The company's double-glazed doors quickly cut off the hustle and bustle outside, and Ye Qiongyu, surrounded by senior managers, strode into the company lobby.

Although it was working hours and the surroundings were quiet, he still vaguely heard the excited voices of some employees.

"Look, Mr. Ye is back. He really is back. I didn't believe what the people outside said just now. I didn't expect it to be true."

"We can finally breathe a sigh of relief when Mr. Ye comes back. During this time, the chairman is going to kill us."

"Yeah, my happy life has finally come again."

Han Cheng got the news, and soon appeared in the hall, his expression of joy was beyond words.

"Boss, you are back."

Looking down at his watch, Ye Qiongyu had already stopped in front of the special elevator, looked down at his watch, and frowned slightly.

"You go and inform them immediately, and the shareholders' meeting will be held in half an hour."

Nodding his head, Han Cheng immediately agreed.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Seeing the display screen above the elevator, the floors were gradually descending one level at a time. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, with a feeling of ecstasy.

"elder brother!"

Turning around abruptly, Ye Qiongyu saw Ye Fan who was walking towards him at a fast pace. His excited tie seemed to be a little askew. It had been a long time since he had seen him. On his formerly vigorous face, now there were only huge dark circles and multiple scars. Days of haggardness.

"what happened?"

Although his tone was as calm as ever, he was still very happy in his heart.

While speaking, Ye Zifan had already walked over, excitedly almost wanting to hug his elder brother in front of him, but because there were too many people around, he could only suppress this thought from his heart.

"Brother, they all said that you would not come back, even my father was very suspicious, but I believe that you will definitely come back, you are not the kind of person who breaks promises, brother, you are finally back."

The smile on Ye Zifan's face is completely different from that of others. Other people's smiles are always mixed with other things. After all, they only pay attention to their immediate interests, but for Ye Zifan, he is the kind of self-conscious A simple smile from within.

It's as if, when I was a child, I bought him ordinary toys, which could also make him happy all day long. What he liked most at that time was wearing sportswear and standing on the stairs, waiting all the time. go home by yourself.

Every time I wait for him, my eyes always shine.

"Brother, you are finally back."

Reality and memory began to intersect, gradually becoming blurred.

"Brother, as long as you come back, everything will be fine, and I'll be relieved."

One sentence instantly brought Ye Qiongyu, who was immersed in memories, back to reality. He stared deeply at the young man in front of him, and soon, his eyes that were cold just now became softer in an instant.

"You, you are just a little too hasty, how can the stock fall and recover so quickly?"

Ye Qiongyu's voice was very gentle, exactly like an older brother patiently educating his younger brother.

Smiling, he scratched his somewhat disheveled hair, Ye Zifan had a babyish look that didn't seem to match his age. 
"Anyway, brother, you know that I don't know much about these things. Although I studied economics and management in college, I'm not as good as my brother when it comes to these company operations. As long as I can live an ordinary life, It’s beautiful to go out and race a car once in a while, professional racer, that’s my dream.”

His aura-filled eyes are full of visions for the future, which makes Ye Qiongyu, who is under heavy pressure, envious. He has never expected to live such a life. Although it is beautiful, it is not feasible.

"Okay, let's go up together!"

"Okay, my father should be here in a while, and I arrived with him."

While talking, Ye Zifan looked back at the company gate, Ye Qiongyu followed his gaze, and seemed to be able to see the extremely eye-catching stretched Lincoln outside, shining in the sun.

Looking away, Ye Qiongyu nodded calmly, and then stepped into the elevator.

on the board.

The atmosphere seemed a little dignified. These shareholders put all their hopes on Ye Qiongyu, so everyone didn't say a word on the surface, but their hearts were extremely heavy.

Hancheng began to distribute meeting materials, and soon, a practical plan dispelled their doubts.

On the projector in the middle, on the blue PPT, there is a statistic on the recent decline in the shares of the Ye Group, and a prediction on the implementation of the new external plan. Ye Qiongyu stands in the front, and the blue light of the projector flashed across his face.

"Everyone, you must have seen the plan. According to the existing data analysis, within a week, the shares of the Yip Group will gradually start to recover. At least within half a month, our previous losses can recover 70.00% % more, as for the rest, take it as a lesson."

Speaking of the lesson, Ye Qiongyu's gaze suddenly fell on Ye Ting who was looking at the proposal with his head down and silent.

"Father thinks, is the lesson worthwhile this time?"

You can think about it carefully, use the company's 20.00% interest to fight me, what will happen?
Ye Ting's face turned red with anger, but in the face of so many shareholders, he could only swallow the swearing when it came to his lips.

