But Linguo was silent.Lin Yuhan looked at her from the corner of his eye, and found that she was squatting on the toilet with her head bowed, looking very scary like that.

"Guoguo?" Lin Yuhan called her in a low voice.

She didn't respond, she still lowered her head and didn't know when, all the hair that was originally tied in the nurse's cap fell down.

Lin Yuhan couldn't help trembling in his heart and took half a step back, and began to stammer, "Guoguo, what's wrong with you, just say something and don't scare me."

"Hehehe." She laughed suddenly, the laughter was so creepy that it made people panic, Lin Yuhan immediately thought of a possibility, maybe she was being raped.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuhan couldn't help but took a step towards the door, and said deliberately: "Guoguo, don't scare me."

When she said this, Lin Guoer's body trembled slightly, and Lin Yuhan was so frightened that she was about to run out of the toilet, but in the end, Lin Guoer seemed to be a living being, shaking her black hair and rushing directly at Lin Yuhan. come over.

Because her long hair blocked her cheeks, she didn't know what kind of expression she had at the moment.

But her current strength is surprisingly strong, pulling Lin Yuhan's hair and pushing her towards the wooden door of the toilet cubicle, and then turning on the water on the sink.

"Huh la la." Hearing the rushing water, Lin Yuhan was extremely flustered.

"Ka Ka Ka." Ling Guoer twisted her neck.

"Guoguo, I'm Xiaohan." Lin Yuhan hurriedly shouted at her.

People can usually hear the cries of others after being upper bodyed. I hope that Ling Guo'er's soul can drive this creature out.

It's just that he didn't get what he wanted. Seeing her approaching her step by step, Lin Yuhan took a deep breath.

"There is a grievance and a debtor, but you can't hurt the innocent." Lin Yuhan stood up as he said, and looked around with his peripheral vision to see if there was anything that could be used, even if there was a stick.

"Hehehe." She smiled and stretched out her cold hands towards her arms, and pulled Lin Yuhan off the ground like a chicken.

Lin Yuhan was lifted by her and hit hard on the tiled floor.

"Cough, cough, cough." The chest seemed to be smashed, a mouthful of sweet blood flowed from her throat, and her head seemed to burst. She pulled Lin Yuhan's hair vigorously and pressed her whole face into the sink inside.

"Gululu." Lin Yuhan struggled excitedly, choked on several mouthfuls of water and wanted to raise his head, but the opponent's strength was too great, Lin Yuhan had no ability to resist at all.

The struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally lost consciousness completely.

When Lin Yuhan opened his eyes again, he only felt that his body was very cold, and he couldn't exert any strength in his whole body. His eyes were pitch black, and it seemed that something was still pressing on his body.

There was warm liquid oozing from that thing, Lin Yuhan wanted to get up and push it away, but he just panted heavily, as if he was exhausted.

"Where is this place?" Lin Yuhan narrowed his eyes and looked around.

"Clatter, clatter." Rows of pink doors, and the sound of splashing water, let Lin Yuhan know clearly that he was still in the toilet of the hospital.

The scene of Lin Guo'er attacking her before echoed in her mind, Lin Yuhan adjusted his breathing and stretched out his hand again to push the "thing" on his body away.This time, he touched a cold hand!
Lin Yuhan's pupils widened, and when he lowered his eyes, he found an extremely distorted face stuck to his chest, and he was grinning at her.As if to say: "You finally woke up!"

How could it be Lu Damin?Lin Yuhan, who was still in a daze at first, was completely awake now, and quickly pushed Lu Damin aside, leaning on the wall and standing up tremblingly.

She found that Lu Damin was curled up, and his hands and feet were bound by a red rope, and the red rope was tied into three bow-like patterns in a unique way.

"Boom!" A black shadow rushed in at an extremely fast speed, and Lin Yuhan looked at the black shadow.

"Girl?" The other party wanted to keep calm when he saw the situation in the toilet, but his voice was still trembling.

"Qin Sijie." Lin Yuhan shouted stammeringly, as if he had collapsed and was powerless.Lin Yuhan had no idea what was going on with all this in front of him.

Why did Lu Damin die beside Lin Yuhan so well, and in such a strange way.

Qin Sijie was silent for a few seconds and then walked towards Lin Yuhan quickly. He glanced at the corpse on the ground and said, "Let's go!"

"Go?" Lin Yuhan looked at Qin Sijie blankly.

Although Lin Yuhan's mind is in a mess, but now that a dead person leaves like this, the consequences are naturally unimaginable, and she has just touched the corpse, which has her fingerprints on it.

At that time, the law enforcement officers will definitely think that Lin Yuhan is absconding in fear of crime, and then it will be really hard to argue.

"What are you still standing there for? Let's go." Qin Sijie anxiously dragged her to go out.

Lin Yuhan pushed Qin Sijie's hand away and said to Qin Sijie stutteringly, "Look for law and order!"

"What?" Qin Sijie stared at her in a daze, then pointed at Lu Damin on the ground: "Are you clear about looking for law and order now? Look at you, you're still holding a knife!"

"Ah!" Qin Sijie didn't say that she didn't notice it at all. She was really holding a short knife in her hand, which was as long as an ordinary fruit knife.

"Don't be afraid, anyway, we'll be fine if we leave now." After finishing speaking, Qin Sijie pulled her to run, but at this time there were already footsteps coming towards her from outside.

The footsteps were in a hurry, and there were not one or two people who heard the sound.

Qin Sijie was taken aback for a moment, then quickly took out his mobile phone and made a call. Before the people outside rushed in, he explained the situation to the law enforcement officers on the other end of the phone.

I have to say that his reaction was really fast, and his doing so made Lin Yuhan's words more or less convincing.The person who rushed in was none other than the law enforcement officers in this area, that is, Mo Li's colleague.

Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie were escorted into the car by them directly. Lin Yuhan was sitting in the car. The light in the car was so bright that she could see that her nurse's uniform was covered with bright red blood.And the cheeks and neck are also stained.

"Girl, what's going on?" Qin Sijie glanced around and asked Lin Yuhan in a low voice.

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