Reborn Sweet Wife: Quan Shao's favorite

Chapter 305 I want to go abroad once

It's rare to see Shi Shi's blushing face, Qiao Ruoqing held back her smile and said, "Okay, okay, I was joking with you, look at you, you actually take it seriously."

While talking, she also pushed the man forward, "Go on a date, I won't delay you, if I ruin your marriage, I can't afford it."

Shi Shi's face became even redder, and she pretended to give Qiao Ruoqing a fierce look, "Ruoqing, you...why are you talking nonsense again? I'm ignoring you!"

She looks so cute like this, if Qiao Ruoqing was not afraid of delaying her date, she even wanted to tease her again.

After Shi Shi left, the smile on Qiao Ruoqing's face faded, she took out her mobile phone from her bag, and prepared to make a call to Huo Jingyuan.

However, she had just finished typing in Huo Jingyuan's phone number, and Huo Jingyuan called first.

Without a moment's hesitation, Qiao Ruoqing picked up the phone and raised it to her ear: "I heard something happened to the Huo family? Is it serious?"

I don't know if her words were too sudden, or if she spoke too directly, Huo Jingyuan didn't answer right away.

After several seconds, Huo Jingyuan asked, "Are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Well, I just got home." Qiao Ruoqing replied.

Huo Jingyuan hesitated for a while before saying, "I'm coming to find you now."

Then, hang up the phone.

This was the first time the two of them spoke since Huo Jingyuan left the hospital that day. Qiao Ruoqing didn't expect him to hang up the phone just like that.

After staring at the phone in her hand for a while, Qiao Ruoqing suddenly laughed.

Not because I was in a happy mood, but because I was laughed out of anger.

It seems that Huo's matter is not small, it can make Huo Jingyuan become like this!
But even if something happened to the Huo family, then you can't use her as a punching bag, right?Did she have anything to do with that?
The more Qiao Ruoqing thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Huo Jingyuan came very quickly, and arrived at Qiao's house in less than half an hour.

He didn't come here once or twice, and the servants of Qiao's family knew about his relationship with Qiao Ruoqing, so they didn't stop him and let him go upstairs.

When he entered the room, Qiao Ruoqing was sitting on the bed with her pillow in her arms. Perhaps she heard the sound of the door opening, so she raised her eyelids and glanced at the door.

He just glanced at it, then lowered his head, and asked in a cold voice: "Mr. Huo is willing to come here?"

Huo Jingyuan also knew that he had neglected Qiao Ruoqing these two days because of the company's affairs, and he felt guilty, so he didn't get angry with Qiao Ruoqing, but said: "I'm going to New York."

Qiao Ruoqing raised her head in surprise, and looked at him with wide eyes, "New York?"

Could it be that things over there have become so serious?Do you have to let Huo Jingyuan go there in person?

"How long are you going?"

"I don't know." Huo Jingyuan sat down on the edge of the bed, took Qiao Ruoqing's hand off the pillow, and held it in his palm, "I know you're still angry with me, but if there's anything else, I'll talk about it when I get back. Take care of yourself while you're away."

Qiao Ruoqing pursed her lips.

Actually, she wasn't that angry.

Although she knew at the time that Huo Jingyuan drove Qian Youwei away, she was indeed very angry, but two days had passed, and what made Qiao Ruoqing angry was that Huo Jingyuan hadn't contacted her at all during these two days.

But later, when she found out that something happened to the Huo family, she didn't take it too seriously. If it wasn't because Huo Jingyuan hung up the phone too simply, then she wouldn't even show Huo Jingyuan's face.

She supported Qiao's family, and Huo Jingyuan was behind her to help her, and she already felt very strenuous. What's more, Huo Jingyuan still carried the entire Huo family on his shoulders alone?

"Then be careful yourself, no matter what happens, don't worry." Qiao Ruoqing instructed.

Huo Jingyuan nodded, agreeing to her words, but suddenly remembered another thing: "I left Cheng Han to take care of you."

Qiao Ruoqing never thought of this.

It took Qiao Ruoqing five seconds to digest this sentence. She understood what it meant, but she didn't understand Huo Jingyuan's intention. "Why did you keep Cheng Han? Isn't he your assistant?"

Going out, going abroad again, how can you do it without a familiar person by your side?
"I'm worried about you being alone." Huo Jingyuan's face was a bit serious, "It's like fainting that day..."

"That was an accident." Qiao Ruoqing quickly interrupted, "And I already have Zhou Liang and Shi Shi by my side, that's enough, it's better for Cheng Han to go abroad with you."

After a pause, she added, "Isn't it very troublesome if you go abroad alone and don't even have a compliant person?"

Huo Jingyuan wanted to say something else, but Qiao Ruoqing put her palm on his lips with a serious look on her face, "No matter what, you have to listen to me about this matter, otherwise I will get angry."

Huo Jingyuan hesitated for a moment, but he finally didn't say what he wanted to say, but just nodded.

Holding Qiao Ruoqing in his arms, Huo Jingyuan said softly, "Be careful about work, remember what I told you."

When he said this, Qiao Ruoqing subconsciously thought he was talking about Qian Youwei, and quickly said: "It's fine, Qian Youwei just likes to be greedy for cheap things, it's human nature."

