Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 637: Not easy to solve

This dormitory building was visited once for Lin Miaomiao before, and it was quite old, even the walls were a little cracked, but because it is cheap and convenient to live in the staff dormitory, many regular employees of the hospital still choose to live here.

Li Zhengmao and Wang Damin lived on the second floor, and Li Zhengmao took out the key when he walked to the door.

"Is Wang Damin not here?" Lin Yuhan asked Li Zhengmao curiously.Li Zhengmao shook his head with a look of hesitation, saying that he would understand after seeing it for a while.

After he finished speaking, he began to twist the keyhole. As soon as the keyhole was opened, he smelled a smell of meat, which was so strong that Lin Yuhan, who hadn't eaten much all day, suddenly groaned.

"Damin, Damin, Nurse Bai is here to see you." Li Zhengmao called and invited them in.

After Qin Sijie glanced around the room vigilantly, he entered the room. The room was fairly clean, but when he looked back at the canopy bed, he was startled!
Because a very obese man was sitting slumped on the iron frame bed, and there was a foldable table in front of him, on which was placed more than half of a pork belly, and a large bowl of still hot noodle soup.

On the floor of the iron bed, there were clean bones that had been eaten.

"Hey, hey." The other party lowered his head halfway and kept making babble sounds, but Lin Yuhan was a little dazed.

Is this person in front of him really Wang Damin?When I saw him before, he was a skinny man, why did he suddenly become like this?
Especially the stomach, even though she was already wearing loose clothes, it could still be seen that the protruding belly looked like a pregnant woman who was ten months pregnant.

"Damin, don't eat, Damin, let's see who's coming." Li Zhengmao walked up to Wang Damin as he spoke, and snatched the big meat and bone that Wang Damin was gnawing at without saying a word.

Wang Damin let out a roar immediately, and suddenly raised his head and glared at Li Zhengmao.

"En Ener, En Ener."

There was a roar from Wang Damin's throat, and Lin Yuhan saw that his face was at least twice as big as before, the corners of his mouth were oily, and his eyes were full of hostility.

"Don't eat it, if you eat any more, you will really die of hunger." Li Zhengmao roared at Wang Damin.

Wang Damin stretched out his swollen hands that seemed to have been soaked in water, desperately trying to get back the big fleshy bones, but because his body was too heavy, he staggered and almost rolled off the iron bed.

"Eat, I'm hungry, so hungry." Wang Damin began to cry in a crying voice.

Li Zhengmao looked at Qin Sijie. Qin Sijie had been staring at Wang Damin for a long time, and he waved at Li Zhengmao, motioning them all to retreat.

After taking a few steps back, Qin Sijie stepped forward and grabbed Wang Damin's arm.

"Eat, I'm hungry, hungry." Wang Damin cried, his eyes were already red.

Qin Sijie grabbed Wang Damin's wrist with one hand, and lifted up Wang Damin's sleeve with the other. Wang Damin's arm was actually covered with lines.

These lines are not meridians, but something like stretch marks, as if the skin has been stretched suddenly and is now almost bursting.

Qin Sijie looked at his hands, pressed Wang Damin's head again, tapped the top of his head and Yintang a few times, and then shook his head.

"It's so weird!" Qin Sijie muttered.

"What's wrong? Master Qian, look to see if there is any dirty thing here." Li Zhengmao also believed in the supernatural to some extent. From the very beginning, he felt that Wang Damin was haunted by something, otherwise he wouldn't be so abnormal.

Qin Sijie shook his head and muttered, "I thought I was haunted by something, but I didn't see any evil spirit?"

"How could it be? How could he suddenly eat so much if he wasn't pestered by dirty things?"

Li Zhengmao paused after speaking: "Master Qian, please take a good look at it, otherwise Damin will definitely die if he continues to eat like this."

Qin Sijie didn't respond, and looked at Wang Damin carefully from head to toe, still shaking his head.

In fact, after Lin Yuhan took off the bell yesterday, she kept it in the room on the second floor of the Qin Building without wearing it on her body, so if there is really something evil here, she must be able to see it.

But let alone something evil in front of him, there is not even a little evil.In other words, Wang Damin didn't seem to have any abnormality, so he shouldn't be evil.

"Why don't you take him to the hospital to see if there are worms in his stomach? Or is the nerve wrong? Or maybe it's because he was frightened that night." Qin Sijie stroked him beard, guessing.

However, Li Zhengmao shook his head in disbelief: "When I came back that night, Damin was still very normal, and he spoke in a very orderly manner, and even wrote the leave note by himself. It seems that there is no problem at all."

"Then according to what you said, something went wrong after he woke up?" Qin Sijie asked Li Zhengmao.

Li Zhengmao nodded, saying that Wang Damin had the habit of eating late at night, but he was not in the mood to eat after being tossed so much that night. He fell asleep after writing the leave note at home, and called him early the next morning to eat.

"Could it be that there was something wrong earlier?" Qin Sijie frowned.

Li Zhengmao shook his head again: "Then the breakfast stall is downstairs. I have been eating there for more than a year, and there is nothing wrong with it. It must not be the problem."

He denied Qin Sijie's conjectures one by one, and immediately fell into a stalemate. Since it was not caused by evil spirits, nor was he frightened, what happened?
What Qin Sijie said about the worms in the stomach is true that some people will have a great appetite if they have parasites in their stomachs, but this is too sudden. According to Li Zhengmao, there was no warning at all before.

"Should I send him to the hospital for an examination first?" Qin Sijie couldn't see why, so he told Li Zhengmao to send him to the hospital first.Li Zhengmao stubbornly believed that Wang Damin must not have a physical problem.

"Look at his current appearance, he seems to be crazy and unable to control himself." Li Zhengmao pointed at Wang Damin.

That's right, now Wang Damin can only be hungry, and Li Zhengmao snatched the big meaty bone, so he simply reached out to grab the sauced elbow on the table, but his stomach was too big to block it, and it was very difficult for him to hold it with his body up.

"Wang Damin, Wang Damin, look at me, and I'll get it for you if you speak well." Qin Sijie moved the folding table further away as he spoke.

Wang Damin stared at Qin Sijie, the corners of his mouth twitched and saliva overflowed from his mouth. "Eat, I'm hungry, I'm so hungry." Wang Damin stammered.

"Tell me something else, who is he?" Qin Sijie pointed to Li Zhengmao and asked Wang Damin.

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