"You're not Lin Guoer, right?" The expression of the woman in front of her has completely changed. Although she looks pure, her eyes are extremely cold.

"If you talk so much, don't you believe that this old lady cut off your tongue?" She gave Lin Yuhan a dissatisfied look, thinking about the corpse under the bed, Lin Yuhan shut up knowingly.

Although Lin Yuhan just glanced at the corpse just now, he could vaguely see from the half of his face that hadn't decayed, that person was the real Lin Guoer.

"What exactly do you want?" Lin Yuhan stared at her, but she was thinking about it in her heart. The woman in front of her was definitely not a kind person, and she didn't tell anyone about her coming here.

So if she really killed her here today, no one would know.

"What do I want, I didn't want to do anything at first, I just wanted to get some money and leave this city immediately, but you all refused to let me do what I wanted."

She shook her head as she said, "But don't worry, I've always struck quickly and ruthlessly, and I'm sure it won't make you suffer for too long."

After she finished speaking, she exhaled a smoke ring towards Lin Yuhan's face, then stretched out her hand to stroke her face lightly, and couldn't help but click her tongue.

"It's just such a pity that I have such a small face. If I had such a face, I would definitely not be as embarrassed as I am now, and I have to borrow the identity of a nurse." The woman shook her head as she said.

"You have already killed one person, don't make the same mistake again and again." Lin Yuhan was already working hard on the rope in his hand while talking.

Although the rope is thick, it is not tied tightly enough, but now Lin Yuhan's head is still a little dizzy, and he can't use any strength.

"Uh, let me bleed you first." She stood up as she spoke, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it, and then walked out of the room immediately.

She came in again within a few seconds, but this time she already had a fruit knife in her hand.

Her slender hand touched the tip of the knife lightly, and then Lin Yuhan saw a little blood oozing from her fingertips.

"Oh, it's really sharp enough." After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand towards Lin Yuhan with a smile.

He pulled Lin Yuhan's hair towards the back forcefully, then raised the knife in his hand high, and fiercely pierced Lin Yuhan's neck.

Lin Yuhan's eyes widened, and he felt warm liquid flowing out of his neck as soon as it cooled down.

The woman pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't look at me like that, you are the one who killed yourself and can't blame others, but your friend seems to be quite rich."

After she finished speaking, she picked up Lin Yuhan's mobile phone and began to slide the phone number inside.

"Qin Sijie, he is the bald rich man." The woman looked at Lin Yuhan and asked.

Lin Yuhan didn't know if it was because of the fear of death, he felt as if he was being burned all over, and his heart was beating fast.

"Dididi." At this moment, Lin Yuhan's cell phone rang without delay.

The woman grinned, and walked towards the door with her mobile phone in her hand. Lin Yuhan felt as if she had a fever, her body was scorching hot, and her consciousness became more and more blurred.

"Huchi, Huchi." Lin Yuhan closed her eyes and heard extremely heavy panting, thinking that someone was around her, but when she opened her eyes, she saw a woman lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

This person was none other than the woman who was waving a knife in front of her so arrogantly just now.

"Bang!" Before Lin Yuhan could figure out what was going on, the wooden door was kicked open, and a group of people rushed in. She fell to the ground as if she had been drained of her last strength.

When Lin Yuhan opened his eyes and regained consciousness, he realized that he was already lying on the hospital bed.

And this hospital is actually the hospital of Tong Fei's family.

Sitting next to him was Mengdie, who saw Lin Yuhan wake up with excitement on his face: "Are you awake? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? I'll call the doctor for you."

Mengdie ran out of the ward, while Lin Yuhan stretched out his hand and touched his neck, feeling unbelievable, his throat was sealed with a knife and he was fine?How is this possible.

It's fine if the small wound can heal, but Lin Yuhan himself finds it inconceivable that he can survive after cutting his throat.

After a while, the doctor came in. The doctor who came in was also an unfamiliar face. He gave Lin Yuhan a brief examination, and said that he was probably just frightened, and he could be discharged from the hospital now. If you are not at ease, you can stay in the hospital for observation.

"But?" The doctor smiled wryly at us: "The bed fee in our hospital is two thousand a day, so you can discuss it."

The doctor went out after speaking, but Lin Yuhan immediately sat up from the hospital bed as soon as he heard the two thousand bed fee.

"Let's go, I'm fine, I can be discharged from the hospital now." This bed fee is more than ten times what it was before!
"Don't go in a hurry, Yuhan is the one who needs your help this time." Mengdie looked at Lin Yuhan and said seriously.

What Lin Yuhan heard was at a loss. Mengdie looked around. This is a four-person ward, and the other three beds are all lying with patients.

It's just that those patients were lying quietly on the bed even in broad daylight, and they thought they were in a vegetable state without knowing it.

Mengdie sat down, then lowered her voice and explained the current situation to Lin Yuhan.

Before Lin Yuhan fell into a coma today, the people who rushed into the rental house were Mengdie and his team, because they had been staring at "Lin Guoer" from the opposite side of the building.

In the end, they saw Lin Yuhan go in, but in order not to startle the snake, they didn't act immediately, but at night when they saw Lin Guoer deliberately opened the door, then locked the door strangely and went back to the room, Mengdie began to worry about her.

He didn't know what "Lin Guoer" was up to. Although Zhang Xueying repeatedly stopped her, Mengdie still brought her up.They heard the sound of fighting outside the door and broke in directly.

When Mengdie mentioned the sound of fighting, Lin Yuhan was startled, and recalled the scene when he saw the woman lying in a pool of blood.

"Is that woman dead?" Lin Yuhan asked Mengdie.

Mengdie shook her head, saying that she was only in a severe coma and was still under observation in the No. [-] Hospital.

"It's just strange that there were only the two of you in the room at the time. According to you, a weak woman, it is impossible to beat her until the skin on her abdomen ruptures and bleeds profusely." Mengdie rested her chin and thought.

Lin Yuhan swallowed with difficulty, because Mengdie said that there was a sound of fighting, but she didn't remember that she had resisted that woman at all. Was she tied up at that time?

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