"I'm not talking about you, Dr. An, you seem to be a little too ignorant. Now the news of the Ye Group is almost on the hot search, and all the media headlines are about their company."

An Yuqi took the phone, only to see that the densely packed news on the screen was all explosive news from the Ye Group, and the comments below were almost exponentially increasing.

"Ye Qiongyu tried his best to turn the tide. In just a few days, the shares of the once-sluggish Ye Group have risen rapidly. Now they have reached their daily limit. It is expected that at this speed, the Ye Group will return to its peak state within days."

"The ability is too outstanding, so they are suppressed by the Ye Group? What Ye Qiongyu and the Ye Group have to say."

"It's amazing. The Ye Group's stock has grown by leaps and bounds, and it is likely to return to the previous trend. The leading company can afford the title of leader."

Seeing this, An Yuqi immediately lowered her head and took out her mobile phone to turn on the news. Sure enough, as she expected, the news headlines showed Ye Qiongyu wearing a dark blue suit impassioned in front of everyone.

In the photo, he frowned slightly, and his majestic gaze made people feel a sense of fear. He still looked like the stable young man ten years ago. With his own strength, he could make the entire Ye Group directly Comeback!
The following are various social economists, hosts of some well-known financial programs, and economics professors related to various universities, who have conducted careful discussions on the recovery of the Yip Group, and the popularity has always been high. If not, there is a growing trend.

An Yuqi herself didn't know much about these professional knowledge, but she could clearly see something from it.

For the past few days, it seems to others that Ye Qiongyu can easily come up with a suitable plan to turn things around, but no one knows how he lived those few days, almost without a peaceful sleep for several days feel.

In fact, it can be said that her Mr. Ye is not a genius as people imagined, and the sweat behind it is completely invisible to everyone.

Therefore, An Yuqi got off work early that day. Her Mr. Ye worked so hard, so she had to reward him well.

You took off your white coat, picked up the car keys and were about to drive home. At this moment, you, An Yuqi, suddenly received a call from Li Yuehua.

She frowned hesitantly, feeling somewhat conflicted in her heart, but she still pressed the answer button.

"Mother, what can I do for you?"

Like any previous conversation, An Yuqi seemed to be a little unreasonable even though she seemed polite.

Li Yuehua on the other side of the phone seemed to be in a certain coffee shop, a melodious violin sound accompanied by English songs echoed in the phone receiver.

"It's like this, Yuqi, I think we haven't seen each other for a long time. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. It just so happens that I don't have anything to do today. I have something to say to you. Can I see you?"

Looking up at the sky, the sun was about to set, and the golden sunlight spread all over the ground, which looked particularly beautiful from a distance.

An Yuqi could only nod her head, she had no choice in this matter, at least she didn't want to put Ye Qiongyu in a dilemma.

The coffee shop where Li Yuehua is located is in a relatively remote place. City A has always been relatively prosperous, such occasions are still rare, but it is hidden in a large forest, which is quite unique.

Li Yuehua is wearing a light purple long dress today, with a buckle design on the neckline. The elements of the Republic of China and modern elements collide, and it is also extraordinarily beautiful. At the same time, compared with those gorgeous cheongsams, it seems to have a girlish feeling. Impression It seems that Li Yuehua seldom wears it like this.

Sitting down on the carved wooden chair, An Yuqi put down her bag and looked at the white hand of the other party, which wore a huge emerald ring and an extremely expensive jade bracelet on her wrist. The coffee was pushed in front of An Yuqi, and then she smiled and spoke very gently.

"I don't know what you like, so I ordered a latte for you according to my taste, less sugar, do you think it's suitable? You young people don't like such bitter coffee."

"Mother doesn't have to be so cautious. I've never been a picky eater."

An Yuqi smiled and stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, then lowered her head and took a sip, the aftertaste seemed a little sour.

"I don't know what's urgent for my mother. You must tell me face to face."

Regarding this, Li Yuehua was not very eager. Instead, he held the coffee cup in his hand calmly. Although there were some wrinkles, but still full of charm, his eyes fell on An Yuqi's body. He seemed a little calm. Too much.

"I remember, it was like we had coffee for the first time, and we didn't have much alone time, did we?"


Hearing this, Li Yuehua smiled lightly, lowered her head, the silver-white spoon in her hand was shining under the light, and lightly knocked into the cup, making a crisp sound, she seemed to have never looked so gentle before. , On the contrary, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.
"You also know that I used to have a big prejudice against you, because you also understand that Ye Qiongyu, who comes from such a family, needs a wife who can give him a strong backing, but you are too ordinary. It’s a little bit clearer, parents want their sons to live well, I hope you can understand.”

