Like wind and clouds, Jiang Lan tasted all the expensive-looking dishes on the table. Jiang Lan touched her round belly and glanced at the various salads on the table.

She didn't have much interest in these things, so she rolled her eyes, looked at the waiter next to her, and pointed to these salads.

"Give these to the other guests. In other words, the second young master of the Ye family invited everyone to eat."

Hearing this, Ye Zifan let out a strange sneer, his light-colored pupils stared at the woman in front of him without blinking, how could she let her continue to be presumptuous here?
"Jiang Lan, you are really good. I have never seen a woman like you, my lord."

While smiling and beckoning the waiter to take the salad away, Jiang Lan replied calmly.

"If that's the case, isn't Second Young Master Ye benefited from my favor and opened his eyes, maybe there will be more such things in the future!"

Blocked by this woman's words, unable to say anything, the irritable Second Young Master Ye clenched his fists again.

"You are a weirdo, snake spirit!"

He was really going to be pissed off here, and he still treated her as if she didn't exist, otherwise his life would be in danger, it's really too high.

The table was full of all kinds of food. It didn't look like an ordinary meal for two people. People who didn't know it thought it was a company party!
"No wonder you want to change the table and talk about Feng Shui!"

Concentrating on eating what was on the plate, Jiang Lan didn't even bother to raise her head, and spoke slowly with a caring expression on her face.

"Otherwise? You don't really think that Feng Shui is good, the reflection arc is long!"

It didn't take long for the eyes of those people in the restaurant to completely fall on their table.

Stared at by countless pairs of eyes, Ye Zifan felt ashamed and felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles. On the other hand, she looked at the woman opposite, she had a face of indifference, her eyes seemed to be unable to hold anything else except food.

From time to time, the voices of everyone's discussion reached the ears of the two people.

"Wow, I'm so envious of this girl, who has such a good boyfriend, who spoils her so much, when will God give me such a boy!"

"That's right, handsome and rich, the key is to spoil girls so much, my heart is going to melt."

"Really, the appearance is so high, I'm going to drool."

Amidst the girls' compliments, someone turned the goblet in his hand, adjusted the bow tie on the suit by the way, and glanced at the girls pretending to be casual,
So, the scene exploded again.

"God, sister, did you see it? He looked at me, really, too handsome, no, this man is really outstanding."

"You are so handsome, why am I not so lucky?"

"What are you looking at, you ugly bastards, even if we break up, I won't fall in love with you!"

Following this sentence, a table in the southwest corner next to it boomed, followed by screams from the girls.

"You little bitch dare to mock me, don't you look like a fat woman!"

"You fucking say it again, and see if I'll tear your bitch's mouth out!"

A war happened invisibly. In the end, the two women who were fighting each other's hair and clothes were dragged by two security guards and thrown out by the arms.

Watching all this happen, ignoring someone's smug face, Jiang Lan dug a large piece of ice cream into her mouth.

"These women don't have eyes yet."

Blinking provocatively, Ye Zifan tidied up his clothes.
"At least, other people have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering beauty, but you are simply blind. Young master, I don't look down on women like you at all!"

Jiang Lan raised her head, a sly look flashed in her big eyes, and Ye Zifan immediately cried out.

Sure enough, she pointed at him with the fork in her hand, and spoke with great interest.

"It seems that your influence is far inferior to that of your elder brother. If Ye Qiongyu was there, I think the whole restaurant would rush forward like crazy to show their hospitality."

After finishing speaking, she buried her head and continued to eat.

To this.Ye Zifan seemed completely dismissive, and took a sip of the red wine in the glass.

"If my brother was here, a noisy woman like you would have been kicked out a long time ago! Can you still be allowed to point fingers here?"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Lan almost bit her tongue, but her heart was strong, so a smile soon appeared on her face.


Ye Zifan felt the skin on his body tremble, and all the hairs on his body stood up like a hedgehog. He leaned back on a conditioned reflex, and then stared at her malicious little face vigilantly.

"What are you going to do, and what crooked ideas are you thinking?"

Putting down the tableware in her hand, Jiang Lan rested her chin with her hand, and looked at the terrified man opposite with a wicked look.

"Why don't you treat me to dinner a few more times, I am very satisfied with your hospitality."

This time, Ye Zifan was in a bad mood immediately, and if he did it a few more times, he would be completely pissed off.

"Let's go!"

Picking up the napkin and wiping the corners of his mouth, he looked at the woman across from him with disgust, Ye Zifan couldn't stay here any longer.

Picking up the tableware at hand again, and forked a piece of meat, Jiang Lan obviously didn't intend to let him go so cheaply, her mouth was full of food, and she spoke vaguely.

"What are you doing, I haven't finished eating yet!"

