After staring at Li Zhengmao for a while with Wang Damin's red eyes, he shouted, "Eat, I'm hungry, so hungry." Qin Sijie froze as soon as he said this, it was simply something wrong with his brain.

While Qin Sijie was still in a daze, Wang Damin immediately stood up vigorously, rushed towards the table, grabbed the sauced elbow on the table, and began to bite anxiously with a pale face.

The way he eats is like someone who has been hungry for a long time, devouring without chewing.

"Should I ask that Miss Lin to come over and take a look?" Li Zhengmao saw that Qin Sijie couldn't figure out why after looking at it for a long time, so he cautiously asked us if we should ask Lin Xiaoguo to come over.

Qin Sijie lost face instantly and glared at Li Zhengmao: "What do you mean by that? Do you think I have no real skills?"

"No, no, but now?" Li Zhengmao hesitated to speak.Indeed, Qin Sijie didn't see anything now.

"Pa-ta." Wang Damin suddenly threw the clean elbow in his hand on the ground, and then licked the grease on his hands with endless interest.

"Knock, knock, knock." There was a knock on the door at this moment, Lin Yuhan glanced at the door, when we came in, Qin Sijie was afraid that Xie Mei would run out, so he closed the door and pasted a talisman .

"It should be the food delivery person." Li Zhengmao sighed and went to open the door.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, there was a delivery boy standing outside the door, holding two plastic boxes in his hands. Lin Yuhan took a closer look, and saw a large plate of pork head meat and five roast chickens.

How can one person eat so much in one meal?Qin Sijie was helpless, so he took out a talisman paper and handed it to Lin Yuhan.

"Girl, burn this talisman and melt it in the water." Although Qin Sijie didn't see why it came, since it came, he naturally wanted to give it a try.

Lin Yuhan took the talisman paper, burned it according to what Qin Sijie said, and then melted it into the water. This kind of talisman water had been made by Sister Xiaoguo before, and he guessed it was going to be drunk by Wang Damin.

This Wang Damin looked greedy now, he thought he would drink the talisman water obediently, but who knew that he just approached him, and he started to yell.

The expression on his face was panic, and he moved his already swollen body towards the foot of the bed.Qin Sijie was afraid that Wang Damin's excitement would hurt Lin Yuhan, so he signaled Li Zhengmao to feed Wang Damin with talisman water.

Li Zhengmao hurriedly took the cup from Lin Yuhan's hand. Seeing the blackness in the cup, he couldn't help but frowned, and looked at Qin Sijie: "Master, will this thing be useful?"

"There is no doubt about the employment, since you have invited me to come and have a look, you can do whatever you are asked to do." Qin Sijie didn't bother to explain.

Li Zhengmao nodded, took a cup and sat on the edge of the bed, persuading Wang Damin to drink the talisman water, Wang Damin shook his head desperately, the flesh on both sides of his cheeks was shaking, looking very frightened.

"Drink some more, open your mouth." Li Zhengmao persuaded for a long time, but Wang Damin not only refused to drink, but also started to push the cup in Li Zhengmao's hand intentionally.

Li Zhengmao could only forcefully get up and try to hold Wang Damin down and pour the talisman water into Wang Damin, but he never expected that this Wang Damin suddenly pushed Li Zhengmao away like crazy, and got out of bed directly rolling and crawling.

Seeing this, Qin Sijie directly pushed Wang Damin to the ground, muttering: "You little boy, I still want to fight this master."

After finishing speaking, he motioned to Li Zhengmao to pour the talisman water into Wang Damin. Li Zhengmao hurriedly brought the talisman water to Wang Damin's mouth, squeezed Wang Damin's jaw and poured it into Wang Damin.

Wang Damin's pupils dilated several times in an instant, and then his whole body began to twitch, as if he had been electrocuted.

Qin Sijie looked at Wang Damin in surprise, obviously he didn't think why Wang Damin suddenly became like this, and hurriedly let them step aside.

"This, this, what the hell is going on, Damin, Damin will be fine." Li Zhengmao saw that Wang Damin was having a convulsion, and he was immediately anxious.

Although Qin Sijie was a little panicked at the moment, he still pretended to be calm and said it was okay, and immediately asked Li Zhengmao to bring a towel. He was afraid that Wang Damin would bite his tongue, so he stuffed Wang Damin's mouth with a towel.

After more than a minute, Wang Damin stopped twitching, but his eyes widened and he stared at Qin Sijie without blinking.

The expression on Qin Sijie's face also changed, and one hand stretched out trembling slightly, and pressed it on Wang Damin's neck: "Ah? How could this happen?"

Qin Sijie couldn't help crying out, Lin Yuhan hurriedly squatted down, and tested Wang Damin's breath, Wang Damin was out of breath?
Putting your hand on his heart, the heart stopped beating, he, he died?Lin Yuhan stared at Wang Damin's corpse in astonishment, his mind went blank, how could this happen?

"Damin, what's wrong with Damin." Li Zhengmao was stunned seeing Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie, and squatted tremblingly.

Putting his hand under Wang Damin's nose, he grabbed Qin Sijie's collar and asked excitedly, "How did this happen? Why did Damin die? What did you, you, do to Damin?" "

Qin Sijie looked innocent, he pushed Li Zhengmao's hand away, and told him that what he gave Wang Damin to drink just now was ordinary talisman water, and if he had evil spirits after drinking it.

The talisman water can drive away evil spirits. If there is no evil spirit, normal people will not have any problems if they drink it.But this Wang Damin died so suddenly, Qin Sijie was also puzzled.

"You killed Damin, you killed Damin." Li Zhengmao didn't listen to Qin Sijie's explanation at all: "I shouldn't believe you, how do you want me to explain to Damin's parents!"

As he spoke, he grabbed Qin Sijie's arm again, and muttered, "No, I have to find law enforcement."

"No, Li Zhengmao, I begged Qin Sijie for help. He has no grievances with Wang Damin, and he didn't intend to harm him at all." Lin Yuhan suddenly became anxious, and regretted it in his heart, he shouldn't have bothered nosy.

As Qin Sijie said before, sometimes it will only cause trouble for the upper body, and now it has really been said.

Lin Yuhan's heart was running fast, hoping to think of a perfect plan to change it, but he was not calm enough and it was difficult to control it.

"Then Damin can't die so vaguely." Li Zhengmao looked at Lin Yuhan and Qin Sijie, his face turned blue.

"You, you wait for me to call back." Qin Sijie pretended to be calm and walked to the window, took out his mobile phone, immediately dialed a series of numbers, and then told the person on the phone about the situation here, Let the other party come over.

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