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing couldn't be persuaded, Huo Jingyuan stopped trying and nodded.

Qiao Ruoqing asked again, "When are you leaving?"


Out of surprise, Qiao Ruoqing poked her head out of Huo Jingyuan's arms, "Why all of a sudden?"

"Hmm." Huo Jingyuan looked serious, "I have to get there as soon as possible, lest things get worse."

Originally, because of Qiao Ruoqing's illness, he didn't want to go abroad, and thought that he could control the matter remotely in Jiangcheng and finish the matter, but he didn't expect that this matter was so difficult, and his actions these two days had no effect at all.

Or because people are not there, some things are not clear enough.

It was also because of this that he had to go abroad.

Qiao Ruoqing understood, "Then remember to call me, no matter what happens, don't take it by yourself, just tell me, maybe I can help you."

Although her words sounded childish, Huo Jingyuan's heart warmed and he scratched the bridge of her nose.

Originally, Qiao Ruoqing wanted to go to the airport to see Huo Jingyuan off, but because her illness was just recovering and it was night, Huo Jingyuan refused.

The two had been talking on the phone until Huo Jingyuan got on the plane before hanging up.

Looking at the mobile phone in her palm, Qiao Ruoqing didn't know why, but she always had a strong sense of insecurity in her heart, as if something would happen.

After Huo Jingyuan arrived in New York, because of the time difference, he was too busy, so he didn't have much contact with Qiao Ruoqing.

And because Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to disturb him or distract him, she hardly ever called him or even sent him a message.

But because there are too many things in the company, she doesn't feel bored, she spends her time at work every day, and when she is free, she either goes shopping with Shi Shi, or eats with Yao Shuangshuang.

But one night, Yao Shuangshuang ran to Qiao Ruoqing's house crying.

She has a lively and cheerful personality. Qiao Ruoqing never thought that she would cry, so she was terrified at that time, pulled her into the room, and asked while wiping her tears, "Shuang Shuang, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Yao Shuangshuang cried so sadly that she couldn't even speak.

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was Meng Zizhao calling.

Qiao Ruoqing was still thinking, and just asked Meng Zizhao to persuade Yao Shuangshuang, who knew that Yao Shuangshuang threw her phone on the quilt as soon as she saw the caller ID.

Later, feeling so perplexed, he hung up on Meng Zizhao and turned off the phone without saying anything.

It was the first time Qiao Ruoqing saw Yao Shuangshuang like this, she was stunned.

It took her a long time to ask, "Shuangshuang, are you...arguing with Meng Zizhao?"

Yao Shuangshuang wiped away her tears and said angrily, "Who wants to quarrel with him?!"

"..." Qiao Ruoqing was just guessing just now, but now it seems that she is certain.

After handing two tissues to Yao Shuangshuang, Qiao Ruoqing asked, "What's wrong? What happened? Do uncles and aunts know you're here?"

After being told by Qiao Ruoqing, Yao Shuangshuang remembered that she had come here after the quarrel with Meng Zizhao, and she hadn't told her parents about it yet.

Stopped crying, Yao Shuangshuang sniffed, grabbed Qiao Ruoqing's sleeve and begged, "I... I forgot... Ruoqing, can you call my mom for me? I want to sleep with you tonight here."

Looking at Yao Shuangshuang's appearance, although she is not crying anymore, her voice is still very obvious. If she is asked to call home at this time, she will definitely be heard.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ruoqing called Mrs. Yao by herself and told about Yao Shuangshuang sleeping with her tonight.

Of course, Mrs. Yao was worried, and kept asking if something had happened. Qiao Ruoqing had no choice but to say that she had a fight with Huo Jingyuan and she was in a bad mood, so she dragged Yao Shuangshuang to accompany her. Only then did Mrs. Yao believe it.

During the whole process, Yao Shuangshuang looked at Qiao Ruoqing nervously, for fear of missing a punctuation mark, until she saw Qiao Ruoqing hang up the phone, she was relieved, but immediately burst into tears.

Qiao Ruoqing's ears had just been quiet for a while, and she heard Yao Shuangshuang crying again, and she was a little broken. She handed Yao Shuangshuang a tissue for the Nth time, and asked while passing it back, "Shuangshuang, stop crying, what happened? Look Look at you, your eyes are swollen from crying."

Yao Shuangshuang grabbed all the tissues, wiped away her tears indiscriminately, and then hugged Qiao Ruoqing.

"Ruoqing... Ruoqing, that bastard Meng Zizhao, he betrayed me!"

The girl who was crying just now said this very loudly, full of anger.

Qiao Ruoqing was startled.

betray?Mencius Zhao?

"Impossible?" The more Qiao Ruoqing thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, "Shuangshuang, doesn't Meng Zizhao like you very much? He holds you in his palm every day, how could he..."

"That's all an illusion!" Yao Shuangshuang interrupted Qiao Ruoqing's words, and said bitterly.

Qiao Ruoqing wanted to ask what was going on, but she heard her mobile phone ringing, she took it over and saw that it was Meng Zizhao calling.

She was still hesitating whether to answer it, but Yao Shuangshuang also saw the caller ID, snatched her mobile phone, and then hung up the phone.

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