Su Yi's actions were very strong, and he booked a ticket to Shanghai for the next day.This matter is urgent, and it would be bad if the wind leaked out.

She was about to enter the airport when she suddenly saw a familiar figure, it was Yang Lei.Why is he here?

She was puzzled, but at the same time, she became a little vigilant.They had met by chance so many times that he had to suspect that maybe it was a deliberate arrangement.

She still remembered the mysterious background that Shao Liheng said. This person's background is very deep, and there is almost no information.

Before she could decide whether to say hello, Yang Lei saw her.He walked this way, looking very happy.

"Suey! We meet again!"

"Yes, what a coincidence." Suy was suspicious in her heart, but her face showed a bit of surprise, as if she really just ran into an acquaintance.

"I'm going to Suzhou. I heard that there are a lot of snacks there. Where are you going?"

"Suzhou? I have been there once, and there are really a lot of snacks. The scenery is also very good, you can go and see the Suzhou Gardens."

She changed the topic calmly and recommended a lot of delicious food to Yang Lei.The question of where I went was never answered.

Coincidentally, the two boarded the same flight.

Su Yi became even more skeptical now. It can be said that it was fate to meet at the airport. The chances of the same plane are even smaller.

And this plane is going to Shanghai, not Suzhou at all.There is a direct flight to Suzhou, so there is no need to transfer to Shanghai.

She adjusted her sunglasses. If he really did it on purpose, then he should know that he was going to Shanghai.

Just now I deliberately asked myself, this acting skill is really outstanding.

Yang Lei came over and explained, "I will go to Shanghai to meet old friends first, and then go to Suzhou. Are you interested in going to Suzhou with me?"

"Maybe I don't have time, I'm going to Shanghai to see a friend, and have fun by the way."

The nonsense of the two was smoother than the other, and everyone knew that the other was not telling the truth, but they didn't expose it.

On the plane, Yang Lei deliberately changed seats with someone else and sat next to Su Yi, obviously planning to do something.

"Where does your friend live? How about I play with you?" He asked tentatively, wondering where she would live.

Su Yi is not familiar with Shanghai, so he must be talking about the place he is going to.He can rely on this to lock the range and arrange manpower.

"I'm not sure. She'll pick me up at the airport later, so just follow her."

She said a few perfunctory words casually, without revealing where she was going at all.She is wary of him.

There is an inner ghost around her, and she doesn't even trust the people around her, let alone Yang Lei who appeared by such a coincidence.

She yawned, her body softened, and she leaned directly on the back of the seat.Too many things have happened recently, and she is a little tired.

Anyway, the plane was not so fast, she planned to sleep for a while, and quickly closed her eyes.

The people around him did not speak for a long time, Yang Lei realized that she had fallen asleep.She was wearing sunglasses, which clouded his judgment.

He sighed, and didn't ask anything useful, so this trip was in vain.

He glanced down at the person next to him, wondering if she was wary of him, or if there was really no such thing.

Is she really just here for tourism?After hesitating for a moment, he quickly denied his guess that she was for the North China market.

Suy's even breathing came, and he looked down at her this time, as if he wanted to keep her appearance in his mind.

The temperature of the plane's air conditioner was a little low, and Suy shrank unconsciously, as if it was a little cold.

Yang Lei frowned, called the stewardess, and covered her with a stall.Seeing her tired face, he suddenly felt distressed.

When it was time to get off the plane, Su Yi woke up slowly, and was taken aback when she saw the quilt on her body, knowing that it was covered by Yang Lei.

She thanked her in a low voice, got up and left with her luggage.The two have parted ways here, there is nothing to be hypocritical about.

It was inconvenient for her to come alone with her luggage, so she took a taxi back to the hotel, where the assistant was waiting for her.

The assistant arrived in Shanghai one day in advance to make arrangements. This is her so-called "friend".

She felt that someone was following her along the way, and it seemed that these people had great powers and had already followed here.

She had nothing to do to watch and think about why they also came to Shanghai. This matter was completely kept secret.The most urgent thing is to get rid of these people.

She pretended to book a room with her assistant in the hotel, and the two went to the room and quickly changed their clothes and came out.

Adding makeup skills, she went out from the main entrance openly, and the people who followed her did not recognize her.

The two quickly changed hotels. It turned out that the hotel was no longer safe, and their every move would be watched by others.

She didn't have the energy to think about who betrayed her until she was completely settled.That person didn't even know her shift.

Thinking carefully, she was terrified, she dared not call Shao Liheng, for fear that her phone calls would be monitored.

"Don't stop paying for that hotel, just keep paying."

It will take a while for them to react and find this place.Maybe the original hotel can give them a false impression.

It's a while if it can be delayed, after all, she has more important things to do during this time.

After a few days, the group of people really followed.The action is fast.

Suy went out to eat and drink with his assistant every day, as if he really came to play.Just let it go, this group of people relaxed a little bit.

Anyway, they just came to stare at her, not to do anything to her.They are relieved.

In the evening, Su Yi and his assistant slipped out without a sound. Both of them made a habit of putting on makeup, and no one recognized them.

She especially cherished the time at night, and she didn't even bother to look at Shanghai at night, and went directly to the companies that were originally arranged.

They came this time mainly to investigate the market situation, not to negotiate.The attitude of the company is good and polite.

After leaving the two companies that they had agreed to, they had already gained a lot.Fortunately, the company is willing to talk to them at night, otherwise I don't know what to do.

Thinking that there were still people staring at the door of the hotel, Suy frowned.I hope Shao Liheng can catch the ghost sooner, so that she doesn't have to hide.

After the two investigated, they sneaked back to the hotel and waited until midnight.When those people were very sleepy.

They spent the next few days like this, sleeping and resting in the hotel during the day, and sneaking out to investigate at night.

I don't know if it's because the follower was too inconsiderate, and he didn't find out even once, which gave Suy a lot of opportunities.

After a few days, they have gained a lot. Judging from the information they have investigated, they have a general understanding of Shi Chang and the Shanghai market. In this way, her next plan can be easily realized.

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