Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 412 Tang Lan Injured

Although Zhou Liang didn't say anything, it's not that she doesn't know what's going on with the Qiao family and how much money the Qiao family has.

For Qiao Shi, Group H is a hungry wolf, and she must drive this wolf away as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Joe's will have endless troubles.

Zhou Liang was worried, "Then I will go with you."

"I'll go by myself." Qiao Ruoqing's voice was calm, "The other party said, let me go alone."

Otherwise, she would not be able to get those materials.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing was about to leave, Zhou Liang immediately stopped in front of her, "Mr. Qiao, we don't even know who the other party is now, what if this is a trap?"

"I have to go if it's a trap." Qiao Ruoqing looked at Zhou Liang with firm eyes, "Besides, I haven't seen it yet, how do I know if it's really a trap? What if the other party really has the information we need?"

Although she said it firmly, Qiao Ruoqing knew in her heart that Zhou Liang was worried about her.

Moreover, Zhou Liang's concerns are not without reason.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Ruoqing said, "If I haven't come back in two hours, you can go again."

This is also a compromise.

Zhou Liang couldn't stand Qiao Ruoqing, so he had no choice but to agree.

Li's Courtyard is a tea house, not high-end in the south of Jiangcheng.

The south of the city is not as developed as other urban areas. It is very old and the prices are cheaper. The people living in this area are not as hardworking as those in other urban areas. They are all old or young.

When Qiao Ruoqing arrived, there were many tables on the first floor of Li's small courtyard, and four people were surrounding each table, playing mahjong.

The rubbing sound of mahjong is very loud, coupled with the words of various market people, it is very noisy.

There were men and women playing mahjong, about 50 to [-] years old, and some of them were still holding palm-leaf fans in their hands. When they saw a young and beautiful girl coming in from the door, they couldn't help but look over here.

It's rare to come here for a girl of her age who still dresses so high-end. The proprietress of Li's small courtyard is in her early thirties, with a child, and wears a V-neck dress every day. Those old men think it's very seductive. , now there is a younger and hotter one, I can't help staring at him twice more.

Such gaze instinctively made Qiao Ruoqing feel uncomfortable.

Frowning slightly, Qiao Ruoqing walked in while facing the gazes of those people.

The high-heeled shoes stepped on the concrete floor, making rhythmic noises. Her fair and slender legs were basking in the sun, and being stared at by those people made her feel hot.

Quickly going to the counter, Qiao Ruoqing said to the proprietress who was coaxing the child, "Hello, I have an appointment to meet here."

The proprietress raised her head to look at her, her eyelashes trembling with mascara, and asked her, "Is your surname Joe?"

Qiao Ruoqing nodded.

The proprietress also nodded, "Upstairs, 207, I'm waiting for you inside."

Then he lowered his head and continued coaxing the child.

Qiao Ruoqing said "thank you" softly, and walked up the old-fashioned wooden stairs.

There is a creeper planted outside the teahouse, climbing up the teahouse, hanging down at the edge, which is very beautiful and cool.

There are several private rooms upstairs, and the number is posted on the door. Qiao Ruoqing found 207, held the doorknob in her hand, turned it lightly, and the door opened.

However, when she opened the door, she didn't see anyone else, only Tang Lan lying on the sofa.

"Aunt Tang?" Qiao Ruoqing called out, but the people on the sofa didn't move.

She felt that something was wrong, and when she walked in, she saw blood on Tang Lan's forehead and blood on her hands.

Next to the sofa, there was a broken celadon vase that also had blood on it.

"Aunt Tang? Aunt Tang!" Qiao Ruoqing yelled twice, but Tang Lan never responded, so Qiao Ruoqing took out her mobile phone and wanted to call an ambulance before calling the police.

But when she took out the phone, something hit the back of her neck suddenly, her eyes went dark and she passed out.


When Qiao Ruoqing woke up, she was in the hospital with the police beside her. Zhou Liang was explaining something to the police, looking very anxious.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing opened her eyes, Zhou Liang walked over immediately, but was stopped by the police in front of her again, so she had to stand where she was, looked at Qiao Ruoqing and asked, "Mr. Qiao, are you awake? How are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"Neck hurts." Qiao Ruoqing responded, sat up with her hands supporting her body, and asked, "What's going on?"

The policeman by the bed looked at her and asked, "Are you Qiao Ruoqing?"

"I am." Qiao Ruoqing rubbed her neck.

It still hurts.

After a while, Qiao Ruoqing remembered the situation in the private room at that time, and immediately became nervous, asking, "Where is Aunt Tang? How is she?"

Hearing Qiao Ruoqing ask about Tang Lan's situation, Zhou Liang's expression immediately became a lot more complicated.

Sensing that something might have happened to Tang Lan, Qiao Ruoqing was about to get out of bed with her hands on her hands, and at the same time asked, "Is she also in this hospital? I'll go and see..."

However, before she could stand up, she was stopped by the police.

After staring at Qiao Ruoqing for a few seconds, the policeman asked, "Miss Qiao, can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

Qiao Ruoqing froze for a moment, then asked, "What's going on?"

