Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 233: The Trip to Italy

"Try riding." Qin Sijie pushed the bike in front of Lin Yuhan.

The owner of the car dealership not far away saw Lin Yuhan say something to Qin Sijie loudly in English: "Your wife is so beautiful!" Obviously he saw the rings on their hands, and Qin Sijie returned a proud smile .

This is the person he loves, not only beautiful but also talented, and one day everyone will be amazed by her designs.

Seeing the car pushed in front of her, Lin Yuhan flinched a little. She had never ridden a bike before, so she said, "Si Jie, come on, I've never ridden this kind of bike."

"Don't worry, I will protect you from behind." Qin Sijie comforted her softly, and Lin Yuhan, who was encouraged, then tried to step into the car to try.

Lin Yuhan, who was riding a bicycle for the first time, was riding crookedly, so he had to honk his horn desperately to remind others.Qin Sijie couldn't help laughing behind her when he saw her, how could she be so cute.

"Si Jie, stop laughing, let's see where we are going next!" Lin Yuhan was a little anxious for fear that the two of them would go the wrong way in a foreign country.

Only then did Qin Sijie stop laughing, and looked at the map to point out the correct route.Lin Yuhan completely ignored the road ahead because he was listening to him, Qin Sijie saw it and quickly reminded her.

"Yuhan be careful, go left and go left." Lin Yuhan didn't react and habitually turned to the right before turning left. The two who almost hit the pedestrian broke out in a cold sweat.

The traffic police on the side of the road saw the two people on the road and felt that this scene was inexplicably familiar. After a while, they waited for the two to go far away and found that it was inexplicably like the scene of the princess riding a bicycle for the first time in "Roman Holiday". When it was time to look again, the two had already walked away.

After riding for about 20 minutes, the two arrived at the Wishing Pool. At this time, most of the tourists had already dispersed, and there were only a few couples sitting on the benches by the pool.

"Do you know the meaning of the Wishing Fountain in Rome?" Lin Yuhan turned her head and asked Qin Sijie. Her eyes reflected the sunset of Rome, and her eyes were shining and moving.

Qin Sijie actually knew, but he still humbly pretended not to know in front of Lin Yuhan. He shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Lin Yuhan held him and stood in front of the pool and told him: "Tossing one coin is to be with the person you like, and tossing two is to be with the person you like for a long time. Guess what it means to throw three coins?"

She took a step back and hid her hands behind her back, asking with a smile.Not to mention how touching that look is, she squinted and smiled like a cute cat.

"I don't know." Qin Sijie really didn't know this time. He had only heard about the meaning of throwing two balls before, but he had never heard of the third one.

Lin Yuhan told him: "The third one means to escape from people you don't like."

After hearing this explanation, Qin Sijie nodded, and said thoughtfully, "Then I should throw four, so that you will not be able to leave me if you don't love me in the future."

Lin Yuhan couldn't laugh or cry because of his thoughts, what was the point of this, she said: "You are not allowed to add meaning to this!"

"Just add it, so you can't leave me forever." Qin Sijie pinched her nose and said.

The two were laughing and chattering by the pool, and it was nearly ten o'clock before they knew it.In the end, the two threw two coins into the pool together, and Qin Sijie said, "You see, we still threw four coins in the end, so that we can never separate."

When they said this, the two held hands tightly. Lin Yuhan thought of the various experiences of the two before, and also looked forward to their future life, which must be beautiful and full of light.

They will live and work happily together, will grow old together, and if that day comes, sell both big houses and replace them with a small apartment.It's just them living in it, maybe they can grow flowers, try to get some nice potted plants for home landscape.

When Xiaoyu grows up, he will fly farther and farther, and occasionally he will go home and take a look.They are slowly aging in a small apartment, no one will leave anyone behind, and they will leave together when they leave.

She glanced at Qin Sijie, presumably the other party thought the same way, they looked at each other and smiled with sweetness in their eyes.

"Come up, I'll take you to a place." Qin Sijie got on the bike and said to Lin Yuhan.

Seeing that it was already very late, she hesitated, and asked, "Where are we going? It's already very late."

"What are you afraid of with me around, don't worry, I will take you to a good place." Qin Sijie comforted her by wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

Persuaded, Lin Yuhan could only obediently sit in the back seat, watching Qin Sijie skillfully pass through the streets and alleys, couldn't help asking: "Si Jie, why are you so familiar with this place?"

"I used to live here for a while because I was interested in Italy, but now the city has undergone some renovations and many roads are unfamiliar." Qin Sijie explained to her.

It took a few seconds for Lin Yuhan to react, she remembered what Qin Sijie said to her at the airport, and couldn't help giving him a light slap from behind: "Then you lied to me when you said you don't know Italian? "

She never imagined how Qin Sijie would communicate with the owner of the car dealership if he could not speak Italian.

Qin Sijie smiled and said, "I also want to rely on you for a while." Thinking of herself holding Qin Sijie tightly at the airport to prevent him from getting lost, Lin Yuhan felt so stupid.

"In short, don't lie to me about this kind of thing in the future!" Lin Yuhan said in his ear.

During the conversation between the two, they had arrived at their destination, which was a pizza shop in an alley.

Lin Yuhan who was standing in front of the store felt a little surprised, did not expect him to like pizza?Seeing her expression, Qin Sijie knew what she was thinking, took off his helmet and said to her: "It's not that I like it, but there is a person who opened a shop here, and I promised him that if he has someone he likes, he must bring it to see." look."

who?Lin Yuhan couldn't help being very curious.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a gust of wind and the bell rang, and the man sitting behind the counter said in Italian without looking up: "Sorry, the shop is closing."

"It's me." Qin Sijie said standing in front of the counter.

Hearing this, the man raised his head in surprise and said, "Why are you here?" He glanced behind Qin Sijie and said, "This is the person you said you want to be with for the rest of your life?"

Qin Sijie mentioned to him that he has a person he likes very much and wants to be with her for the rest of his life. He said before that he planned to bring Italy to let him meet.

"Since you're all here, let's not leave. The three of us have a good drink today." The man was about to get up and go to the back kitchen to get wine.

Qin Sijie quickly stopped him and told him that he and Lin Yuhan hadn't had time to eat yet, so he asked him to prepare some food first.Only then did Yu Li stop his excited talk and prepare to go into the kitchen to cook, asked them about their taboos and began to prepare a delicious dinner.

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