His eyes fell on her round belly, Ye Zifan's eyes widened again.

"Damn it, you're not a woman, men can't eat like that, okay?"

Seeing the woman in front of her eating there non-stop, Ye Zifan spoke in a heartbroken voice.

"Jiang Lan, I beg you, can you pay attention to your own image? It's really broken all over the place. I really don't know if that muscle is wrong, so I invite you to dinner."

Hearing this, Jiang Lan wiped her mouth and belched contentedly, with a satiated smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I think so too, so in the future, Second Young Master Ye, don't come and harass me for nothing. For example, it's OK to leave it to the assistant to do things like sending documents."

Do you think it's rare for me to send you documents?Ye Zifan swallowed this inner monologue forcefully in his stomach, and went to pay the bill with a stinky face.

A thin black VIP card was swiped lightly on the pos machine, and Jiang Lan shook her head with emotion, it should be another expensive expense.

"Thank you, Second Young Master Ye, for your hospitality. I ate very well today. Well, I won't disturb Second Young Master Ye. Let's go first."

Waving her hands and stroking her belly, Jiang Lan staggered out of the hotel, ready to part ways, but the man grabbed her arm with his backhand, with a weird smile on his face.

"So you want to leave?"

Under the dim light of the street lamp, Jiang Lan, who was a little drunk after drinking a little wine, looked at the man opposite him. He was slender and had exquisite features, especially those eyes, which were so shining that people could hardly forget them at a glance.

"What are you doing with my mother?"

"During the meal before, you seemed to say that it was not as delicious as the roadside stall, so take me to try it?"

Immediately, Jiang Lan stared at the man in front of him like a monkey in a circus for a few minutes, then turned her head, and by the light, she saw a small barbecue stall not far away, and the stall owner was sitting in front In front of the charcoal fire, there is a Buddhist barbecue.

Facts have proved that men are annoying, and men like Ye Zifan are even more difficult to deal with.

I don't know if Ye Qiongyu is such a person, but he is a brother after all, the way of torturing people should be similar.

"Boss, let's have some barbecue!"

After yelling, Jiang Lan unceremoniously sat down around the small square table, and then stared at Ye Fan who was wriggling and disgusted and unwilling to sit down like a monster, and couldn't help feeling a little disgusted.

The foot in the high heels was kicked by the way, and Ye Zifan couldn't keep his balance, so he fell down on the long bench and stared at her through gritted teeth.

The barbecue was served quickly, and Jiang Lan carefully sniffed the smell of meat in the air.

"That's right, that's what it tastes like."

Next, Ye Zifan looked at the iron stick stained with carbon black in front of him, and he still didn't know what to say. He had never eaten on such a cold roadside when he was so old, and this one didn't look like it. What a comforting thing. 
"Hurry up, it's annoying to be so annoying."

Jiang Lan handed over a meat skewer, which almost hit him in the face, and she screamed loudly from the hot meat in her mouth.

Swallowing, Ye Zifan closed his eyes, and took his first bite with the feeling of a strong man breaking his wrist.

The rich smell of meat spread in his mouth, with the smoke of charcoal fire and unknown seasoning, it was so delicious that he wanted to swallow it with his tongue.

This time it was Jiang Lan who was holding a beer bottle beside her, watching the barbecue sticks on the table slowly pile up into a hill, and someone was stroking her belly with unsatisfactory desire.

"Really delicious."

Glancing at the man like an idiot, Jiang Lan got up to check out, but one hand blocked her behind, and Ye Zifan handed the boss a ticket with strange English letters.

Shining it on the light, the boss looked confused, and there was a little more anger on his face.

"Young man, do you think I'm easy to bully, using such obvious fake money to fool me?"

Jiang Lan next to him burst out laughing, why does Second Young Master Ye look so stupid, so cute!
"Why do you give him US dollars, he doesn't know him, let me do it!"

The boss took the money, still looked at the two of them worriedly, and then pulled Jiang Lan away.

"Little girl, this young man is not a good person. He cheated even such a small amount of money. Don't be cheated by him."

Seeing this, someone's face was darker than the bottom of the pot in an instant, Jiang Lan covered her mouth and laughed, the mockery in her eyes was self-evident.

After paying the bill swiftly, the two of them walked on the deserted boulevard. Jiang Lan opened her arms to face the howling wind, feeling very comfortable.

Patting the young master on the shoulder, Jiang Lan shook his head.

"Okay, I have to go back. Is Second Young Master Ye going to send me back?"

Damn, she is obviously a lady from a rich family, so she doesn't look like a lady in every gesture.

While Ye Zifan was thinking, Jiang Lan opened the car door, stepped on the accelerator skillfully, and galloped away like flying.

Only Ye Fan, who was left in place, roared there.

"You fucking drunk drive, do you know that!"

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