In the photo, Lin Guoer looks ordinary, with a thin face and single eyelids, and a wide mouth.

And the Lin Guoer she knew had a round face with baby fat, double eyelids, although she could not be said to be very beautiful, she was definitely pretty.

this?Lin Yuhan frowned and thought for a while. Although everyone said that the ID photo would be relatively uglier, the facial features are completely different. It is obvious that they are not the same person. What is going on here?

"Chirp, chirp." The mouse next door called again.

Lin Yuhan froze for a moment and was about to get out of bed, but then remembered what Lin Guoer said, she said that her sister was a light sleeper, and told Lin Yuhan not to walk around casually, otherwise her sister would be disturbed.

It's just that the chirping sounds have become so noisy, why didn't her sister wake up?

Thinking of this, he glanced at the photo on the ID card again, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Is there something shady in the next room, or is it?
Lin Yuhan frowned and thought for a while, then pressed his ears to the wall.

The walls here are all separated by wooden boards, so the sound insulation is very poor, as long as there is movement in the next room, Lin Yuhan can hear it.

It's just that Lin Yuhan didn't hear any other movement besides the mouse-like noise from the next door.

Is there really someone next door? An idea suddenly popped up in Lin Yuhan's mind.

If the Lin Guoer that Lin Yuhan knew was not real, then where is the real Lin Guoer now?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan's heart immediately rose. After putting away his ID card, he got up and walked towards the door. When he turned the doorknob of his room, Lin Yuhan's heart suddenly tightened.

He glanced at the small dark living room, because even Lin Yuhan himself didn't know why, and always felt gloomy, as if someone was secretly watching from a certain corner.

It's just such a small living room, anyone should be able to see it at a glance, so Lin Yuhan took a deep breath and walked to the door of the next room.

He just raised his hand but began to hesitate again, not knowing whether he should knock on the door or not.

If there is a knock on the door, as Lin Guoer said, her sister is recuperating because of a serious illness, so knocking on the door recklessly will disturb her sister's rest, and when Lin Guoer comes back, how can she explain it? ?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan withdrew his hand hesitantly.

He wanted to turn around and go back to the room, but the ID card in his pocket seemed to be reminding Lin Yuhan that he had to go in anyway to find out what happened, otherwise what if there was really a problem inside?

So Lin Yuhan looked at the closed door hesitantly, took a deep breath, raised his hand and quickly knocked on the door without giving himself time to think.

I always feel that it is a misunderstanding, but at least I feel at ease, otherwise I will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

"Knock, knock, knock." After knocking on the door for most of the day, the wooden door trembled, but there was no response from inside.

"Is anyone in there?" When Lin Yuhan asked this question, he suddenly felt very strange.

There was still no response from inside, Lin Yuhan pursed her lips and raised the volume: "Is anyone inside?"

Silence, still silence, except for the "chirp" sound that came from time to time, there was no movement inside, so Lin Yuhan simply stretched out his hand and held it directly on the doorknob.

"Crack!" I thought the door would be locked, but I never expected that it would be opened with such a light twist, and as soon as the door was opened, a stench would directly hit the face.

This stench, like the smell of something rotten, made Lin Yuhan's chest twitch for a while, and acid water began to flow out of his throat.

"Bang" Lin Yuhan covered his mouth and nose with one hand, and pushed the door completely open with the other.

"Chirp, chirp." About a dozen mice the size of a fist jumped out of the room, and Lin Yuhan yelled in fright. The mice ran fast, and they didn't intend to attack her.

And the bed in this room is empty, there is not even a mat on the bed, so there should be no one living in it at all.

What about the younger sister that Linguoer was talking about?Lin Yuhan was a little at a loss.It seems that she has been lying to Lin Yuhan all along, but why did she tell such a lie.

After Lin Yuhan stood at the door and glanced around the room, he felt strange.

The room is clean and there is no other messy things, why are there so many mice.

Now that the door was open, Lin Yuhan stepped into the room in order to find out more about it. Just as he entered, another black mouse flew out from under the bed, so fast that the size of the mouse could hardly be seen clearly.

"Hawk." It yelled twice and then quickly disappeared.

under the bed?Lin Yuhan turned his head sideways to see what was under the bed, but because the bed was very low and the room was narrow, Lin Yuhan couldn't see clearly.

I could only squat and half kneel on the ground, then turn my head sideways and look inside.

But it was so dark that she couldn't see anything, so she could only take out her mobile phone from her pocket, open it and take a picture under the bed, she was startled and screamed.

But before he could make a sound, a pair of cold hands covered Lin Yuhan's mouth behind him.

There was also a woman's sighing voice: "It's a pity that you discovered it so soon. I didn't intend to kill you so early, but there is no way you forced me."

Lin Yuhan suddenly felt that his whole body lost consciousness, and passed out.

It was very dark all around, Lin Yuhan didn't know where he was, but when he raised his head, he suddenly met a rotten human face, the eyes of that human face were so red that they could ooze blood.

"Ahhh!" Lin Yuhan screamed, feeling her body became wet, took a breath, opened her eyes, and a dazzling light shone towards Lin Yuhan.

This light is not sunlight, but the beam of a flashlight.Lin Yuhan turned his head sideways and squinted his eyes, trying to see the person behind the light beam clearly.

"Why are you so disobedient? I told you not to walk around casually, but you? Alas!" Of course Lin Yuhan recognized this voice, it was Lin Guoer's voice, no, judging by the current situation, her Identity might really be a problem.

"Who are you?" Lin Yuhan squinted at the woman in front of him.

She put the flashlight aside, then sat down on the bed, took out a pack of ladies' cigarettes, raised her orchid fingers and smoked in a sophisticated manner.

Seeing her puffing out a puff of white smoke slowly, Lin Yuhan couldn't help frowning.

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