Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 411 Unfamiliar Text Messages

"Your Aunt Tang, how is she?" Qiao Yu asked.

"Very nice, very gentle person." Qiao Ruoqing replied, "Aunt Tang and my mother are good friends, and have always taken care of me."

And in the beginning, it was Tang Lan who encouraged her to be with Huo Jingyuan, creating various opportunities.

Qiao Yu just laughed, "Since that's the case, why is she so well-behaved and suddenly a different person?"

Qiao Ruoqing was startled.

Qiao Yu continued: "I've watched the video of you in the mall, and it doesn't seem like something a gentle person can do or say."

In fact, Qiao Ruoqing also felt very strange about this.

The recent series of things are too strange, especially Tang Lan's attitude towards her.

Tang Lan used to be tolerant and understanding of everything about her, but recently, Tang Lan's whole person has changed.

Thinking of what Wilson said to herself, Qiao Ruoqing hurriedly asked, "Uncle, do you think it was the H Group's fault?"

Qiao Yu shook his head without thinking, "It's unlikely. Wilson should be responsible for the construction site, but he shouldn't attack a woman like Tang Lan."

After a pause, Qiao Yu said again: "Besides, his target is the Qiao family, and the person who offends the Huo family is an extra problem for him. What's more, how can you be sure that Tang Lan's matter is caused by someone? ?”

"Because it's really abnormal." Qiao Ruoqing replied honestly, "I really can't think of anything else except this."

Qiao Yu stared at Qiao Ruoqing, and finally reminded: "Don't you think she looks sick?"

Pointing to his own head, Qiao Yu continued, "Here."

It might seem impolite to say that though.

But according to Qiao Yu's investigation and understanding, this is the most likely.

Otherwise, he really couldn't explain why such a gentle, generous and considerate woman suddenly became like this.

But after hearing Qiao Yu's words, Qiao Ruoqing also felt that it was very likely that it was the case.

But if this is the case, Tang Lan kept talking about her and Huo Jingyuan, wouldn't she be driven crazy by their affairs?
In other words, it was because of her?

In an instant, Qiao Ruoqing's mood changed from aggrieved to guilty.

"Uncle, I'm going back to my room first." Qiao Ruoqing stood up from the sofa as she spoke, and was about to run upstairs.

Qiao Yu immediately stopped her, and when she looked back in a daze, Qiao Yu smiled and pointed to the sofa, "Mobile phone."

Feeling being seen through in an instant, Qiao Ruoqing blushed and went upstairs with her mobile phone.

Back in the room, Qiao Ruoqing locked the door and called Huo Jingyuan.

Huo Jingyuan answered it quickly, and before Qiao Ruoqing could speak, he said first, "I just wanted to call you, but I saw the video on the Internet. Ruoqing, my mother..."

"Jing Yuan, it's my fault." Qiao Ruoqing couldn't hear Huo Jingyuan's guilty voice, she would feel even more guilty, so she interrupted simply, "Aunt Tang must be in a hurry because of our affairs, that's why she became like this, You're going to be sick, aren't you?"

Huo Jingyuan was silent for a moment before asking: "You know?"

Qiao Ruoqing nodded slightly, remembering that the person on the other end of the phone couldn't see it, so she moved her lips, "I guess so."

However, from Huo Jingyuan's question just now, is he really sick?
Huo Jingyuan should know what she was thinking, and said without waiting for her to ask: "It's mania, my dad just called me."

Upon hearing these three words, Qiao Ruoqing's heart ached, and she quickly asked, "Can it be cured?"

"Well, my dad went to the doctor and prescribed some medicine." Huo Jingyuan pinched the bridge of his nose, "I haven't been home recently."

He dare not.

As soon as he went back, Tang Lan would inevitably ask him about his marriage to Qiao Ruoqing again when she saw him, and then she would lose control of her emotions again.

Qiao Ruoqing grabbed the hem of the clothes with one hand, and lowered her head in self-blame, "It's all my fault... If it wasn't for me, Aunt Tang wouldn't..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Huo Jingyuan interrupted her.

But it was just interrupted like this, and there was nothing else to say.

He didn't know what to say.

Yes, what can he say?Does it really have nothing to do with Qiao Ruoqing?Even, does it really have nothing to do with him?
"Ruoqing, I still have something to do here, you go to bed early later." Huo Jingyuan's voice was very soft.

Qiao Ruoqing responded softly, and said: "Don't be too busy, go to bed early."

After hearing Huo Jingyuan's reply, Qiao Ruoqing hung up the phone.

Holding the phone in the palm of her hand, she pursed the corners of her lips and frowned deeply.

So sad.

It was all because of her that Tang Lan became like this.

Looking up, there is a vast night outside the window. In the darkness, the scenery is not real, only a vague shadow.

But even so, no matter how uncomfortable she was, even if she didn't sleep well all night, she still had to get up early in the morning and go to work.

Qiao Yu was sitting in the living room reading the morning newspaper, and was about to go out after breakfast, when he heard the sound from the stairs, he turned to Qiao Ruoqing, a little surprised, "Ruoqing, do you want to rest at home today?"

The kid has been so tired lately.

