Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 243: Feeling the New Environment

The agreed time was three o'clock in the afternoon, and Lin Yuhan and Lin Shuo arrived at 02:30. Unexpectedly, Alice was also waiting at the door.

"Lin, you arrived really early." Alice saw her smiling and said, this is a very enthusiastic American girl Lin Yuhan felt very relaxed every time she heard her voice.

After hearing this, Lin Shuo interjected: "We are two Lins here, which one are you talking about?"

"Of course Miss. Lin." Alice replied.

The joke between the two successfully resolved Lin Yuhan's nervousness. She had never been to this kind of place before and was always worried that she would be out of place.Lin Shuo saw her nervousness, so he joked with Alice like this, and successfully resolved her nervousness. Lin Yuhan was very grateful to Lin Shuo who was so careful.

Walking into the company's gate, Lin Yuhan felt a completely different atmosphere from Feiyu's.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs, the operators are in charge of liaison, local affairs and customer return visits, and there is a busy girl sitting in each cubicle.The next floor up is the busy design department, with staff and models coming and going, as well as fashion designers pushing clothes racks.

Although they are busy, each of them has a satisfied smile on their faces, and this seems to be their favorite job.This is very different from Raindance, some people have distressed expressions on their faces, and they don't know why they come to work.

Alice saw that Lin Yuhan liked the atmosphere here very much, so she threw an olive branch at the right time: "Lin, we welcome you to join us."

Lin Yuhan smiled and shook her head, telling her that her home was in the far east, and it was absolutely impossible for her to abandon that home.Thinking of that home brought a relaxed smile to her face.Seeing her resolute look, Alice gave up and told her to go upstairs to meet Mr. Eddie, the creative director.

When it comes to Mr. Eddie, Lin Yuhan can't help being awe-inspiring. This person is definitely a benchmark figure in the fashion industry. No designer so far can surpass him.

He participated in a design competition and won No.20 when he was 1 years old before he graduated from the Art Academy. Since then, a steady stream of people have asked him to do design.His designs range from a small accessory to a large building. Mr. Eddie always carries a sketchbook with him to record his ideas when he goes out.

Only now did he slowly stop his steps and accepted the company's invitation to become the creative design director.Alice is his lover, and she will become an independent designer in the future.

On the top floor, Alice knocked on the glass door, "Please come in." A gentle voice came from inside.

After entering, Eddie asked them to sit first and come over after he finished drawing the manuscript. The two sat on the sofa and waited for Alice to serve coffee.While waiting, Lin Yuhan was carefully looking at the office.

This place is not what she thought. There are a lot of design drafts and paints, and various artworks are placed on the shelves. Eddie is quietly painting in his own world.After reading it, I realized that I was wrong. The place is very tidy, except for the drawing board in the corner and a few large drawing papers on the table.

It took 10 minutes for Eddie to look up from the pile of drawing papers, and he smiled at Lin Yuhan embarrassedly: "Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Lin Yuhan shook his head to express that he was fine and said he was very interested in his new design, Eddie smiled and said; "It's just a draft now, you can read it if you want."

She went over to look at it. Although it was a draft, it did not affect the beauty of the dress. Lin Yuhan could imagine what it would look like if it was made.If a girl wears it, it must be glamorous.

Eddie washed his hands and came over to tell her the main purpose of inviting her this time. Their company saw the strength and influence of Raindance, and wanted to cooperate with them to produce a new spring and summer style.

I made everything from clothes to jewelry with them, "I remember Ling is also a very good designer." Eddie said, taking a sip of coffee.

Lin Yuhan was a little dizzy from being hit by this pie in the sky, but she still maintained her basic sanity. "Mr. Eddie, I will go back and discuss this matter carefully with the people in our company, and I will inform you of our final decision by email."

Eddie agreed to exchange work mailboxes with Lin Yuhan, and Lin Yuhan declined Eddie's invitation to have dinner together.She just wanted to go back quickly and see what happened to Qin Sijie.Her and Lin Shuo's plane was supposed to arrive at nine o'clock tonight, and it happened to be evening there when it arrived.

Eddie expressed regret about the incident and invited Lin Yuhan to join him the next time he came to France, which she readily agreed to.

China has already known that Lin Yuhan attended this fashion week as a designer, which is a rare female designer in Chinese history.All of a sudden, it aroused people's discussion, and they all speculated about where this mysterious designer came from.

Several noble wives who were often with Qin's mother also saw the news, and they all congratulated Qin's mother on a good daughter-in-law in the Qin family.I keep talking sweet words, hoping to buy the latest jewelry next time.

Mother Qin, who was praised, felt less resentment towards Lin Yuhan, and her attitude towards Lin Yuhan also changed.In the past, it was always thought that she relied on Qin Sijie to achieve those achievements, but now it seems that this is not the case.

She does have some strength, otherwise she wouldn't have appeared at Fashion Week.Qin's mother decided to forgive Lin Yuhan, and when she came back, the family had a good meal to celebrate.

"Lina, next time your daughter-in-law comes back, please introduce it to us as well. We sisters all want to know what new Raindance will release next time." A noble lady said when we were having afternoon tea together.

Lina is Qin's mother's real name, but it's just that after being married to Qin's father for so many years, people rarely call her out, only occasionally when she is with these noble wives.

These people used to laugh at Qin's mother's incompetence and her ability to play wild in recent years behind her back, but they still envied her in their hearts.She can't do it, but her son is very powerful. He is the youngest and most promising entrepreneur in the top three of the Forbes list all year round. Now he has a daughter-in-law who is also very powerful.

All these made them very envious, and when they thought of their unsatisfactory son and unlovable daughter-in-law, they felt angry for a while.It's true that people are more angry than people. Qin's mother, who had had enough compliments today, is going to go back.She wants to go back and tell her son her new decision, and when Lin Yuhan comes back, she will have a meal together and talk about everything.

After making such a decision, Qin's mother suddenly felt better, as if all the years of depression had been unraveled.

At this time, Lin Yuhan didn't know the situation in the country, and she was still thinking about Qin Sijie's matter worriedly on the plane.Still thinking about how to cooperate with Eddie and his company, too many things piled up and she soon felt sleepy and fell asleep unconsciously.

Noticing that she was asleep, Lin Shuo asked for a blanket from the stewardess to cover her gently, and lowered the brightness of the lights by the way.Her ring reflected a slight light, Lin Shuo looked at her peaceful sleeping face and said in his heart: Lin Yuhan, I want to face up to graduating from you.

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