He has never disliked Ye Qiongyu as much as he did today. He disliked that as long as he said a word, a large group of people would cheer in front of him, and he was disgusted with how quickly he could find a solution when everyone was at a loss. , disgusted that he was able to play such a big hand with him, but in the end he was able to get out of his body and make a lot of money in turn.

"Don't be arrogant here. If you have the ability to make up for all the losses, it's not too late to be crazy."

In front of many shareholders, Ye Ting became angry with embarrassment, and poured cold water on him without hesitation.

In this regard, Ye Qiongyu looked extraordinarily well-behaved.

"Father is right at all. Now I really don't have the ability to get all the money back, but as long as my father authorizes it, I can't try."

How did this matter come about like this, when he didn't know at all?

The cold eyes met Ye Ting's cloudy eyes, and the two eyes collided in the air, sparks burst out quickly.

Looking anxiously at the shareholders present, Ye Ting's hands visibly shook, and then his voice became serious.

"What do you mean?"

With a sneer, Ye Qiongyu threw away the manuscript in his hand, and then sat down calmly.
"I know, everyone is very busy, so you don't have to worry, I will help you find the rest of the money, and I hope you will remember it long in the future, and you must be careful about your wallet!"

He simply regarded the sharp drop in stocks this time as a loss of money, which is tantamount to the greatest contempt for the Ye Group.

However, the meeting room was very quiet, and no one, including Ye Ting, dared to question his words.

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiongyu pulled away his chair and strode out of the conference room.

After going through such a turmoil, with lingering fears in their hearts, they finally recovered most of their losses. The shareholders breathed a sigh of relief, and then watched Ye Ting discussing.

"This kind of thing must never happen in the future. The century-old foundation of the Ye Group cannot be destroyed in a short period of time!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for the young master this time, we might not know what to do? It seems that the company still cannot do without a talent like the young master!"

"That's right, after all, the Ye family's rapid development for ten years is completely inseparable from the long-term strategy of the young master!"

Everyone said one sentence after another, no one cared about Ye Ting's face at all.

The next second, there was a loud snap, and everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, only to see that the folder in front of Ye Ting had been smashed, and he scanned the crowd. 
"Let me tell you, I am the chairman of the Ye Group now, and I'm not dead yet! See who really owns the ownership!"

At Huaxia Hospital, An Yuqi put down her bag as usual, and then calmly changed into a white coat.

It seems that she came a little early today, and there are not many people in the office.

Just as she was buttoning the buttons and was about to sit down and turn on the computer, a figure came out of nowhere and flashed in front of her. Before she had time to see who it was, the other person was like an octopus. He hugged her so hard that he almost pushed An Yuqi to the spot.

"Goddess, idol, do you know how much I admire you? Dr. An, can you also teach me a trick to tease my little brother? I'm already 27 years old this year, and I'm not married yet! Where are you? Find such an excellent man, is there anyone of marriageable age around him, please introduce one to me?"

The voice was very familiar, it turned out to be Nurse Zhang, no wonder she was always taken aback.

The previous words sounded like the same thing, but the latter seemed to have changed a bit. Could it be that because of her good vision, she found an extremely powerful husband?
"Oh, my Nurse Zhang, can you calm down first, what happened?"

Hearing this, Nurse Zhang immediately let go of her hand with a smile, and then her tone was a bit gossip, her eyes almost turned into two stars.

"It seems that our extremely dedicated Dr. An doesn't know what's going on. He really doesn't listen to anything outside the window and is only doing surgery. In the past two days, our President Ye has become the male god of thousands of girls. I'm one of them too!"

The male god of thousands of girls?An Yuqi almost blurted out, hasn't he already become the dream lover of thousands of girls?Almost the vast majority of women who have met Ye Qiongyu have unreasonable thoughts, and they are used to it.

In addition, the profession of a doctor kept her busy every day. A trip caused many original tasks to be delayed, and she was even more busy when she came back. How could she have the time to pay attention to such gossip.

At this moment, Liu Shuang opened the door and walked in. He obviously heard what Nurse Zhang said, so he spoke with a smile.

"It seems that our Nurse Zhang must have read yesterday's news. Dr. An may not know that our President Ye is really great."

Regarding this, An Yuqi raised her bloodshot eyes and spoke in confusion.

"So, you two, don't you want to keep your appetite? Can you tell me what happened first?"

Nurse Zhang screamed first, then she had a puzzled expression on her face, then quickly picked up the phone and flicked it, and then looked at An Yuqi reproachfully. 
"Doctor An, it's very bad for you to be like this. What if Mr. Ye is abducted by other girls one day?"

While muttering, she showed the phone to An Yuqi.

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