Inside the office of the president of the Ye Group.

The atmosphere today is particularly depressing. There are constant sounds of throwing things in the office, as well as the sound of men roaring and slapping the table.

"What's the matter today, President?"

The female secretary stood tremblingly at the door holding the document in her hand, and the department manager next to her also had a big face, shaking her head in confusion, and could only pray that she would not be scolded badly later.

"Take your trash and get the hell out of here!"

There was another roar, and the general manager came out holding the report that had been crumpled into a ball in his hand, with a face that was almost crying, and shook his head at the two of them.

At this moment, the hurried Han Cheng appeared at the door of the office, squinting at the two of them.

"Oh, I said you two should not stay here anymore, the boss is not in a good mood today, so don't bump into him."

After finishing speaking, he walked into the office and whispered in Ye Qiongyu's ear.

"Boss, the poisoner has been found. It's An Zhimi. I checked the surveillance at the scene and saw that An Zhimi changed the young lady's wine glass."

"Since the wedding was not completed in the end, I also confirmed to the young lady that she hadn't eaten anything, so the problem can only be the glass of wine."

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the office instantly became heavy. The man narrowed his eyes, revealing the danger inside. 
"It seems that An Zhimi has become more and more impatient recently."

Women who dare to touch him are basically seeking their own death.

"Boss, next step we should..."

"Send the surveillance video and Madam's test report to the police immediately, they will know what to do."

Nodding his head, Han Cheng was about to leave, but he met Wang Xinguo who was going in at the door, and the two nodded.

Wang Xinguo walked in with a document in his hand.

"Master Ye, guess what? My people found Brother Qi sneaking around. It seems that there is a batch of foreign goods to be shipped out. There are a lot of things in it. Should we do something to show him something. "

Putting down the pen in his hand, the man crossed his hands, and with little force, his knuckles began to turn white.

"Of course, Brother Qi and An Zhimi, neither of them can be let go. You can arrange it and ask the customs to keep an eye on it. I don't believe that he can still be arrogant this time."

In this regard, Wang Xinguo showed embarrassment, bowed his head and thought carefully.

"Master Ye, I'm afraid this is not good. After all, brother Qi and black and white are involved too much. If the customs are to handle it, it will inevitably affect many people..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the man behind the red desk opposite look up, his sharp eyes flashed past his eyes.

If he dared to poison his wife, he should also get rid of this local snake.

"Let them investigate. I don't care how many people are involved. In short, I don't want to see this thing appear in the city again!"

As he said that, Ye Qiongyu impatiently threw the documents in his hands aside.

Soon, Wang Xinguo sensed something was wrong, so he tentatively opened his mouth.

"Master Ye, is something wrong..."

In the next second, Ye Qiongyu raised his head and dropped a few words indifferently.

"Go as soon as you are told, why are there so many nonsense!"

Ye Qiongyu's speed was very fast, and the customs side took action quickly. Within a few hours, the arrest warrant with Brother Qi's photo was posted on the Internet.

Thus, An Yuqi received a call from a complete stranger.


Ye Qiongyu frowned and glanced, An Yuqi shook her head, but soon realized something.

"Calling at this time, guess if it's Brother Qi?"

With a smile on her lips, she looked extraordinarily bright, and then playfully pressed the answer button and the hands-free button.

So, the gloomy voice on the phone came out, and there was actually a little bit of excitement.

"Mrs. Ye, how did you feel when you were poisoned last time? Did you feel comfortable? I warn you, the poison will spread all over your body in a few days. At that time, the dignified Doctor An can only wait for death in bed." Now, the antidote is in my hands, as long as you still want to live, immediately ask the surname Ye to revoke the arrest warrant!"

Sure enough, the threat was obvious, An Yuqi looked up at Ye Qiongyu, and the other party signaled her to find a way to delay it.

"What are you talking about? He is also my brother-in-law. It is really despicable and shameless to do such a thing!"

There was a burst of manly laughter from the man on the other side of the phone, and he could hardly stop laughing.

"Mrs. Ye, don't your husband do too many despicable things? This is called baoying. He won't make it easy for me. Naturally, I'm going to attack the person he loves the most, hahahaha."

"It's really a pity. You are much more beautiful than your sister. You are going to die at a young age."

"I advise you to be more honest. If you want to survive, ask your husband to revoke the arrest warrant, otherwise..."

Taking advantage of the brief conversation between the two of them, Ye Qiongyu began to quickly track the location of the phone.

A thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead. Not long after, he stopped typing on the keyboard and quickly sent a location to Li Jie.

Brother Qi here didn't know anything about it, and was still threatening on the phone with curses.

"I am also a compassionate man, unlike that cold-blooded fellow Ye Qiongyu. If you revoke the arrest warrant, I will not only give you other things, but also the antidote. This kind of business should be a good deal, Mrs. Ye?"

