Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 451 Sun Yao's Helper

So Shi Shi pushed Lin Lang's hand, pretending not to care, took Lin Lang's chopsticks and continued to eat chicken wings, while saying: "What do you want to think about getting married? Isn't it good that we are like this now?" ?"

Then, she didn't hear Lin Lang's voice.

Looking back, seeing Lin Lang in a daze, Shi Shi elbowed him, "Lin Lang, are you alright?"

Only then did Lin Lang come to his senses, and shook his head, "It's okay, I'm fine."

His tone was very perfunctory, but Shi Shi didn't take it seriously, said "oh", then stopped talking and continued eating chicken wings.

In the end, the whole plate of chicken wings went into Shi Shi's stomach.

After leaving Shi Shi's house, Lin Lang sat in the car for a long time.

Calculating the time, he and Shi Shi have only been together for a few months, so it seems a bit abrupt to talk about getting married.

But thinking about it carefully, didn't Huo Jingyuan and Qiao Ruoqing have been together for a few months, and even have children?

After thinking about it again, Lin Lang probably understood: Although they have been together for several months, he has not proposed to Shi Shi yet.

Let's wait until next year, Huo Jingyuan said, he will be promoted next year, and he will propose to Shi Shi after he is promoted, and Shi Shi will definitely agree.

After Lin Lang made up his mind, when he was about to start the car, a call came in on his mobile phone. It was an unfamiliar number, and his place of ownership was the imperial capital.

After hesitating for a short time, Lin Lang picked up the phone, "Hello, who is it?"

"I'm Sun Yao." The other party cut to the chase, "Mr. Lin, do you want to meet?"

Before Lin Lang could answer, the person on the other end of the phone said again: "I mean, now."

Lin Lang took the phone from his ear and carefully looked at the eleven digits on the phone screen.

Sun Yao... I have never heard of it.

Putting the phone back to his ear, Lin Lang asked, "Excuse me, do we know each other?"

"Although Mr. Lin doesn't know me, I do know Mr. Lin." Sun Yao replied, "I sent an address to Mr. Lin's cell phone. Mr. Lin, come here now."

Then, without waiting for Lin Lang to speak, Sun Yao hung up the phone.

Just after the call ended, Lin Lang's mobile phone received a text message, which was an address and a signature at the end.

"Sun Yao..." Lin Lang said the name silently, and drove over according to the address Sun Yao gave him.

It was a clubhouse. When Lin Lang arrived, he directly reported Sun Yao's name, and a waiter took him there immediately. It was a private room.

At the door of the private room, the waiter opened the door, stood sideways respectfully, and Lin Lang walked in.

The space in the private room is not too big, about [-] square meters, and it is very elegantly furnished. There is a plum blossom inserted in the white porcelain vase. Although it is a simulation, it seems to be able to smell the fragrance.

Glancing at the man sitting on the sofa, Lin Lang asked, "Mr. Sun, it seems we haven't met before."

He has never met, but he has an impression of this name.

When Wu Shan framed Huo Jingyuan back then, this man named Sun Yao also appeared, and he was Wu Shan's assistant at that time.

However, Lin Lang didn't say anything about this relationship.

"Didn't you see it now?" Sun Yao made a "please" gesture to the empty sofa next to him, "Mr. Lin, please sit down."

Lin Lang unbuttoned his suit, sat down, and looked straight at Sun Yao, "Mr. Sun asked me today, what's your business?"

"I want to discuss a deal with Mr. Lin." Sun Yao pushed a blue folder in front of him towards Lin Lang.

Lin Lang opened the folder, it was empty, there was no document, only a check, and there were many zeros after the one.

Lin Lang only glanced at it, and without carefully looking at the specific amount on it, he turned his gaze to Sun Yao's face, "What do you mean?"

"I know that Huo Jingyuan is cautious. He trusts very few people. Mr. Lin is one of them." Sun Yao kept shaking a glass of wine in his hand, but he didn't drink it, just staring at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang found it funny, "Mr. Sun, since you know Mr. Huo trusts me, you should also know that I will not betray Mr. Huo."

He felt that the Mr. Sun in front of him didn't look stupid. He didn't need to say such things, the other party should understand.

In fact, Sun Yao did understand, but he didn't take it to heart.

Shrugging his shoulders, Sun Yao said in a calm voice: "I know that Mr. Lin is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and I admire such a person the most. Don't worry, Mr. Lin, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, then I will definitely not miss your benefits." .”

He pointed to the folder in front of Lin Lang, "What's in it is just a meeting ceremony."

Lin Lang's fingers curled up slightly.

Although he is an executive of the Huo Corporation, he is also working for others after all. Although he didn't look at the number just now, he thought it was quite a lot.

But even so, in the eyes of the other party, it was just a meeting ceremony.

Taking a breath, Lin Lang said calmly, "Mr. Sun has found the wrong person. I am an employee of Mr. Huo."

