Where did Qiao's offend them?Everyone likes to have trouble with Joe so much.

However, to Qiao Ruoqing, such a question was a little naive.

"Who can say for sure about the things in this world? And there are some things for which there is no reason." Qiao Ruoqing said.

Even if it were found, it would be unacceptably ugly.

However, Qiao Ruoqing didn't say these words in front of Shi Shi.

After sorting out the documents in front of her, and confirming a few questions with Shi Shi, Qiao Ruoqing stood up, "Let's go, let's go see Mr. Li."

This Li is always Qiao Ruoqing's new client. If she can get an order from him, then Qiao's crisis will be alleviated.

Shi Shi nodded and followed behind Qiao Ruoqing.

Zhou Liang had always been in contact with Mr. Li before, but Shi Shi had never been in contact with him before, so he naturally thought that someone who could achieve the position of "Mr. Li Yongqiang from the previous company is the same.

But after they met, Shi Shi realized that she was wrong, and it wasn't just a little bit wrong.

The woman in front of her was wearing a red dress, with curly long hair, exquisite makeup, and a very light perfume smell, which made people feel very comfortable.

Such an elegant woman is about 30 years old at most.

Looking at Mr. Li, and then at Qiao Ruoqing beside her, Shi Shi unconsciously compared the two, and then came to the conclusion: when Qiao Ruoqing is 30 years old, she must be just like this Mr. Li, elegant and elegant. And charming.

No, it should be more elegant and charming than her.

Shi Shi was still thinking, President Li and Qiao Ruoqing had already taken their seats.

Mr. Li's original name was Li Yanran, and he was easy to talk to, and he got along well with Qiao Ruoqing. Qiao Ruoqing called her "Sister Li", and she called Qiao Ruoqing "Xiao Qiao."

The conversation with Qiao Ruoqing was very positive, and after finishing the original cooperation, Li Yanran said again: "Xiao Qiao, I heard that there are several factories under your name, all of which produce electronic components, you can accompany me to visit in the afternoon Let's go."

She happened to have a few electrical appliances factories looking for suppliers, and Qiao Ruoqing could talk to her, so she wanted to go and have a look. If it was suitable, she might as well ask Qiao Ruoqing's factory to supply them, which would be safe and easy.

Of course, Qiao Ruoqing would not refuse the door-to-door business, so she accepted it, and immediately took Li Yanran to the factory.

On the way here, Shi Shi called the factory manager, so when they arrived, the factory manager was already waiting at the door, and when he saw Qiao Ruoqing's car stopped, he immediately came up and opened the door graciously.

However, just as she was about to enter the factory, Qiao Ruoqing suddenly felt sick and almost vomited out, so she quickly covered her mouth.

Li Yanran was walking beside Qiao Ruoqing, seeing Qiao Ruoqing's reaction, subconsciously supported her, and asked, "Little Qiao, how are you? Are you okay?"

Qiao Ruoqing waved her hand, just said "it's okay", and immediately began to retch again.

Li Yanran also heard about what happened to Qiao's recently, and suggested: "Are you too tired? Otherwise, you can go back first, and I can go in and have a look by myself."

The factory manager also said: "That's right, Mr. Qiao, I'll just take Mr. Li in. You can go back first."

Qiao Ruoqing has already arrived here, so she didn't agree to leave the client here and go back by herself.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing like this, Li Yanran felt a little distressed, and was still thinking about how to persuade Qiao Ruoqing, but before she could think of a suitable way to say it, Qiao Ruoqing beside her suddenly rolled her eyes and passed out.

The people at the scene immediately panicked, Shi Shi hurriedly carried Qiao Ruoqing into the car with the help of the factory manager, and said to the factory manager, "I'll take Ruoqing to the hospital first, and I'll leave it to you, President Li. "

The factory manager nodded again and again, "You go, you go, Mr. Qiao, don't let anything happen to you!"

When walking back, there was already a layer of sweat on the factory manager's forehead.

Seeing the nervousness on the factory manager's face, Li Yanran comforted her, "Don't worry, Xiao Qiao will be fine."

Knowing that the other party was trying to comfort him, the factory manager first said a word of thanks, and then shook his head, "Recently, our company seems to be unlucky. There are too many things, and Mr. Qiao has been supporting him... Some time ago, there was a Joe Mr. is here, now... alas!"

Li Yanran didn't say anything else, but just glanced in the direction of Qiao Ruoqing's car leaving.


When Qiao Ruoqing woke up, Huo Jingyuan was beside her. Qiao Ruoqing thought she had made a mistake, and stared at Huo Jingyuan for a long time, not only did she not speak, but she didn't even blink her eyes.

Originally, Huo Jingyuan was quite happy to see Qiao Ruoqing woke up, but now seeing Qiao Ruoqing just staring at him without saying a word, he was startled again, hurried over, touched Qiao Ruoqing's forehead, and asked softly: " Wife, how are you? Is there any discomfort?"

"No..." Qiao Ruoqing replied, and looked around, it was a hospital ward.

She propped up her hands to sit up, Huo Jingyuan immediately put a pillow behind her so that she could lean more comfortably.

"Why are you here?" Qiao Ruoqing felt strange.

She obviously took Li Yanran to the factory to see the assembly line, now what...

