"There's nothing I can do. It's nothing more than telling Shao Liheng what you did. But if I tell you, can your aunt let you into Shao's house?"

He has never been a gentleman. Of course, those who can be used should make the best use of them.

Sure enough, Guan Muya's face turned pale after hearing this, and she trembled with anger.Obviously this man took the initiative to cooperate with her, but now he uses this matter to threaten her.

"Miss Guan, do you want to think about it again? Don't worry, this matter will not involve you."

In addition to coercion, of course, there are also temptations.

"Think about it, if Su Yi messes things up again this time, her image in Shao Liheng's heart will be completely ruined."

"Wouldn't the position of the young mistress of the Shao family be at your fingertips? It's in your pocket."

His voice was low and full of temptation, constantly bewitching Guan Muya.

"Okay, I'll come over!"

She gritted her teeth and finally agreed.As long as Su Yi can be completely finished, she can do anything.

Yang Lei smiled when he finally heard the answer he wanted.In this way, he can appear in front of Suy less times and reduce his suspicion.

Guan Muya reluctantly packed her luggage. In order not to let Shao Liheng find out, she asked for leave from the company.

Claiming to the outside world that they are going on a trip, but in fact they can only book a ticket to Shanghai.

After this incident, she felt that she had been tied to his boat by Yang Lei, and they were now grasshoppers on the same boat.

Now that he threatened with this matter, she had no choice but to listen to her.If things go on like this, the situation is not optimistic.

But now that I have the handle in his hands, what can I do if I am disobedient?She scratched her hair irritably, she really didn't want to go and get along with Suy.

Why is that woman so busy?It is really annoying to go to Shanghai specially.

She doesn't care about the North China market, she can't understand Su Yi.It's enough to grab Shao Liheng's heart, what are you doing so hard.

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