An Yuqi sneered when she heard this. 
"What kind of person my brother-in-law is, I am afraid that everyone in the entire city knows, everyone knows, I really can't believe it!"

damn it!Brother Qi on the other side of the phone punched the table in front of him. Ever since he was targeted by Ye Qiongyu, he has never felt comfortable.

"I'm telling you, don't toast or eat fine wine, I can't do anything about Ye Qiongyu, but it's easy to deal with you little girl, please listen to me, it will not end well if you fight against me..."

When Brother Qi said this, the phone call stopped abruptly, and An Yuqi looked at the phone anxiously.

"Come on, did he escape?"

"It shouldn't be possible!"

At this moment, Li Jie called suddenly, his words were full of surprises.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye. The police in Linshi have already controlled the suspect. Thank you for your help."

Hearing this, An Yuqi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest like the rest of her life after a catastrophe.

"Scared me to death, I thought he ran away! I can get rid of this old guy, even if I am poisoned, it is valuable."

The more she talked, the happier she was, and she didn't notice the increasingly ugly expression of the man around her.

The next second, a big hand pinched her cheek mercilessly.

"What are you doing, do you know the pain!"

An Yuqi knocked off the man's hand, then covered her cheeks, staring at the man in front of her with a displeased face.

Unexpectedly, the other party was filled with a huge pressure, approaching step by step. 
"Do you still know it hurts? Let me tell you, no matter who you are with in the future, you are not allowed to drink, or you don't know how you died outside, right?"

Uh, even though it really happened like that, and I was really ashamed, it was considered a good deed unintentionally.

"You can't say that, I have done good deeds unintentionally, eliminating harm for the people, the Public Security Bureau should praise me..."

Before she finished speaking, she stopped abruptly with a snap.

There was a numb pain from her buttocks, which slowly penetrated into the skin, gradually becoming hotter and hotter, and she instantly opened her eyes wide.

"You hit me?"

"Otherwise? Are you waiting to call you out to die?"

What a defenseless idiot, looking at that cheek flushed with anger, an evil thought suddenly popped up in Ye Qiongyu's mind. 
"Come here and I'll give you a present."

An Yuqi covered her hips with her hands, stepped back a few steps, and watched the man's movements vigilantly.

"You... what are you doing, stay away from me..."

The next second, the man approached suddenly, holding her cheeks with a pair of big hands, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"Let's go to the room and talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, he directly hugged the woman horizontally, with such strength that she couldn't break free at all.

"I think what Professor Zhong said is right, it's time to give him a little girl."

"I don't want it, I refuse, Ye Qiongyu, you bastard, let me down!"

The man pressed her on the bed, quickly took off his suit jacket and threw it aside, and began to skillfully untie his tie with his big knuckle-knuckle hands. 
"It's too late."

After a night of lingering, when An Yuqi woke up the next day, it was already high in the sun.

His whole body was in pain, especially his slender waist, which almost seemed to be broken.

Last night, Ye Qiongyu pressed her like crazy, outputting again and again, until she didn't let her go even after begging for mercy.

Turning over with difficulty, cursing the man many times in her heart, An Yuqi met the other's sly eyes.

No matter how you look at the man's handsome face, there seems to be a little bit of weirdness, and the line of sight gradually slides down, falling on her plumpness that is half covered by the thin quilt.

An Yuqi followed his gaze, and immediately huddled herself tightly under the quilt.

"I warn you, don't think any more."

Ye Qiongyu lazily raised his eyelids, held her thin lock of long hair with a big hand and played with it repeatedly, and then fished her soft body into his arms with incomparable precision.

An Yuqi instinctively wanted to struggle, but she couldn't use her strength. Coupled with the ups and downs of last night, she felt a little scared in her heart. It's really scary for a man to go crazy.

So, I had no choice but to point my finger at his chest.

"Then you promise me that you won't mess around again."

Seeing her like this, the man couldn't help but find it funny, he burst out laughing, and then looked at the woman lazily, his morning voice was hoarse and charming.

"It doesn't matter. I already had a full meal last night. Even if there is more, you can bear it. After all, Mr. Zhong is looking forward to Xiao Xiaoqi."

Gritting his teeth in anger, the next second the woman bit his firm arm unceremoniously.

Soon, a shallow tooth mark emerged on the skin.

"I still have to go to work? I'm limping, what do you look like, what do you tell them to say about me!"

It was too late to say it, but the man looked at her plump and moist lips, and pecked them unceremoniously.

Savoring the fragrance between her lips and teeth carefully, An Yuqi seemed to be under some spell, staring blankly at the shadows left by the man's thick eyelashes.

He was very careful and asked for it gently, for fear of hurting her.

After a long time, the man raised his head and spoke very seriously.

"You don't have to go to work, I'll take care of you if you don't go to work!"

If that's the case, Ye Ting and Li Yuehua might not necessarily eat themselves!Then he pushed the man aside.

"Aren't you going to work today? You're going to be late!"

However, someone continued to move lazily on the bed, and then spoke slowly.

"Don't worry, today is just the limit of Wang's stock, how can I stay at home with you comfortably."

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