"You fainted, Shi Shi sent you to the hospital, and then called me." Huo Jingyuan replied.

Qiao Ruoqing was slightly startled, then smiled suddenly, and said helplessly, "That girl Shi Shi is really too, didn't she just faint? I'm just too tired recently, and I'll be fine if I rest for a while, and she still has to send me here Hospital……"

Just send him to the hospital and call Huo Jingyuan over.

She felt that Shi Shi was making a big fuss like this, but Huo Jingyuan didn't think so at all, he just stared at Qiao Ruoqing with a smile on his face, like a fool.

It is rare to see Huo Jingyuan laugh like this, Qiao Ruoqing felt creepy, hugged the quilt a little tighter, and then asked: "Jingyuan, are you alright?"

As he said that, he looked down at himself again, "Could it be that I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Huo Jingyuan covered her mouth, kissed her ear, and said in a low voice, "Honey, you're pregnant."

Qiao Ruoqing was stunned, and it took several seconds to fully react, but she still couldn't believe it, she stared at Huo Jingyuan and asked, "What did you say?"

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing staring at him with wide eyes, Huo Jingyuan only felt that the more he looked the cuter he was, and he said what he said just now.

Qiao Ruoqing blinked her eyes, then blinked again, covered her belly with her hands, and said cautiously, "Pregnant? So we're going to be parents soon?"

"Yes." Huo Jingyuan nodded, and pressed the tip of Qiao Ruoqing's nose against Qiao Ruoqing's, "Honey, we have a baby."

Huo Jingyuan had a child not long after receiving the certificate. Huo Jingyuan had never thought about such a thing before.

Qiao Ruoqing was stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed, maybe because she was so happy, she even laughed out loud.

The child... She actually has a child.

There is a little life in her belly, which is the crystallization of her and Huo Jingyuan's love... Great, it is their child.

But before she was happy, the smile on Qiao Ruoqing's face faded.

Noticing the change in Qiao Ruoqing's expression, Huo Jingyuan hurriedly asked, "Honey, what's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Qiao Ruoqing shook her head, and held Huo Jingyuan's hand, "Jing Yuan, I have no other intentions. I'm happy to be a mother, but I don't want to let things get out now."

Because she was afraid that Huo Jingyuan would misunderstand her, Qiao Ruoqing spoke in a low voice and was very careful.

She thought that Huo Jingyuan would be unhappy, but Huo Jingyuan understood it very well, and nodded immediately, "I think so too, don't worry, I have already greeted Shi Shi, tell her not to tell others, no one will Know."

After hearing what Huo Jingyuan said, Qiao Ruoqing was relieved.

Jiang Mingxuan made it clear that he wanted to avenge Jiang Yuan, especially knowing that Qiao Ruoqing was Huo Jingyuan's weakness, so he held on to Qiao Ruoqing.

In this case, if he was told that Qiao Ruoqing was pregnant, maybe he would do something to Qiao Ruoqing and the child.

So the safest thing to do is to conceal this matter first, and then disclose it after Jiang Mingxuan returns to the neighboring city.

Fortunately, that girl Shi Shi has a strict mouth.

What Qiao Ruoqing didn't know was that the girl who was strict in her eyes shared the good news with her boyfriend during dinner that night.

She often eats out with Lin Lang recently, and she is a bit tired of eating, so she asks Lin Lang to cook at her house at night.

Naturally, Lin Lang would not refuse, so he agreed without saying a word, and then went to the supermarket to make a big purchase and made a bunch of Shi Shi's favorite dishes.

While waiting for dinner, Lin Lang could see that Shi Shi was in a good mood, so he asked Shi Shi casually, and Shi Shi immediately told about Qiao Ruoqing's pregnancy, and finally told Lin Lang: "I tell you, this matter You must keep it a secret, and don't let others know, otherwise I will never end with you!"

She still had food in her mouth, and her cheeks were bulging, but she had a ferocious look on her face. She looked fierce, and the more she looked at her, the cuter she became.

Lin Lang pinched her nose, "I see, don't worry."

Only then did Shi Shi continue to eat contentedly.

Putting a piece of coke chicken wings into Shi Shi's bowl, Lin Lang asked her: "Mr. Qiao and Mr. Huo are having a baby so soon, when will we have a baby?"

Shi Shi was engrossed in eating the chicken wings, not paying attention to what Lin Lang said, let alone analyzing it carefully, and asked without distraction: "What?"

"My child." Lin Lang put down his chopsticks, pulled Shi Shi's shoulders, forcing her to look at him, "Shi Shi, when will we get married?"

Now that Shi Shi understood, the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground.

Knot... knot...marry?
Aren't you talking about Qiao Ruoqing and Huo Jingyuan?Well done, how did it get involved in their marriage?
Shi Shi blinked her eyes several times, but couldn't figure it out, and finally asked, "Ruoqing and the others have a child, what does it have to do with us?"

She asked the question, and she was happy, but Lin Lang was unhappy, and suddenly cried, "We have been together for so long, have you never thought about marrying me?"

"Marriage..." Shi Shi actually didn't think about it.

But this kind of thing always requires a man to speak first. If she said that she had thought about it before, wouldn't it appear that she wanted to marry Lin Lang a long time ago?
How embarrassing is that?

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