My Beloved Wife Don't Run Away: Affectionate CEO Pampers Pets

Chapter 304 Hurry up and give birth to a little girl

Regarding this, An Yuqi curled her lips, squinted at the man by the way, and then spoke slowly.

"It seems that Mr. Ye often takes advantage of others' dangers, right?"


The man raised his eyebrows slightly, then his right hand began to wander restlessly over the woman's smooth and slender legs, and then he spoke with a half-smile.

"Since you think so, let me demonstrate to you what it means to take advantage of someone's danger."

Seeing the opponent getting closer, An Yuqi suddenly regretted her provocation and immediately raised her hands and surrendered obediently. 
"I was wrong, I will review."

Her serious appearance looked extraordinarily pure and lovely, the man had no choice but to give up, scrape the bridge of her nose, and then hold the woman with both hands.

In just a few seconds, his expression froze for a moment, then he frowned and looked at An Yuqi hesitantly.

"Haven't you been at home for a long time? Why are your hands so cold?"


An Yuqi looked puzzled, she really didn't feel any discomfort.

In the next second, a big warm hand stretched out to cover her forehead. Ye Qiongyu frowned, and repeated the interview on his forehead several times before he could be sure that she didn't have a fever.

"Is it too cold to eat recently?"

An Yuqi tried to speak, and immediately heard Ye Qiongyu shouting towards the kitchen.

"Mother Zhang, when the soup is ready, hurry up and serve it to the young lady!"

Seeing his appearance, An Yuqi gently tugged at the man's sleeve.

"Okay, what are you fussing about, am I still fine now?"

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu pinned the messy hair behind her ears, and said lovingly.

"Aren't I worrying about you? I've only left for a few days, and it belongs to both the Ye family and the Wang family. It's really worrying."

The two of them ate dinner together on a rare occasion without outside interruptions, and spent a calm and scary afternoon.

However, when she put down the soup bowl, An Yuqi felt that something was wrong. When she went up the stairs, the scene in front of her eyes suddenly became blurred, and she almost fell down the stairs.

Ye Qiongyu supported her in a timely manner, and then spoke anxiously.

"What's the matter with you, are you uncomfortable?"

She smiled and shook her head, then spoke softly.

"It's okay, maybe it's because I've been sitting for a long time, and when I stand up, there's actually a lack of blood supply to the brain."

It's just that none of them thought that An Yuqi spent a night of terror.

She had a terrible nightmare. In the dream was Wang Yajun's distorted face. She looked at herself fiercely, fingers like chicken feet pinching her slender neck.

"An Yuqi, why don't you die, why don't you die, you know? As soon as I see your face, I want to kill you!"

Then, another woman came out from the darkness, with the same cruel smile on her face, it was actually An Zhimi.

She slowly sat on the edge of the bed, smiling innocently and cruelly.

"My good sister, no one will save you this time, only the two of us, Ye Qiongyu won't save you."

"No, he won't leave me!"

Instinctively, she grabbed the place next to her, but there was no one there. An Yuqi looked at the empty bedside, and felt hopeless for the first time in her heart.

Then there was Wang Yajun's ferocious smile, and the excitement and joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

"You die for me!"

The entire throat was pinched, severe pain spread, and the oxygen seemed to be disappearing bit by bit.

"Help me, Ye Qiongyu..."

She called out to the man with difficulty, clasping Wang Yajun's hand with both hands desperately, but, even if there were bloodstains, the other party didn't even frown, instead, her strength grew stronger and stronger.

Just as the consciousness gradually became blurred, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Yuqi, what's wrong with you, wake up!"

Someone patted her on the face and yelled to bring her back to reality. An Yuqi opened her eyes and saw the crystal chandelier on the ceiling.

It turned out that it was just a dream.

She only had time to raise her eyes to see the man's anxious eyebrows, but before she could speak, she felt a sudden blur in front of her eyes, followed by a very clear pain.

The pain was very strange, as if it was going to drown her whole body.

From the head to the soles of the feet, there was a heart-rending pain. The pain was so painful that she wished she could just fall asleep and never wake up again. At the same time, the sense of restraint on her throat became more and more obvious.

"Yuqi, what's wrong with you?"

The woman's hands firmly grasped the bed sheet under her body, her mouth grew wide, and she breathed with difficulty, her fair face instantly turned red.

"Help me, I..."

She could hardly utter a single sentence, Ye Qiongyu touched her fingers, and it really became even colder.

At this moment, An Yuqi gritted her teeth and spoke intermittently.

"Quick...find me...find Professor Zhong..."

Zhong Yukang still looked hale and hearty, wearing a long gown that he never changed all the year round, he looked like the kind of old man who told fortunes on the flyover.

He still looked unhurried, and always looked very calm, which made Ye Qiongyu a little anxious.

He strode over and grabbed Zhong Yukang's skinny hands.

"Old man, how is Yuqi?"

Zhong Yukang waved his hands impatiently, then sat down, raised his legs and lit a cigarette, then shook his head and spoke.

"I'm a little bit puzzled. Is it because you, the children of aristocratic families, like playing with drugs? You're so childish and boring!"

