"Are you okay? Yuhan." Gao Zifeng looked at Lin Yuhan with concern: "Are you not scared?"

"It's okay. Fortunately, Fang Wenxu blocked it for me, otherwise my makeup would be white." The woman said half-jokingly, pulling the corners of her mouth.

"Are these the tough people you used to be?" He frowned and looked at the direction where Fang Wenxu left
"It's all in the past, and there is no need to mention it now."

The anniversary celebration is about to begin, and the next thing is the highlight.

The host came to the stage to announce the official start of the celebration.The activities are carried out one by one according to the process.Finally, it was the turn of the company leaders to give speeches.Of course, Li Yide's stage performance is indispensable.

"Then let us give warm applause to welcome the boss of our group to come to the stage to summarize the company's work in recent years."

"This company can develop to what it is today, thanks to the support of everyone here. Because of your help and cooperation, our company can grow and develop..." The middle-aged man said a lot on the stage.While talking, he kept shaking his oily head.

Suddenly his voice stopped.His eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the audience.Finally, his eyes fell on a woman

"Today we also invited a very special guest. She is the wife of the current president of the Qin Group, Lin Yuhan. She is also my long-lost niece of Lin Yide..."

There was a burst of sighing before the voice fell off the stage...

"My God, Lin Yuhan is Lin Yide's niece?"

"Yeah, I've been missing for several years, have you forgotten?"

"I didn't have any impression of her before. I didn't expect her to appear as the wife of the boss of the Qin Corporation."

"I've never heard of Lin Yide having such a niece before, Mrs. Qin's Group, this really shouldn't be underestimated."

"Speaking of Lin Yuhan, I'm really ashamed. I haven't seen her for several years since she eloped with other wild men. On the way, our Lin family searched hard for a long time but couldn't find her. We didn't know her past all these years. How is it. Fortunately, she is back safe and sound, with a successful career and a smooth love journey. It also makes my uncle feel at ease." The man with a greasy face said with a smile on his skin.

Lin Yuhan in the audience gritted his teeth resentfully. He was really thick-skinned. He not only slandered her in public, but also took the opportunity to seek relationships, which was shameless enough.

"Yuhan." He looked at the woman in the audience: "You have suffered all these years. Now that you are back, uncle is very happy and hopes that you can return to this home. A woman still needs a home for you to live in when she is away. .Your parents passed away early, and uncle welcomes you here anytime.”

Since you still have the guts to mention your parents!The woman clenched her fists.Patience is reaching its limit.

"Yuhan, come back to Lin's house."

The woman in the audience sneered and said: "Uncle's words are really "touching". But I am married, I have my own home, and I am not alone, do you understand? Besides, what do you mean by searching for me for many years? The words that I eloped with others are just deceiving outsiders who don’t know the situation.”

"The unrighteous things you have done to me, do you want to rely on lies to settle everything?"

"Yuhan, I know you must have misunderstood Uncle, let's go home and talk about it, let's stop messing around in today's venue."

"Nonsense? It's clear that you deliberately provoked me. You want to see me become angry and embarrassing in this venue, right? That's why you only invite me."

"It's all nonsense, I only invited you because I wanted to express my guilt to you at this venue."

"It's really nice to say, you are indeed a hypocrite Lin Yide."

"You!" The round face of the middle-aged man was instantly flushed with anger.

"Everyone listen." Lin Yuhan turned around and faced the audience.Arms crossed and hugged in front of his chest: "The boss of the Lin Group, that is, our Mr. Lin, evaded taxes! He even concealed it and has not been discovered so far."

"However, one day, I accidentally discovered some abnormalities in Lin's company. With the help of the Qin Group, I conducted a thorough investigation. It really is. Mr. Lin...you are really surprising."

It was heard that Lin Yide was so frightened that his legs gave way and he almost fell.He thought he could keep this matter hidden forever, but unexpectedly, the woman in front of him found out.

"Didn't you always say that you are upright in your actions? Why? You don't know the pain until you are stepped on by the fox's tail?" Looking at Lin Yide, whose face was pale from fright, she said sarcastically.

"You...you are just talking nonsense." Lin Yide barely stabilized his body, pointed at the woman and yelled loudly.

"Really? Then you can wait to see the court tomorrow!"

Lin Yuhan threw down these words and turned to step off the stage, and everyone in the audience made way for him in a daze.Si Jie had a panoramic view of everything on the stage.He straightened his mask and slipped out of the venue without anyone noticing.

"Yuhan, wait for me, I'll see you off." Gao Zifeng flew after him.

On the stage, Lin Yide fell to his knees weakly: how did she know.Who the hell told her.Someone must have betrayed me, who the hell!
At the same time, the host saw that the situation was not right, and began to organize everyone to leave, and the anniversary celebration of the Lin Group ended hastily.

The supporter helped Lin Yide up. "Don't touch me." At this moment, he was distracted and thinking about who leaked his tax evasion.He let the person he trusts the most to handle this matter.

"I really didn't expect Mr. Lin to be able to do tax evasion."

"Tsk tsk, usually she looks grand and dignified, so she does everything behind her back."

There was constant laughter from the crowd.Watching the crowd disperse, no one showed concern for the man on stage.Naturally, the people in the audience looked dignified on the surface, but they were also doing shady things behind their backs.Even so, they sneered and laughed at those whose secrets were revealed.Feeling lucky to be exposed, secretly happy.

"Yuhan, do you remember everything from the past? You never wanted to ask Lin Yide before. Then ask him what he did to you before? It made you hate him so much. Since he came on stage, your body has been in pain. trembling with rage."

"Ah... hiss." Lin Yuhan rubbed her temples in pain.It seems that he has not recovered from the counterattack just now, and his body is still trembling slightly.

"Even if Lin Yide is a guy, I can't solve the hatred in my heart, but he still has the face to mention my parents."

"It makes me sad to see you in such pain." Gao Zifeng observed the woman in the back seat through the mirror from time to time.

"My parents and I were a happy family of three, and I also had a sweet love. But Lin Yide has been coveting my family's wealth and my father's position. In the end, he designed a car accident and killed my parents."

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