"After you arrived at the small courtyard of Li's family." The policeman held a pen and paper in his hand, as if preparing to take notes, "After you arrived, Tang Lan was beaten unconscious and has not yet woken up. The porcelain is broken There are only your fingerprints on it."

After hearing the police explain the situation, Qiao Ruoqing was even more confused.

So, what the police meant was that she knocked Tang Lan unconscious?
"It wasn't me. Aunt Tang had passed out when I arrived." Qiao Ruoqing explained, "I opened the door and saw Aunt Tang lying on the sofa. When I got closer, I found that there was broken porcelain in front of the sofa. I just wanted to open the door. When the ambulance was called, someone knocked me out from behind."

When she woke up, the person was already here.

The policeman listened to her words, but didn't believe her, and looked at her face carefully.

Zhou Liang who was on the side immediately said: "Our relationship between Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Huo has always been very good, she has no reason to do that."

The police disagreed, "But according to the reliable information we got, Mrs. Huo seems to have some mental problems recently. Not only did she go to Huatian to make trouble twice, but you also had conflicts in the mall a few days ago."

While talking, the policeman took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video, and handed it to Qiao Ruoqing.

The video played on the phone was taken when she and Tang Lan were arguing in the mall that day.

"Miss Qiao, is that you up there?" the policeman asked.

Qiao Ruoqing pursed her lips, "It's me."

"So you have a motive," said the policeman.

"I didn't. Aunt Tang has always been very kind to me. I wouldn't treat her that way just because of this, and I'm not that kind of person." After thinking for a while, Qiao Ruoqing immediately thought of something, "If you don't believe me, , you can adjust the monitoring, there must be another person in that private room."

The police sized up Qiao Ruoqing, and said indifferently, "There is no surveillance in the small courtyard of the Li family."

Qiao Ruoqing thought about it, and she was right.

It is a very old tea house, and there should be no monitoring.

But, just because there was no monitoring, just because she was there when they arrived and Tang Lan passed out, could it be said that she did it?
"But I didn't do that." Qiao Ruoqing clenched the quilt tightly, "There was really someone at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have been injured and passed out."

After a pause, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "How did Aunt Tang and I find out? Who called the police?"

This time it was Zhou Liang who spoke: "It's the proprietress of Li's small courtyard. She saw that you hadn't come down for a long time, so she went up to have a look, but no one answered when she knocked on the door. When she opened it, she found you and Mrs. Huo All fainted in there."

Qiao Ruoqing frowned fiercely, staring at her hands without making a sound.

The policeman immediately said: "Besides, according to the proprietress' statement, the only people who went up to the second floor that day were you and Mrs. Huo."

The implication is that Mrs. Huo couldn't knock herself out.

Qiao Ruoqing couldn't argue with anything at all.

So many people saw her enter the small courtyard of the Li family, and there was also the testimony of the proprietress.

There were even her fingerprints on the pieces of porcelain.

All evidence points to her.

Taking a deep breath, Qiao Ruoqing calmed down and asked, "How is Aunt Tang?"

"I fell into a deep coma. The doctor said that I might become a vegetable." Zhou Liang replied.

Qiao Ruoqing's heart sank suddenly.


If that's the case, what about the Huo family?What should Huo Jingyuan do?
"It's really not me." Qiao Ruoqing raised her head to look at the policeman, her eyes met his.

"Although there are my fingerprints on the shards of porcelain, they may have been put on by others after I fainted, and if it was really me who did it, I don't have to do that in a place with so many people, Even if I do, I will definitely leave immediately and will not wait for you to come over."

The police did not speak immediately.

Although they suspected that Qiao Ruoqing did it, Qiao Ruoqing's words were not without reason.

It's just that all kinds of evidence point to Qiao Ruoqing. She is still an important suspect, and Tang Lan won't be able to wake up for a while...

"Miss Qiao, please cooperate with our investigation." The policeman said, "Since you are awake and the doctor said you are fine, please come with us to the police station."

Upon hearing this, Zhou Liang quit immediately, and protested: "No way. Mr. Qiao, the chairman of Qiao's, was taken away by you so casually, which is not good for the company's image. Moreover, you have no definite evidence ..."

"Mr. Zhou, calm down." The policeman interrupted Zhou Liang, "We just asked Ms. Qiao to go back to assist in the investigation, and what we said just now is evidence."

Not only physical evidence, but also personal evidence.

No matter which one, it's not good for Qiao Ruoqing.

Qiao Ruoqing went through everything in her head, quickly calmed down, and said to Zhou Liang: "Zhou Liang, don't worry, I'll just go there."

Anyway, as long as the matter is found out, she will be fine.

"But..." Zhou Liang wanted to say something, but Qiao Ruoqing shook her head slightly at herself.

In desperation, he nodded and agreed.

"While I'm not around, take care of the company, and take care of my uncle." Qiao Ruoqing said, then looked at the policeman in front of her, "I want to see Aunt Tang first."

The police didn't object and took her there.

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