Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 69: Retelling the Past

"How do you know he killed your parents?"

"He has a daughter who is domineering and domineering, and finally slipped the words."

"The very ugly daughter?" Gao Zifeng asked in surprise. After all, the Lin family had an ugly daughter who was notoriously ugly.

"Oh, both father and daughter deserve what they deserve. After my parents died, they didn't want me to feel better. They drugged me, threw me into the arms of a group of dog men in a nightclub, and forced me to have sex with them. I escaped I didn’t know what happened afterwards. Then they told my boyfriend that I had cheated. Although I tried to defend myself, my boyfriend didn’t trust me. In the end, I left me alone and went to the United States.”

The woman propped her head on her hands in pain. "They ruined my family and my love. Even so, they still don't intend to let me go. They can still ruin me. Lin Yide arranged my marriage and married me to a hairy man with a sexual perversion. The wealthy businessman used it as a toy..." The woman couldn't restrain her emotions, and covered her face with her hands and sobbed.

"After being imprisoned by them in a forest, I have been planning to escape there. Finally, one day I managed to escape from their supervision, but the forest was so big that I couldn't escape. His daughter sent someone to catch up with me very quickly. I was I was forced on a cliff with no way out, so I dragged his daughter down the cliff together. Fortunately, by the grace of God, I was rescued by you. Not only did I not die intact, but her daughter was also disfigured. Really Heaven has eyes." The woman said with a sneer.

"Yuhan, I didn't expect you to go through so many unpleasant things before. Lin Yide and the others are damned." Gao Zifeng slammed his fist on the steering wheel: "I really love you. If you need anything from me, just ask me, I will help you." Come out and beat them up for you, hey, if only I knew earlier, you really took advantage of Lin Yide today."

"Really, if I were you, I'd beat him out of his teeth. The bloody hypocrite."

"Wait until tomorrow, it will be the trial period of Lin Yide. It is really gratifying."

At this time, the Fang family...

"Is there any clue about the case?"

"Master Fang, the criminal police informed that the driver who caused the accident has been found. I believe the truth will be found out soon, please wait patiently."

"I can't wait any longer, find out for me quickly, and let me give her justice." Hanging up the phone, Fang Wenxu let out a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

Ever since Fang Wenxu knew that what happened to Lin Yuhan back then was deliberately designed by Lin Yide and the others to frame her, he began to investigate the case of Lin Yuhan's parents. Unexpectedly, he really let him find out the driver who caused the accident.His helping Lin Yuhan in this way was nothing more than atonement for his original behavior.I owe her too much, so I can only help her by doing what I can.

The next day, the court held the trial of Lin Yide's tax evasion case on time.

"Lin Yide's tax evasion case was finally sentenced to five years in prison..."

After appearing in court, Lin Yide lost his mind. After five years... After these five years, he has nothing.

"Is it Lin Yide?"

He was blocked by a group of men in police uniforms: "You are suspected of being the mastermind of the Lin couple's car accident, please come with us." The man showed his criminal police work card.

"Boom!" Lin Yide fainted to the ground.

Those who owe people will definitely have a day to repay the debt.Lin Yide was finally sentenced to 25 years in prison.

In the end, the Lin Group was also acquired by the Qin Group.As for why Qin Sijie bought this disorganized group, the reason is...

"Dong dong dong" a knock on the door startled Lin Yuhan who was indulging in thoughts.The woman raised her eyes and said, "Boss Qin? It's rare that you knock on my door first when you come in. You used to come in directly all the time."

"Seeing how preoccupied you are, I want to scare you." Qin Sijie's tone was slightly mischievous.

"What were you thinking just now?"

"I heard that my parents' case has also been dragged out for trial. I was wondering who helped with this? It won't be you?"

"I'm really not sure about this. The case of your parents was directly covered by Lin Yide back then. I didn't expect it either. Maybe one of the parties at the time revealed this matter. But it's been like this for more than 20 years Even if he is squatted in prison, he will not be able to lift the prodigal son."

"I can't think of one."

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it, Yuhan, I have a surprise for you."


"Here." He handed a contract to the woman.

"How did you acquire the Lin Group?"

"Look carefully..."

"Lin Yuhan..."

"That's right! I bought this group for you. It was originally yours, and now it's completely returned to Zhao."

"Qin Sijie..." The woman looked at the man in disbelief.

"Yuhan." The man hugged the woman: "Can you feel my heart for you? I love you, Yuhan. I am willing to do anything for you and give everything to you. Can you promise me, Have you always been by my side?"

"Qin Sijie, what's wrong with you?" The woman in her arms wanted to push the man away, but was bound even tighter by the sudden warmth.

"Promise me."

"I..." The woman hesitated: "We've only known each other for such a short could..."

"But I just love you, so be mine forever."

A man's stubbornness is tyrannical but gentle.The woman couldn't help but soften her heart.

"Both Xiaoyu and I need you, Yuhan."

Hearing the word Xiaoyu, the woman's heart trembled: "Okay, I promise you."

"Great, great." The man was so excited that he hugged the woman and spun around for a while, not at all like President Bingshan as usual.

The woman also showed a happy smile, and her own love began like this.

On this day, Qin Sijie always had a happy face.The unstoppable smirk on his face almost made the subordinates around him unable to believe that this was his boss himself.

"Boss Qin has a meeting in half an hour."

"Understood, puchi." (Can't help laughing)
"Boss Qin, are you okay?"

"It's okay." (Holding back a smile)
"Boss Qin...I want to raise my salary."

"Come on, let's go to the treasurer." (Extraordinarily refreshing)
Even on the way home, he was driving, giggling, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"Are you... all right? Do you need to see a doctor?" Lin Yuhan asked with concern.

"Do I need to see a doctor?"

"People in the company are saying that your behavior is abnormal today."

"No." Qin Sijie cleared his throat: "I'm not happy because you promised me."

The corner of Lin Yuhan's mouth twitched, what happened to this sudden arrogance?

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