Inside the dimly lit detention center.

Wang Linchang spent a lot of money to bribe the prison guards, so that he could enter smoothly.

The daughter, who was wearing a simple prison uniform, lowered her head, her face was half covered by her long bangs, and she couldn't see the expression on her face at all. Wang Linchang suddenly felt as if tens of thousands of needles were piercing his face fiercely. Like his heart, he spoke in a trembling voice.

"Yajun, raise your head and let Dad see you."

After being locked up in a separate confinement room for a few days, the first reaction of a woman who is completely accustomed to a quiet environment was rather slow when she heard the sound. Her handcuffed hands trembled slightly. She hesitated for a while, and then slowly raised her hand. beginning.

Wang Linchang was startled, is this still his lively and bright daughter?There are big dark circles under the two big eyes, the lips are pale as if sick, and there is a gray and unlovable feeling on the whole face.

"Yajun, are you okay?"

The jewel in his palm would actually suffer here. Wang Linchang seemed to feel his heart being slowly sliced ​​open one by one.

A few seconds later, Wang Yajun looked directly at his father, and he could vaguely see that it was covered with bloodshot eyes.

"Dad, do you think I'm okay?"

He held his daughter's hands tremblingly, but the touch was icy cold, and the heavy handcuffs on the slender wrists were even more unreasonable, and Wang Linchang's eye circles turned red all of a sudden.

"Yajun, don't be afraid, you have to live well in here, and Dad will rescue you in a short time."

Hearing this, Wang Yajun looked into her father's eyes in disbelief. On the day at the bar, she clearly saw the disgust in An Yuqi's eyes. That look wanted to cut herself into pieces, so how could she let herself out for a moment? Woolen cloth?
Let's talk about the overwhelming news, the confession video, and the messy comments below, isn't that a fatal threat?
Thinking of this, she suddenly realized that her father must have made some kind of deal, otherwise, otherwise, how could that bitch be willing to let it go!

"Dad, did you make any deal with them, Dad, why don't you talk, tell me!"

Shaking his head with a sad face, Wang Linchang's hair has basically turned white in just a few days, which looks shocking.

"You believe in Dad. Dad is still very capable. After a few days, all the negative news will be suppressed, and you can go home."

After a few seconds of stalemate, Wang Yajun bit his pale lips, and his questioning eyes fell on his father's face again.

"No, you're lying to me, I don't believe it, Dad, tell me the truth!"

Seeing this, Wang Linchang had no choice but to confide the truth.

"An Yuqi asked for half of Wang's assets, including equity."

A calm sentence, in Wang Yajun's ears, is like a stone falling into a calm lake, causing ripples one after another.

She bit her lip, her teeth were chattering, and she stood up from the chair with a roar.

"Father, are you crazy? That's the effort of the Wang family. Dad, how can you agree to such an unreasonable request from her!"

How could this be, how could things have become like this!
"Why are you so confused, I was released, and I have plenty of time, Dad, how can you give up so many things to the bitch, and make that adulterer and adulterer cheaper for nothing!"

Manager Wang Lin let out a long sigh, and Wang Yajun looked down at the heavy shackles on his hands and feet. If this pair of sluts appeared in front of her, she would definitely make them both die!
Struggling desperately, trying to get the handcuffs off his hands, unexpectedly, they seemed to be firmly attached to his wrists, no matter how hard Wang Yajun struggled, he couldn't get them off.

"Yajun, please calm down first. Now that things have become like this, you should stop messing around, okay? Listen to Dad, things finally calmed down."

Sensing that there was too much commotion inside, two prison guards rushed in. Seeing the situation, without saying a word, they jumped up and roughly pressed Wang Yajun on the chair.

"Warning you to be honest, or you will know the consequences yourself!"

Wang Yajun, who was pressed on the chair, felt unwilling, her body twisted and struggled constantly, she clenched her teeth, and finally a touch of blood appeared on her pale cheeks.

"I won't let this couple of dogs go so easily. As long as I can get out of this prison, I will definitely make their lives worse than death."

After a long sigh, Wang Linchang couldn't help feeling distressed and scared in his eyes. Those two people were obviously not easy to deal with.Who would dare to overestimate their capabilities and confront the powerful Ye family?
Soon, visiting hours came, and a policeman walked in to remind him softly.

"Mr. Wang, it's time, you should leave."

Soon, Wang Yajun was led by the police towards the confinement room.

Wang Linchang raised his tired eyes and watched his daughter disappear into the darkness without blinking. Then there was the sound of iron locks clanging, followed by a final click, and everything fell into peace. .

He suddenly turned around, let out a long, inaudible sigh, and left the detention center under the guidance of the police.

An's Group, in the staff's large office.

A man with a frivolous face was sitting on someone else's seat with his legs crossed, one hand propping up the table, the other touching his chin, winking at the woman at the next desk.

The woman's long hair was coiled up loosely, the makeup on her face was extraordinarily delicate, her perfect figure made her blood boil for a while, she turned her face slightly, and lazily put on a charming smile.

