Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 23: Like a person looking at the sea

"If it is piled up with money, people will like it more or less."

"After I come out, will I become you?"

"No one else can tell if it's fake."

Ye Gu didn't expect that the sky would save her in the sea of ​​fire when she was most desperate. If one day, she is better than today, she must thank the sky.

"What's your name?"

Lan Xun asked Ye Li, who helped her choose clothes.

"Ye Greed"

"What a coincidence, my name is Lan Die"

Lan Di didn't expect that on the first day she arrived in the city, she would encounter good luck in her life. If she had known earlier, she would have come out earlier, so she wouldn't have to suffer from hunger and cold in that poor place.

"Lan Die, hello, from today onwards your name is Ye Lian."

"it is good"

"Now, reintroduce yourself?"

"Hi, I'm Ye Lian, what is your name?"

"Lan Die"

"From now on, you will forget to see each other, right?"

Both of them smiled with satisfaction. They knew that as long as they didn't tell, no one would know their secret.

They never thought that they would have the opportunity to live another life.

"The best things always come out of nowhere."

"That's right, Lan Di, do you know? Today is the day when I, Ye Kuan, will be reborn, and I want to thank you very much"

"Shall I treat you this time?"

"Are you sure you have money?"

Because Ye Li was not used to it for a while, he thought that he was still the eldest lady in the past, and forgot that she was the poor Lan Di.

"Sorry, I'm broke"

"It's okay. From now on, if you have difficulties, you must tell me."

"Ye Li, who is this person?"

"He was my childhood sweetheart"

"do you like him?"

Lan Di thought that when there was no hope in this life, staying with him was the only consolation. Now she has a new direction in life.

"do not like"

"Just right, I want to get close to him."

Ye Gu immediately gave everything to Lan Di, who couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.Ye Li and Lan Di bid farewell.

Ye Tan walked to Lan Di's bamboo horse, and Ye Tan just secretly asked his name.

"I want to hear you say your name."


Lan Dimple and Bamboo Horse didn't look up at Ye Tan from the book.

"Because your voice is beautiful"

Ye Li asked him, "Does it look good?"

At this time, Lan Di's bamboo horse had no intention of casting a glance at Ye Lian.He finds that today's Lan Di is very strange.

"Lan Die, why you?"

"Let's go, if you don't go, the boss will scold us again."

Ye Li took her hand and ran downstairs. For some reason, Ye Li liked this feeling very much.

"Lin Yuhan, why aren't you afraid at all?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The bookstore is run by my family."

Ye Li couldn't help sticking out her tongue to herself secretly, she knew that she almost gave up.

"Lan Die, you..."

"Yuhan, look, there are a lot of fish, let's go fishing, shall we?"

"No, I'll take you to a place that must be more interesting than fishing."


"Stream View"


She has never heard of this name, but listening to the name is not the place she wants to go, she wants to go to a lively place.

"Don't you like it there?"

Thinking of her living someone else's life, she almost forgot that she had to work hard to adapt.

"Now, I feel completely changed myself"

"No matter how you change, you are still you."

"That sounds really sad."

She didn't know how much Lin Yuhan hoped that she would agree with her thoughts, but she didn't seem to express her true thoughts yet.

"You know what? I want to go to the liveliest place."

Such a situation has never happened before.

A child dressed in a Minion costume ran happily in the exhibition hall.

"Why didn't you tell me how?"

If she knew this earlier, she probably wouldn't be nervous, anxious, or afraid.

"Some things you need to understand yourself"

"Stupid Birds Fly First"

She understands that in this way, she can reach the place she wants to go with the smart bird.

"Do you love me?"

All I got was silence, so why miss it?
He opened the door, intending to walk out the door.

"where are you going?"

"Have I been here?"

She blinked and saw that she was alone.

She couldn't remember the person's appearance, worked hard, and her mind went blank.

He appeared, with a natural beauty, except for her, no one knew him, only she didn't pay attention to his beauty, and everyone else looked panicked.

There are many things in her heart, and she can't see what she is used to ignoring.

Speed ​​up your speed, maybe you can catch up with the distance you want to go.The distance is not that far, but it is better to keep walking.

"Looks like you're doing better."

"Who doesn't want to be better, the current one is good, is it really good?"

Suddenly there was a huge thunder, and he was caught off guard.

As if celebrating this encounter, there was no sign of it.

Can it be used in this way until the end of the story.He has to believe in himself and pay attention to what he ignores.

He really wanted to know what he had overlooked?What makes her unhappy.Or how to speed yourself up.

Don't make things too difficult.

"Can we meet again next time?"

"preferably not seen"

"Let the past pass by, and the future will last forever"

What he's about to do is the same thing he's been doing for the past few years.Of course there are others.

If it rains heavily, I will still consider going to her.

The weather is always like this, which is more worrying.In such an unsafe environment, you need to be more careful.

The safety of life is concerned about the hearts of relatives far away.

They are her distance, and she is their distance.

The fact is that suffering in the world always sounds at the same time as the sound of happiness.

"What method are you going to use for this competition?"

"Follow the feeling."

For a while, she could feel that she was in a very difficult situation, as if she was locked in a room, unable to get out and unable to shout loudly.

"Don't stop me, I have to go"

"Don't worry, we'll leave after the traffic opens."

The next day they collided as soon as the traffic opened, she was very angry, but when she looked up, she saw that he was calm and composed.

"I thought I could still catch up, but who knows, the more anxious, the worse things will be. I have to ask for leave"

"no no"

She hung up the phone, never thought that such a time, such a thing, could ruin her good mood for a day.


She got out of the car and saw that the front of his car and the rear of her car were almost connected into one.

"you again?"

His tone seemed to be conveying some kind of message, and she sounded uncomfortable.

"What do you mean it's me again?"

"Aren't you following me?"

She couldn't help pointing at herself, and let out an incredible laugh.

"It's ridiculous, is this road opened by your family?"

Looking at the scars on the tail of her car, she felt more uncomfortable than hitting herself, but it seemed that the driver who caused the accident didn't care.

"You turned on the lights properly, and you haven't turned around for a long time. What are you trying to do?"

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