Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 306 Ambiguous Photos

Hanging up the phone is not enough, Yao Shuangshuang also turned off Qiao Ruoqing's cell phone, as if this could relieve her anger a little.

After a while, when she raised her head, she happened to meet Qiao Ruoqing's eyes, and only then realized belatedly that it was not her mobile phone... It seemed a bit too much for her to do this...

So, she pressed the power button again, handed the phone to Qiao Ruoqing, and said, "I'm sorry, Ruoqing, I'm so excited, so..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Qiao Ruoqing coaxed, and took the phone over. Seeing that Meng Zizhao was calling again, she quickly turned off the phone and asked, "Shuangshuang, what's the matter with you? What you just said...why?" Is it possible? Is there some misunderstanding?"

"How could it be a misunderstanding?!" Yao Shuangshuang's voice became louder again, "A woman called him, and the voice sounded like a monster. How could it be a misunderstanding?!"

Next, Yao Shuangshuang told Qiao Ruoqing about the matter.

It turns out that Meng Zizhao has been busy with company affairs recently, and he spends much less time with Yao Shuangshuang.

The two had an appointment for dinner tonight, and Meng Zizhao called when he was ordering drinks for Yao Shuangshuang, and he asked Yao Shuangshuang to answer it for him, and when Yao Shuangshuang answered the phone, he heard a woman's voice. Said to wait for Meng Zizhao in the hotel room, see or leave or something like that.

At the end, Yao Shuangshuang scolded: "Tell me, how could this be a misunderstanding?! I just said why he is always so busy recently, and every time I asked him to accompany me, he said that he didn't have time! So he was busy with others!"

Maybe it was really wronged, Yao Shuangshuang finally stopped tears and fell down again.

Qiao Ruoqing heard it from the beginning to the end, carefully organized her thoughts, and asked, "Then... what did Meng Zizhao say?"

According to her understanding of Meng Zizhao, Meng Zizhao probably wouldn't do that kind of thing.

It must have been a misunderstanding.

"What can he say? How could he admit such a thing?!" Yao Shuangshuang stared, and continued to scold: "He said it was a misunderstanding, that it was just a client... How can there be a client who meets in a hotel room at night? "

Qiao Ruoqing supported her forehead, and said with difficulty: "Shuangshuang, actually... Maybe it's just a misunderstanding... Meng Zizhao is not like that..."


Qiao Ruoqing was stunned when Yao Shuangshuang, who was always lively, uttered foul language.

Yao Shuangshuang didn't notice it at all, and continued: "Ruoqing, let me tell you, in this world, all men are the same, and there is no one who doesn't cheat! If you get tired of dealing with one person, sooner or later, you will go to another person. !"

Qiao Ruoqing rolled her eyes uneasily, "Not necessarily, right? I think Mr. Yao just..."

"How can Meng Zizhao compare with my dad?" Yao Shuangshuang opened his eyes wide, "Can he be half of my dad? Ruoqing, stop joking!"

Now, Qiao Ruoqing stopped talking.

Now that Yao Shuangshuang is angry, the other party won't listen to what she says, so she can only say nothing first.

Maybe wait until I get some sleep and it will be fine tomorrow morning.

But Yao Shuangshuang was so angry because of this incident that she couldn't sleep very late, holding Qiao Ruoqing's arm and scolding Meng Zizhao for almost two or three hours.

When Yao Shuangshuang finally fell asleep, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Qiao Ruoqing yawned, looked at the dozens of missed calls displayed on the phone, sighed, left the room, and called Meng Zizhao.

Meng Zizhao probably didn't sleep, the call was connected very quickly, he hardly hesitated, as soon as the call was connected, he asked: "Ruoqing, is Shuangshuang with you? Why haven't you answered my call for so long? I called Her phone can't get through, I..."

Hearing Meng Zizhao's urgent tone, Qiao Ruoqing couldn't get in when she wanted to speak, so she could only wait for him to finish before saying, "Shuangshuang is here with me, don't worry. I will call you only when she is asleep .”

Although her words were very tactful, Meng Zizhao could hear it.

She didn't call him until Yao Shuangshuang fell asleep. In other words, Yao Shuangshuang didn't want Qiao Ruoqing to answer his call, right?
Seeing that Meng Zizhao was silent, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "What's the matter with you? Is what Shuang Shuang said true?"

Meng Zizhao didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "What did she say?"

Qiao Ruoqing repeated what Yao Shuangshuang said.

Then, she heard Meng Zizhao sigh over there, "She's right, a woman called me and asked me to go to the hotel room..."

Qiao Ruoqing was originally standing against the wall, but when she heard this, she immediately stood up straight, and she even held the phone even tighter.

Meng Zizhao on the other end of the phone continued: "But that's just one of my clients. She has a crush on me, but I always refuse, and I have clearly told her that I have a girlfriend... If I really have a girlfriend with her What, then can I ask Shuangshuang to answer the phone for me?"

Of course Qiao Ruoqing understands this truth, and Qiao Ruoqing also said this just now.