Zhong Yukang has never been afraid of anyone in his life, and he speaks directly, without fear of offending anyone. Ye Qiongyu already knew that there was nothing serious about An Yuqi.

"Old man, thank you for saving my wife's life. If there is anything you can help in the future, just ask, I, Ye, will follow suit."

He was respectful and respectful, and he did the Li Jie that a junior should have. It's just that Zhong Yukang has always had a weird temper, so he raised his hand to stop him.

"It's not necessary."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and took out his cigarette case, which was surprisingly empty, so Zhong Yukang raised his head in embarrassment, and his eyes fell on Ye Qiongyu.

"Boy, do you have a cigarette?"

Next, Zhong Yukang puffed out smoke rings leisurely, and looked Ye Qiongyu up and down by the way, wondering how the more he looked, the more he looked so similar to that old friend surnamed Qi, and his temper was almost exactly the same. How could there be such similar two people in the world? individually?
After a long silence, the whole room had already started to be filled with smoke. It seemed that the old man was still addicted to smoking.

There was already a no-smoking notice posted on the wall, but it still had no effect on him, Zhong Yukang.

"Old man, as you get older, you should smoke less. After all, it's not good for your health."

Zhong Yukang didn't have too many hobbies, and he just drank some tea and smoked a few packs of cigarettes on weekdays. How could he compromise when he heard this sentence, so he started to lecture Ye Qiongyu with his eyes wide open.

"Aren't I living well? Don't you look at what time it is, it's three o'clock in the middle of the night, you called me here in the middle of the night to this hospital where there are no ghosts, I'm sleepy and hungry, do you know that?"

Old people sometimes find it more lovely to play their temper than young people.

Ye Qiongyu smiled slightly, he had thought of this a long time ago, and snapped his fingers, the people outside walked in, and quickly put the food that had been prepared on the table.

The strong aroma of food permeated the entire ward, Zhong Yukang rubbed his stomach, and his eyes lit up instantly. 
"Since I invited you over, I certainly won't make you hungry!"

Within a few minutes, crab roe steamed buns, roast duck, roast goose, Gastrodia squab soup were placed on the table...

"Yes, it seems that you are still sincere."

Picking up a small steamed bun and putting it in his mouth unceremoniously, Zhong Yukang nodded repeatedly.

"It's really good, old man, I haven't eaten it for many years."

Leaning against the back of the chair, watching Zhong Yukang patiently eating a goose leg with each hand, Ye Qiongyu spoke slowly.

"Old man, I don't know what kind of poison Yuqi has been poisoned by?"

At this moment, Zhong Yukang had just stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, when he heard the question, he rolled his eyes and spoke vaguely.

"You don't even understand it, it's a kind of venom extracted from a plant, and its purity is relatively high."

After a pause, he took a sip of the soup and swallowed the food in his mouth. 
"However, this kind of poison is more difficult, and it usually lasts for several days. The first sign of poisoning is cold hands and feet, and later you will feel pain all over the body and difficulty breathing. The reason for breathing difficulty is that the throat is swollen and oppresses breathing."

"I'm not talking about you, you should check it out quickly! I don't know who has no conscience, who poisoned the girl so disgustingly, you can't let the one who suffered a thousand knives go!"

This is of course, these accounts will of course be settled once and for all, Ye Qiongyu's hand on the table gradually drilled into a fist.

But it's been a long time, and Zhong Yukang, who is full of greasy food, still didn't get to the point.

"Then how is she now?"

Hearing this, Zhong Yukang yelled in dissatisfaction with a face like you can't trust me.

"Boy, who am I, the girl will be fine, but the blood clot in her brain is almost gone, and overall she is recovering well."

Blood clot?Ye Qiongyu's eyes lit up, it seemed that this Zhong Yukang really wasn't the kind of person who made a name for himself.

"You mean, her blood clots are basically harmless?"

Looking at Ye Qiongyu like an idiot, Zhong Yukang shook a piece of bare duck leg bone in his hand, and Zhong Yukang's white beard trembled.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you think the old man means? I don't know what this girl has gone through. With such a small body, I don't know how many times she died."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed a duck paw and took a bite contentedly, then suddenly remembered something, raised his head slyly and stared at Ye Qiongyu.

Being stared at by him, Ye Qiongyu unnaturally glanced at his attire, it doesn't seem very strange today!

Soon, Zhong Yukang spoke, beckoning the man to come over mysteriously, and then spoke.

"When are you going to have a baby with the girl! Don't talk about you. The big man has been married for several years and has no children. Do you have any problems with that? I'll give you a pulse and go back and make some medicine. Guaranteed to fix it!"

When Zhong Yukang said this, he was very serious, as if he wanted to play for real.

"What joke is the old man! Of course I will work hard."

"Hahaha, that's good."

Zhong Yukang smiled like a child, looking extremely happy.

Not long after, the living An Yuqi was pushed out, her complexion looked much better, and all the toxins in her body had been removed by Zhong Yukang.

"Professor, I really trouble you."

An Yuqi apologized a little, but Zhong Yukang twisted her neck and snorted.

"If you feel guilty, give me a baby as soon as possible!"

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