Lin Yuhan, who just came back, was unanimously welcomed by everyone in the company, and everyone said that she was promoting the company's strength at the fashion week.

It turns out that many foreign media have photographed this company representative. Lin Yuhan stood in a smoky green cheongsam standing on the streets of Paris with light rain, like a beauty walking out of an ancient painting.Many people are asking who she is, and they are even more appreciative after knowing that she is still a jewelry designer.

"Sister Lin, you are too good-looking. Those foreigners say you are a fairy from the East." Su Beiyuan's eyes were shining, and Lin Yuhan adjusted her glasses in embarrassment. Her gray suit and black-rimmed glasses today are really nothing On the 'fairy'.

Now Su Beiyuan has come to work in the art department, responsible for the graphic design of some advertisements, and Ling Xuanyi's assistant is another person.

Without delay, Lin Yuhan hurried up to the 25th floor to report to Ling Xuanyi and Mr. Song what he had gained from his visit to Paris this time. After listening to her words, they both nodded at the same time, thinking that this plan is very feasible.Seeing that President Song also agreed to this matter, Ling Xuanyi immediately held a meeting to discuss the matter of cooperation.

Lin Yuhan felt a little dizzy when she heard the word "meeting". She still remembered the endless hell of meetings in Qin's before, and she spent every time in sleepiness.

Ling Xuanyi didn't give her a chance to repent at all, and gave her half an hour to write a material in organized language, and then made a detailed statement of the cooperation at the conference.Lin Yuhan lost his temper completely, she brought back the proposal, and now she can only complete it.

At the beginning of the meeting, Lin Yuhan explained the matter, and in the rest of the time, various branches were arguing about how to implement it and who would be responsible for follow-up.

"Whoever receives it will follow up." Ling Xuanyi frightened Lin Yuhan who was dozing off with a casual finger.

For a moment, she didn't come back to her senses. It sounds like she should be responsible?
Before Lin Yuhan could react, Ling Xuanyi continued to say: "Now Lin Yuhan is gradually being known, and it is not very appropriate for the other party to only invite her to follow up with us."

She understood that Ling Xuanyi wanted to give her a reputation in the company.Many people's impressions of her are still only good-looking and relatives of the creator. They don't recognize her strength and feel that she has achieved today's achievements only by relying on others.With this cooperation, her situation will be very different.

It was almost noon after the meeting, and Lin Yuhan started to write a reply letter to Eddie in the afternoon.The two communicated for a long time and decided to have a video exchange for a few days. Lin Yuhan, who finished today's work, still couldn't believe that he could cooperate with such an excellent person.

Maybe her hard work has really paid off, and she can finally work with better people.

Lin Yuhan was very happy after packing up and leaving get off work, and decided to go back early today to cook for Qin Sijie and Xiaoyu himself.Lin Yuhan, who returned to Qin's house, found that Qin Sijie hadn't come back yet, so she asked Mu Butler what time Qin Sijie would be back these days and she wanted to cook by herself today.

Hearing this, Butler Mu thought that he couldn't tell his wife that Mr. Qin hadn't come back these days, so he could only say that Qin Sijie would be back in a while. After Lin Yuhan left, he quickly asked his servants to inform Qin Sijie to come back quickly.

Qin Sijie, who was still busy, was stunned when he received the call. He almost forgot that today was Lin Yuhan's first day back.He didn't go to the airport to pick her up yesterday, and he didn't talk to her late at night when he got home.

Qin Sijie patted his head angrily, blaming Qi Wen for making him forget such an important thing.He immediately picked up his coat and left. When the assistant saw him coming out of the room full of smoke and coffee, he thought he had found someone to seek revenge. Unexpectedly, Qin Sijie's first sentence was: "Be prepared!" Car, I'm going back."

The assistant hurriedly notified driver Qi to come over, and Qin Sijie got in the car back 5 minutes later.

At this time, Lin Yuhan was serving the last dish on the table, and said to Xiaoyu who had been waiting at the table, "Go wash your hands first, Dad will come back soon and we will eat together." Xiaoyu obediently jumped off the stool to wash his hands.

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor, Lin Yuhan turned his head and met Qin Sijie's eyes. This man must have been in a hurry when he came back, his hair was messed up and he didn't take off his coat.

Lin Yuhan approached him to straighten his hair, took off his coat and put it aside for him. She smelled the strong smell of smoke on Qin Sijie's body and said with some doubts; "Why is there such a strong smell of smoke? How much did you smoke today? ? Or what happened?"

Qin Sijie avoided her gaze and explained that he was talking to someone today, and the boss of the other party liked to smoke so much that he also smelled bad.Lin Yuhan believed his explanation. After all, Qin Sijie seldom smoked, and only occasionally smoked one.

Lin Yuhan, who just came back, didn't notice many things. Of course, she didn't know what happened to Qin Sijie.Qin Sijie was not going to tell her either, he decided to bear some things alone.

After washing his hands, Xiaoyu was very surprised to see his father, who hadn't come back for a few days, sitting at the dining table, and jumped up and called "Dad!" He was also worried about Qin Sijie these days, for fear that something would happen to him.

Now that mom is back, the family can finally have a meal together.

Butler Mu, who was standing not far away watching the three of them, couldn't help but have moist eyes. He had watched Qin Sijie grow up over the years, from his innocence as a child to his inhumanity when he grew up.Only the appearance of Lin Yuhan broke all this, his eyebrows and eyes began to smile, and he slowly began to understand the ways of the world.

The three of them ate together under the warm yellow light, which enveloped everyone in a gentle halo.The family reunited again and broke through many obstacles and difficulties. Steward Mu is sincerely happy for them.

After dinner, the two went to the study together, Qin Sijie was thinking about the unfinished work, and Lin Yuhan wanted to ask him what happened.When she came back from Qin Sijie, she felt that something was wrong. He would never smoke so much if he had nothing to do, and even if it was someone else's, it would not have such a strong smell.

"Si Jie, what happened?" Lin Yuhan asked anxiously after closing the study door.

Qin Sijie didn't answer right away. She just sat down at the desk and turned on the computer and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the company has acquired new projects that are a bit tricky."

"Then tell me what's going on?" Lin Yuhan pointed to a news on the phone and said.

It turned out that she knew, Qin Sijie had a headache.

"Didn't you say that we should be honest with each other? Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?" Lin Yuhan's tone was tinged with anger.

Qin Sijie paused for a few seconds before saying, "I'm afraid you're worried."

"I'm more worried if you don't tell me!" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Qin Sijie quickly explained the reason.

"Qi Wen did it." Hearing this familiar name, Lin Yuhan not only opened her eyes wide.

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