Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 24: The design hides her name

"I was about to turn around, but you bumped into me. Are you as arrogant and unreasonable as you?"

She really couldn't believe that someone made a mistake and blamed others, and she thought she would not give up easily.

"Tell me, how to deal with it?"

But they are now like this, blocking the people behind, she thinks that if they can't handle it well, it will make the problem worse.

"If you know how to behave, you shouldn't ask me"

"Let's step aside first, shall we?"

He suddenly changed his attitude, and she seemed to sense something was wrong, but she couldn't react quickly.

"Why are you still in a daze?"

After returning from a solo trip, she found that life can be full of vitality, and nothing has changed. Everyone is on their own track, and the car is running on its own road.

"Mom, you're finally back, you're not here, it's like waiting for a traffic light"

For Qin Sijie, it's like looking at the sea alone. She doesn't have to come back, but she makes the sea and sky more beautiful when they are the same color.

"Is there anything you want to share with me about this journey?"

"Too much to go"

Listening to Lin Yuhan's answer, traveling is a good way to relieve stress. Although it is to temporarily put the problem on hold, it is not an escape.

Only then did she realize that time was the most precious thing to her.

"Mom, I need your help."

"What are you busy with?"

She looked at him very seriously. For children, everyone's body and mind became softer.

"Come on, I don't know how to say it, I know it in the past."

"Si Jie, let me go over"

Qin Sijie nodded. He thought that there was just a little time, and it was a good time to cook for her again.

If he is here, three meals a day will become delicious, and the four seasons will become as warm as spring.

If the bad one is like winter, it can make people shudder, and we must always work hard to find the strength to support ourselves through the slow night.

Lin Yuhan and Xiaoyu were talking and laughing in the children's room.

"Mom, it's like this. The teacher said to take a picture that I like the most and draw it."

"Have you found what you want to paint the most?"

When Lin Yuhan came to Xiaoyu's desk, he saw a lot of photos. In addition to the life photos of Xiaoyu and Qin Sijie, there were also some architectural drawings of City C.

"Let me see"

As Xiaoyu spoke, he looked at the pile of photos that Qin Sijie was about to come, and then turned to Lin Yuhan.

He looked up at her and said, "I don't know"

Lin Yuhan couldn't help but look at this lovely boy with a smile all over his face.This boy is always full of enthusiasm, she thinks more often, she puts invisible pressure on herself, and the way of seeing the world is cloudy and rainy.

"In this way, mom will teach you a method, okay?"

"What method?"

Xiaoyu looked at his mother suspiciously, and she asked Xiaoyu to close his eyes.

Help hold him out with one hand and pick a picture by instinct.

When holding one of the photos in his hand, Lin Yuhan asked Xiaoyu to open his eyes.He smiled when he saw the photo in his hand.

"Can I just draw this one?"


Xiaoyu understands that now is the time to make his parents' relationship better and better. He thinks of his children, who say that their parents are always unhappy when they are together.

"But, but I don't know how to draw."

Lin Yuhan remembered that one of his favorite things to do in his spare time was drawing, if he didn't have paper and pen.

She just used branches to draw on the sand, and drawing can make her feel relaxed.

"This is very simple, let's first see what is in this photo"

Thinking that children and adults may see different things even if they are in the same world, she became more patient.

"Mom, what is this?"

Xiaoyu pointed to the place near the lower edge of the picture and asked Lin Yuhan. Lin Yuhan adjusted her direction, and she tried to observe the things in the picture from Xiaoyu's perspective.

"It's a forest"

"Is it Lin Yuhan's forest?"

Hearing Xiaoyu call her name directly for the first time, it was a little strange and funny, but she still nodded.

Then Xiaoyu pointed to the transparency in the building in the picture and asked her,

"What is this again?"

"I see, um, it's more like nature is raining"

Putting natural scenes into man-made landscapes, everyone will have a good impression of beautiful things.

"Oh, so what's the word for that?"

On the top floor of the picture building, Lin Yuhan found a word "Han" in the middle.

"Yeah, I got it."

"That's right, then..."

At this time, Lin Yuhan noticed that the architect in the picture was Qin Sijie, and her name was hidden in his works.

Is all this a coincidence?
When she has the chance, she must ask him.

Xiaoyu quickly picked up the brush, found his drawing board, and began to draw seriously.

When she saw that he was about to make a mistake, she reminded him very gently.

Not long after, Lin Yuhan heard Qin Sijie's knock on the door.

"Dinner is ready!"

The voice sounded warm and full of expectation, and at the same time, it was more like asking her for credit.

"Mom, tomorrow night is the work competition, can you promise me to participate?"

Lin Yuhan thought about her arrangements for tomorrow, and nodded happily.

"Such a sumptuous dinner?"

She noticed that breakfast made her more happy than the last time.

Such a dining table, from the arrangement to the dishes, why she felt so familiar, but couldn't remember for a while.

“This is fish soup from Marseilles”

"it is good"

Lin Yuhan remembered that she also tasted it when she was abroad, and the taste was not bad.Looking at the soup and Xiaoyu's dinner plate, she felt a little strange.

She couldn't tell whether it was moving or moving.

Excited?She didn't know what it felt like to have a heartbeat, she only knew that everything was different from what she imagined.

"Yuhan, hurry up and eat, it's getting cold"

Qin Sijie noticed that when he knocked on the door, they were looking at his design works, and now he showed her the dishes she had eaten.

Lin Yuhan may have had unpleasant experiences, but she is a smart woman.

"Oh, Xiaoyu eat more, grow taller"

Xiaoyu nodded vigorously. Not long after the meal, Qin Sijie showed a strange expression. He told Lin Yuhan,

"I have a sore throat"

"Otherwise we'll go to the hospital"

Qin Sijie thought that Lin Yuhan was obviously exaggerating, and he ran to the hospital at every turn. Could it be that the hospital is always full of people, and the doctors are too busy to take a breather.

"Will you take some medicine?"

As he said that, he went to take out the medicine box, and she prepared medicine and warm water for him.They don't feel strange to each other

"If the medicine doesn't work, shall I go to the hospital again?"

Lin Yuhan looked at his phone again, it turned out that a lot of work was imminent.

It feels like, usually the weather is sunny, but at a certain moment, there is a storm.

This storm came a little fiercely.

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