Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 652: Is there any movement?

Suddenly at this moment, there was a crisp sound of high heels hitting the floor, and Lin Guoer hugged Lin Yuhan's waist in fright.

Lin Yuhan immediately looked towards the stairs and saw a shadow flashing past as if he was going upstairs.

"What's the matter, there are still people walking around in the hospital so late?" Lin Yuhan muttered to himself.

Lin Guoer behind him trembled for a while and asked, "Xiaohan, I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid." Lin Yuhan said firmly, one hand has already touched the bell on his chest.

Lin Yuhan is now hanging the bell that Li Mengmeng gave her, how could she see dirty things, the person who just went upstairs must be someone! "Go over and have a look." Then he walked forward.

Lin Guo'er was almost crying: "I don't want it anymore, let's go back to the nurse's station and let the security go upstairs to look at it."

"But?" Lin Yuhan frowned anxiously.

"Da da da, da da da." The sound of the high heels upstairs was so clear, Lin Yuhan thought that waiting for the security guard to come up, the people upstairs might have disappeared without a trace.

Then I'll go up and see for myself, you go back first.

When Lin Guoer heard this, she immediately shook her head: "How can this be done? What if there is any danger, Xiaohan, let's go, let's go to the security room and let the security guards come and watch." Lin Guoer dragged her to go downstairs.

"Da da da." But the voice of the high-heeled shoes upstairs moved towards us at this moment, and Lin Yuhan's heart rose to his throat instantly.

Maybe it's because there are too many horrible memories in this hospital, and I still feel inexplicably panicked.

"Who's up there?" She yelled directly upstairs.

The people upstairs were not moving, so Lin Yuhan listened attentively, and heard a very heavy breathing sound, which seemed to be deliberately dragged on for a long time, making people feel that the other party seemed to be out of breath.

"Xiao Han, did you hear that?" Lin Guo'er tightly grabbed her arm and was so frightened that she was about to shed tears.

"Okay, okay, let's go downstairs and let the security guard come up to help us take a look." Lin Yuhan was very helpless and could only agree to Lin Guoer, but in fact, he was somewhat afraid in his heart.

After all, the person who went upstairs was too strange, she could hear the volume just now, but why didn't she say anything?
If she didn't want people to find her, then why did she come in high heels?Obviously, in such a quiet place, if the high heels sounded, someone would definitely find out.

"Then let's go downstairs quickly." Lin Guoer couldn't wait to drag her downstairs.

Lin Yuhan kept looking up at the upstairs, but because the lights in the corridor were too dim, he couldn't see anything clearly.

Lin Guoer breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the first floor, and immediately went to the security room. Lu Damin should have gone back and knocked on the door and came in without seeing him.

Lin Guoer explained the situation upstairs to the two security guards inside, and the two security guards looked at each other as soon as they heard it, as if they didn't really believe what we said.

One of them even smacked his mouth, saying that they have been staring here, and no one has ever come in at the gate.

Lin Yuhan glanced at the hops and peanuts on their table and knew that these two people just didn't pay attention to it just because they were drinking and chatting.

"It's true that someone has gone upstairs. Xiaohan and I both heard footsteps." Lin Guoer said turning her head and glanced at the corridor.

The two security guards looked at Lin Guoer a little impatiently: "You nurses are timid, you must have heard the murder case in the hospital before and then became nervous every day."

A little noise may be due to the wind blowing from the upstairs window not closed properly, or some patient woke up at night.

After the security guard finished speaking, he grabbed the beer can and took a big gulp of wine. The foam of the wine flowed down the corner of his mouth and directly down his neck.

He didn't care to wipe it off and continued to peel the peanuts.

"You are security guards. If someone breaks in and something happens, you will be responsible." Lin Yuhan stared at them and said word by word: "Also, can we drink alcohol when we work in the hospital? If this matter Do the higher ups know?"

Lin Yuhan deliberately paused before speaking.

The two security guards immediately coughed, then put the things on the table in a drawer, pretended to stand up with a flashlight.

"Lorry, you're so wordy, when did we stop watching?" He gave Lin Yuhan a hard look, then walked out of the door impatiently, and Lin Guoer added: " There was movement on the third floor."

"I know, I know." The two security guards walked upstairs after saying that.

Lin Yuhan sighed, and Lin Guoer took her back to the nurse's station. Once at the nurse's station, she walked up and down uneasily and did not sit down. Lin Yuhan was dizzy.

"What's the matter, Guoguo?" Lin Yuhan asked while ticking all the boxes in the booklet.

Lin Guoer raised her eyes and glanced at the clock hanging in the nurse's station, then said, "The two security guards went upstairs for more than ten minutes, why didn't they come down?"

"Has it been more than ten minutes?" Lin Yuhan has been looking at the inspection records, so he didn't pay attention at all.

Lin Yuhan found that the previous house inspection records were almost all ticked off, without any problems, which was absolutely impossible before.

"It's been 13 minutes." Lin Guoer said seriously.

Lin Yuhan nodded: "It should be coming down soon."

Just now, the two security guards looked reluctant and dragged their feet on the road. Lin Yuhan reckoned that it was normal for them to go up the stairs slowly and walk down the stairs for more than ten minutes.

Hearing what Lin Yuhan said, Lin Guoer also nodded, and then his expression changed and he looked towards the toilet next to the nurse's station.

"Xiaohan, I want to go to the toilet, you can come with me." She looked at her pitifully.

"Okay." Lin Yuhan closed the booklet, stood up, and went to the toilet with Lin Guoer. To be honest, this toilet was really a shadow.There have been many strange things happening here before.

But today Lin Yuhan doesn't have to be afraid of anything with the bell on.

"Xiaohan, just stand here and wait for me." Lin Guoer pushed open a toilet door and said nervously.

Lin Yuhan nodded and stood there, while Lin Guoer just walked in but didn't dare to close the toilet door.

"Xiaohan, do you believe that there are real creatures in this world?" Lin Guoer suddenly asked.

Lin Yuhan froze for a moment, because if she believed in the current environment, Lin Guoer would definitely be terrified, so she deliberately shook her head and said that those things were all unfounded and fabricated by others.

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