Qiao Ruoqing shook her head, "Uncle, I'm fine. It's not appropriate that I'm not here at the company."

Qiao Yu then folded the newspaper and put it on the coffee table, and went to the dining room with her.

Uncle Wang just prepared breakfast and poured a glass of milk for each of them.

Qiao Ruoqing's complexion was not good, she had put on a heavy foundation to cover the dark circles under her eyes, Qiao Yu could see it, but she didn't say anything.

When I went to the company, sure enough, the company was already in chaos.

In one afternoon, the company's stock fell several points, and it is not known what will happen when the market opens.

Qiao Ruoqing held a high-level meeting when she arrived at the company, and many people clamored for Qiao Ruoqing to explain.

Explaining yesterday's video, explaining her so-called messy relationship.

Qiao Ruoqing got a headache from the quarrel, and ordered several departments to do what they should do, and asked the public relations department to deal with the rumors on the Internet as soon as possible, but after several days passed, the situation did not improve.

After the meeting again, when she returned to the office, she asked Shi Shi to make her coffee.

Seeing Qiao Ruoqing's appearance, Shi Shi asked hesitantly: "Ruoqing, are you okay? You drank too much coffee recently, or I..."

"Just coffee, stronger." Qiao Ruoqing interrupted Shi Shi.

She had to stay sober and nothing could go wrong.

Zhou Liang came in with the documents, so Shi Shi quickly asked him for help, and asked him to persuade Qiao Ruoqing in a low voice.

"It won't work if this continues, Ruoqing's body won't be able to take it anymore." Shi Shi said.

Zhou Liang looked at Qiao Ruoqing, who was constantly rubbing her forehead, and said to Shi Shi, "Do as she says."

Shi Shi's eyes widened immediately, "What are you talking about? If Qing is crazy, why are you also crazy? If she continues like this, her body..."

"Do as she says first, and I'll do the rest." Zhou Liang said.

Shi Shi frowned again, then nodded and went out.

Qiao Ruoqing had already looked towards Zhou Liang at this time, and immediately said after seeing him: "Zhou Liang, you came just in time, I told you at the meeting..."

"Mr. Qiao, you need to rest." Zhou Liang held the document in his hand, not intending to give it to Qiao Ruoqing.

Qiao Ruoqing shook her head, "I'm fine."

She needed to rest, but she couldn't sleep, and she didn't dare to sleep.

Every time she managed to fall asleep, Tang Lan's face would appear in her dream, and there would be a picture of Tang Lan yelling at her.

It was because of her that Tang Lan became like this, and because of this, Huo Jingyuan didn't even dare to go home.

Qiao Ruoqing was worried about Tang Lan and Huo Jingyuan, but she didn't even dare to call them to ask, for fear of irritating someone accidentally.

Therefore, she can only work non-stop to numb herself in this way.

Seeing that Zhou Liang still didn't intend to give her the documents, she didn't want them either, and asked another question: "Has there been any progress with the H Group?"

"They've been eyeing two of our projects recently, and they're talking about them." Zhou Liang answered honestly, "And the conditions offered are very generous, and the partner is biased towards them, and it's very likely that they will cooperate with them."

Qiao Ruoqing frowned immediately, "Isn't it just money? Plus."

Recently, the H Group has been using all kinds of despicable means to grab orders from Qiao's. Zhang's side is getting rich, but Qiao's is almost empty.

Zhou Liang didn't speak, but the expression on his face was very gloomy.

He also wanted to add money to keep those two orders, but... there was no money left.

The company's liquidity is very limited. In order to buy the shares held by Zhao Xin and Li Yongqiang, Qiao Ruoqing even mortgaged the villa she lived in.

And now the company's stock price has plummeted...

If this continues, Joe's will soon become an empty shell.

"Mr. Qiao, do you want to go to Huo..."

"No." Qiao Ruoqing shook her head before Zhou Liang finished speaking, "He has been very annoying recently, don't bother him."

Also dare not.

After all, Tang Lan became like this because of her.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing had spoken, Zhou Liang didn't dare to say anything more, so he nodded and put the document in his hand on Qiao Ruoqing's desktop.

Just as she was about to leave, Qiao Ruoqing's cell phone rang, and there was only one short sound.

is a text message.

He stopped and turned to look at Qiao Ruoqing.

Qiao Ruoqing picked up the phone and sent a text message from an unfamiliar number, with only a few lines of text: [Come to Li's small courtyard in the south of the city, I have information on Group H, and I can help you defeat Group H, but only you Come alone, or you'll never get these things. 】

Qiao Ruoqing read the content twice, and then glanced at the number, but she didn't remember it at all.

She couldn't believe it, so she dialed the phone, but the other party had already turned off the phone.

"Who is it?" Zhou Liang asked.

Qiao Ruoqing handed the phone to Zhou Liang.

Zhou Liang took the phone, only looked at it once, and immediately said: "No, Mr. Qiao, we don't know who the other party is yet, so you can't go."

After a short period of panic, Zhou Liang's thoughts began to gather, "I'll check this number first."

No matter what, you have to figure out the identity of the other party first.

Qiao Ruoqing stood up from the chair.

"I'll go right now."

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