"Presumably during that time, you should have hated me very much."

Grabbing the wedding ring on her finger, An Yuqi said calmly.

"Mum, what are you going to do with these old accounts? Isn't it all over?"

There seemed to be a bitter smile on the corner of Li Yuehua's mouth, then he shook his head, a sense of sadness flashed across his face.

"You have never been a mother, you will not understand a mother's love for her children. Everyone thinks that marrying into a wealthy family is something to be proud of, but it is not the case for me. Ye Qiongyu and Ye Zifan are my favorite My dear, I don't want either of them to be hurt."

An Yuqi's eyes fell on Li Yuehua's hand. She had been stirring the coffee in the cup from beginning to end, as if there was something unspeakable.

"I can still understand this, pity the parents of the world."

After taking a sip of coffee, Li Yuehua raised his head again.

"My two sons, I don't want any of them to be hurt. Zifan, you know, what he yearns for is freedom. Ye's group is not suitable for him at all, but for Ye Qiongyu, if he loses , there is nothing left, he is different from Zifan."

While talking, Li Yuehua grabbed An Yuqi's hand, and a warm feeling gradually spread on the skins of the two women.

"So I chose Wang Yajun at the beginning, because at least with Wang Yajun's family status, I can help Ye Qiongyu and prevent him from living in such a dangerous life. What Ye Qiongyu has now may be gone from a certain day. I We must let him have a strong enough backing, even when that day comes, he will be able to retreat unscathed."

These words seemed a bit messy in An Yuqi's heart, and she couldn't understand what Li Yuehua was talking about.

"I think that my mother seems to be thinking too much. Even if Ye Qiongyu is not the president of the Ye Group one day, he is still a member of the Ye family, and my father will not ignore him."

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Yuehua seemed to be much more lonely than before, with several white hairs added to his jet-black hair, he looked tired and old.

"Yuqi, many things in this world are not as simple as imagined, so we must learn to look at problems with our own hearts."

The crystal lamp above her head exuded a beautiful brilliance, flowing on Li Yuehua's face. She usually looked like a proud and strong woman, but when faced with the future, she seemed to be in a panic.

"Some things, mother might as well say it straight, it's too hard for us to keep playing charades between the two of us."

An Yuqi put down the coffee cup in her hand, and looked up at the lady opposite.

At this moment, Li Yuehua only felt that every sip of the coffee in his cup became extremely bitter, as if it had been bitter from his mouth to his heart.

"As time goes by, you will know one day. I mainly have one thing today. I hope you can promise me."

As she spoke, she raised her head, with tiredness and worry intertwined in her eyes, as if she was afraid that An Yuqi would not agree to her.

At that time, An Yuqi suddenly felt a different kind of emotion. It turned out that as a mother, she could also lower her profile for the sake of her child.

"Mother tell me."

"Although you are still a doctor, the properties under your name include the An family, the Wang family that Ye Qiongyu bought for you, and the Jiang family in London. Now it seems that the assets under your name have already disappeared. A lot, I just hope that if one day no matter what happens to Ye Qiongyu, you can support him with all your strength, you, can you promise me?"

Immediately, An Yuqi felt that her coffee suddenly lost its taste, and her curiosity was aroused by Li Yuehua's inexplicable words, but she seemed unwilling to directly say the main point, but kept going around in circles with herself here, The confusion in people's hearts gradually deepened layer by layer.

"What did my mother say? No matter what, he is my husband. Since I love him, even if my mother doesn't remind me, I will share weal and woe with him in the future."

Hearing this, Li Yuehua finally showed a reassuring smile, and then patted An Yuqi's hand.

"I knew that you are a very virtuous wife. It seems that Ye Qiongyu has a better vision than me, so I am more at ease."

With twinkling eyes, the doubts in An Yuqi's heart became more and more intense. She seemed to be led into a place full of mist by Li Yuehua, and she couldn't find her way at all.

"Mother, is there anything you want to tell me, but you can't say it, and it's about Ye Qiongyu."

She looked at Li Yuehua firmly, as if she wanted to find some answers from the other's expression.

However, Li Yuehua was obviously unwilling to say any more, and instead started to avoid the topic intentionally or unintentionally.
"Do you like desserts? Girls seem to like more desserts. Although this cafe is located in a remote place, it is a century-old shop. When Ye Qiongyu was young, I often brought him here , the chocolate cake here is the best, it suits my taste very much, but every time it will be disgusted by Ye Qiongyu."

"Don't look at him now that he always looks unreasonable, but he was not like this when he was a child. He was as sunny as most boys. Unfortunately, because of your father's education and the cruelty of business wars, he had no choice but to become As it is now, in fact, many times I feel that children should have their own freedom.”

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