But Yao Shuangshuang just didn't believe it, what could she do?
Glancing into the room, Qiao Ruoqing persuaded: "She's sleeping with me tonight, you can see when you can explain things to her clearly."

After a pause, she added: "She is so angry because she cares about you."

Meng Zizhao obviously understood this point very well, "I know, if it wasn't because she cared, she wouldn't care about what happened to me with other women."

After a while, he suddenly sighed again, "But, I also care about her... You know, if I want to talk about business, it's impossible not to deal with women... If it's like this every time, then from now on..."

Qiao Ruoqing wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Meng Zizhao spoke first:
"However, it's my fault anyway. I didn't handle it well. Ruoqing, I'll trouble you to take care of Shuangshuang tonight. I will definitely handle that matter... If she scolds me, you can help her." Scold her together, don't persuade her, so she will feel better in her heart."

Qiao Ruoqing scratched her hair.

This Meng Zizhao is really... understanding.

She was really trying to persuade Yao Shuangshuang at the beginning, but every time she tried to persuade Yao Shuangshuang, Yao Shuangshuang became more angry, so she stopped trying to persuade Yao Shuangshuang, and instead helped Yao Shuangshuang to scold together, Yao Shuangshuang was really in a bad mood much better.

However, of course, she couldn't tell such a thing directly in front of Meng Zizhao, she just said: "Okay, I know it in my heart, don't worry."

Meng Zizhao said "hmm" and remembered another thing: "By the way, how is Jing Yuan doing in New York?"

"I don't know. I was afraid of disturbing him, so I didn't have much contact with him."

After careful calculation, Huo Jingyuan has been in New York for a week.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's always done well in business."

"Ok, I know."

Just after finishing the call with Meng Zizhao, Qiao Ruoqing was going to go back to sleep, but as soon as she turned around, her phone rang.

But this is not the phone ringing, but only one ringing.

This is the notification tone she set for her mailbox.

It's past twelve o'clock, what emails are there?
Qiao Ruoqing originally thought it was spam and wanted to click on it to delete it, but when she actually clicked into the mailbox, she couldn't move her fingers at all, and her eyes were also focused on the phone screen, and she couldn't move away at all.

On the phone screen, it was... Huo Jingyuan's photo.

It would be fine if Huo Jingyuan was alone, but there was another person - Wu Shan, and the two of them seemed to be...kissing? !

By the way, why did she forget that last time Huo Jingyuan said that she would transfer Wu Shan abroad.

Qiao Ruoqing frowned and enlarged the photo to make sure that the two people were really Huo Jingyuan and Wu Shan.

Suddenly, she recalled what Yao Shuangshuang said tonight: all men are the same, and there is no one who does not cheat.

So, could it be that Huo Jingyuan and Wu Shan...

No, isn't she the clearest about what happened to Huo Jingyuan in his previous life?This photo must be fake. Now that technology is so advanced, what's the difficulty in making a few fake photos?

Thinking of this, Qiao Ruoqing felt a little better, and wanted to delete the email, but after clicking the option to confirm deletion, she hesitated again.

Let's keep it...maybe it will be useful in the future?

After exiting the mailbox, Qiao Ruoqing looked at the time.

At this time, Huo Jingyuan should be eating lunch, right?
Thinking that she hadn't talked to Huo Jingyuan on the phone for a long time, Qiao Ruoqing found Huo Jingyuan's cell phone number and dialed the number.

The call was connected quickly, but the environment over there was a bit noisy, and Huo Jingyuan's voice was caught in it, a little unclear: "Ruoqing, what's wrong?"

"No, I missed you, so I'll give you a call." Qiao Ruoqing pursed her lips, "Are you still busy?"

"Well, there are still some things that haven't been dealt with." Huo Jingyuan replied.

Qiao Ruoqing said "Oh", and was about to tell Huo Jingyuan to remember to eat on time, but before she could say anything, she heard a girl's voice: "Jingyuan, here is the coffee and sandwich you wanted."

Although she hadn't heard this voice for a long time, Qiao Ruoqing immediately recognized it: it was Wu Shan's voice.

So, they really are together.

"Jing Yuan, who is that?" Qiao Ruoqing asked.

"An assistant." Huo Jingyuan lowered his voice, "There is a twelve-hour time difference between China and New York. It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

If the relationship between Huo Jingyuan and Wu Shan is normal, then there is no need to lie.

Qiao Ruoqing's heart that had just been let go just now became a little uneasy again. She wanted to talk about the quarrel between Yao Shuangshuang and Meng Zizhao, so as to test Huo Jingyuan, but thinking that Huo Jingyuan was still busy, she finally held back.

At this time, don't let him be distracted.

Holding the hem of the pajamas tightly with one free hand, Qiao Ruoqing said warmly: "Didn't I say that? I miss you... But since you are so busy, I won't bother you."

Huo Jingyuan answered quickly: "Well, I love you."

Then, he hung up the phone.

Qiao Ruoqing slowly took the phone from her ear, hesitated for a while, and finally clicked into the mailbox.

Looking at the few ambiguous photos inside, although she knew it was probably fake, Qiao Ruoqing still felt uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable.

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