Wanting to refuse and welcome, Ji Chenglin's heart was filled with enthusiasm, and he moved forward a little more.

"Sister, are you going to have dinner together tonight?"

Ji Chenglin's behavior made the whole office unable to bear to look directly at him. There are many young and beautiful female colleagues in the company, but Ji Chenglin is obviously the kind of rich and noble brother who has nothing to do.

A monstrous face makes people unable to look away, and the famous tags all over the body make him yearn for so many girls. At this moment, I don't know how many people are envious of this girl, and the person who can't wait to throw herself into her arms will immediately change to Own.

The female employee raised her hand, raised her orchid finger and brushed the hair next to her ear, and then gently parted her red lips.

"Oh, I have to work overtime today!"

Hearing this, Ji Chenglin felt itchy, and the woman's voice penetrated into his heart immediately, like a little snake, scurrying around, so he supported the back of the woman's chair with his left hand, leaning forward to get closer again.

"What overtime work, I will give you extra overtime pay."

Seeing this female employee being so upbeat, Ji Chenglin felt a burst of joy, and boldly put his hand on the woman's delicate white hand, which was really soft and slippery.

Slowly walking forward bit by bit from the arm, the fire in Ji Chenglin's heart became more and more intense, staring at the faint spring color under the woman's V-neck overalls, his whole body felt like chicken blood excitement.

It didn't take long for his salty pig's hand to slowly reach his chest. The woman looked down, her face was flushed, and knocked off his hand pretending to be shy.

"Oh, so many people are watching!"

Even though he said so, his body was sincerely approaching Ji Chenglin. With such a good opportunity, if he could climb up to such a playboy, he would not worry about not being promoted in the future. With better luck, he might even take the opportunity to become a rich man. Madam, the wishful thinking in the woman's heart is crackling.

Standing in front of the huge glass door with her arms folded, Jiang Lan had long scolded Ji Chenglin's eighteenth generation ancestors.

Seeing Jiang Lan who didn't know when she appeared at the door, everyone immediately began to concentrate on their work, only the two people in the corner, Qingqing and me, were still performing the scene of hot eyes.

"General Manager Ji."

A moderate but cold voice sounded, Ji Chenglin shook his ears, let go of the woman in his arms like an electric shock, and turned his head with a smile.

"Why is Jiang Dong here?"

Jiang Lan walked over expressionlessly and stood beside the two of them.

"I'm still here. If I don't come, I'm afraid that General Manager Ji will do something indescribable with this girl! General Manager Ji seems to have a very rich life, and I really can't match it!"

Hearing the implication of her words, Ji Chenglin didn't care at all, and continued to smile like a normal person.

"Chairman Jiang, you may have misunderstood. I just want to have an in-depth exchange of feelings with the employees, which is conducive to the development of our company."

Really shameless, such a thick-skinned person is really rare.Jiang Lan cursed in her heart, then looked down at her watch.

"It's still early before get off work time. Since General Manager Ji is so free, why don't you come over and help me with something."

After finishing speaking, she walked straight to the door, and from the corner of her eye, she saw that Ji Chenglin hadn't forgotten to blow a kiss to that woman before he left.

Staggering all the way, putting his hands in his trouser pockets, whistling and walking unsteadily, Ji Chenglin followed Jiang Lan to a room that no one had visited for a long time.

When the door was pushed open, there was a creaking sound, as if it had been empty for many years, a musty smell came over the face, Ji Chenglin waved his hand immediately, with a displeased expression on his face.

"What the hell is this place!"

Jiang Lan didn't speak, and turned on the light with a snap. In the room that had been neglected for several years, cobwebs were everywhere, and it was filled with stacks of documents.

"Fuck, Jiang Dong, are you going to murder me? Why did you bring me to such a ghostly place?"

At this moment, Jiang Lan couldn't control the anger in her heart for a long time. After opening the window, she suddenly turned her head and swung an old fist.

"Fuck, Jiang Dong, you can't do this!"

Ji Chenglin jumped up immediately, slipped aside in a flash, barely dodged the punch, then touched his heart in fear and watched the scene, and opened his mouth with a mournful face.

"Jiang Dong, no sister Jiang, I shut up, I surrender!"

Seeing this, Jiang Lan clapped her hands, crossed her arms, and casually brushed her hair by her ear.

"These files are An's employee files over the past few years, and of course some are financial files. My task for you is to enter all these things into the computer. I have sent the administrator password to your email. The authority is also given to you."

After hearing these words, and looking at the hill-like documents in this room, Ji Chenglin obviously felt his legs tremble.

"So much, I can't finish it!"

Patting the man's shoulder, Jiang Lan had a slight smile on his face, then secretly pressed his hand against the computer desktop.

"General Manager Ji, I believe in you, do it quickly, if it's too late, you really can't finish it."

She finished her sentence lightly, leaving behind the man who had no love in her life, and left straight away.

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