"Did you just refuse?" Sun Yao's smile remained undiminished, but there was some cunning in his eyebrows, "Mr. Lin didn't even think about it? You are working for Huo Jingyuan in the Huo family. How many years will it take you to earn this money?"

Ignoring the twitching corners of Lin Lang's mouth, Sun Yao continued: "Also, with all due respect, as a man, he always wants to give women a better life."

Lin Lang's expression froze suddenly.

A pair of eyes seemed to be frozen, and they swept straight to Sun Yao's face, as if wanting to punch a hole in it, Lin Lang asked in a calm voice, "What do you mean by that?"

Even though his tone was frighteningly cold at this time, Sun Yao was not affected at all, he just said: "What do I mean, Mr. Lin still doesn't understand? I will offer you a very generous offer, let you give Shi Shi is the bride price."

Lin Lang's hands clenched into fists, and his neatly manicured nails pinched in the palm of his hand.

Where did Sun Yao want to give him money as a dowry?This is clearly...using Shi Shi to blackmail him.

"Sun Yao, don't go too far!" Lin Lang warned.

Sun Yao took a sip of his wine, "I can't live too far, it depends on Mr. Lin's attitude, it depends on how Mr. Lin chooses."

Lin Lang lowered his eyes, looked at the folder in front of him, "What do you want me to do?"

Hearing Lin Lang's weakness, Sun Yao's mouth twitched, "Nothing to do, just provide me with Huo's information when I need it."

Lin Lang pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, he got up to leave.

As soon as the person walked to the door, before he put his hand on the doorknob, Sun Yao's voice came from behind: "Mr. Lin, stop."

Lin Lang turned his face sideways, "I've already agreed, what else do you want?!"

His temper is not bad, he rarely gets angry, and rarely speaks to others in such a tone.

And it was rare for Sun Yao to meet someone who talked to him like this.

But he didn't care at all, he tapped the glass top of the coffee table with his fingertips, "Mr. Lin, you forgot something."

It's that check.

Lin Lang gritted his teeth, and every word he said seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth: "I don't need it!"

"No, you need it." Sun Yao's voice also sank a bit, "Only if you take the money and help me do things, can I really keep your girlfriend safe."

Lin Lang turned his head abruptly, looking at the man sitting on the sofa with red eyes.

Sun Yao did it on purpose.

If he didn't take the money, he could only be coerced, but if he took the money, he was taking advantage of Sun Yao. Even if Lin Lang wanted to explain to Huo Jingyuan in the future, Huo Jingyuan would not believe it.

This Sun Yao was careful!

Lin Lang went back to the coffee table, opened the folder, and took the check.

Before leaving, she warned Sun Yao word by word: "If anything happens to my girlfriend, I will never let you go!"

Sun Yao didn't speak, just looked at Lin Lang with a faint smile.

Lin Lang hated such a face.


Although Qiao Ruoqing was pregnant, the news was not made public, and even Zhou Liang didn't know about it, so she went to the company every day as before, doing whatever she had to do.

She was sent to the hospital that day, and Li Yanran called her at night. After confirming that she was in good health, Li Yanran confirmed the cooperation between the two parties, and signed the contract as quickly as possible, allowing Qiao Ruoqing to The factory under her name supplies her electrical company.

Sometimes, the two would go out to eat and go shopping by appointment. Fortunately, Qiao Ruoqing didn't have morning sickness, so Li Yanran didn't notice anything wrong.

Shi Shi was extremely nervous. Huo Jingyuan told her that she must pay attention and supervise Qiao Ruoqing so that she could not let Qiao Ruoqing wear high heels, which made Shi Shi very stressed.

When she was under a lot of pressure, she would go to Lin Lang and chat with Lin Lang for a while, and she felt that all the pressure was gone, and she was in a great mood.

But one afternoon, when Shi Shi went to look for Lin Lang, he found that Lin Lang got out of a car alone.

When Lin Lang got out of the car, his expression was not good, and even his hands were clenched into fists.

He has a good temper, which is rare.

Shi Shi was excited at first, but now seeing Lin Lang like this, she immediately became worried, trotted over, took his arm and asked him, "What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Lang was really not in a good mood. Now that Shi Shi appeared, he was even a little nervous, and he stuttered: "You... When did you come?"

He didn't see it.

"Just now." Shi Shi glanced in the direction of the car, with a confused expression on his face, "I saw you getting off that car, but you seemed to be in a bad mood, so I ran over to find you. Then Who is in the car?"

Shi Shi couldn't figure out, even Lin Lang, who was always calm in front of Huo Jingyuan, had such an expression when he met.

Lin Lang was even more flustered at this time.

He agreed to help Sun Yao steal the Huo family's secrets, but the Huo family has no major plans recently, and he has no relationship with Sun Yao. I don't know how much Shi Shi has seen.

Fortunately, according to what Shi Shi said, she didn't know who the other party was.

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