Mommy is back, Daddy needs to work harder

Chapter 232: Survival After the Catastrophe

I don't know how long it took for the sea water to recede, and people felt like they were alive after a catastrophe. Some Catholics thanked God for blessings, but only the proprietress' family and Lin Yuhan looked dignified.

"Can you drive a boat?" Lin Yuhan asked Evan.

Evan replied "yes", and it took a few seconds to react before saying: "What are you thinking? It is impossible to go to sea. The current situation is unknown. If I don't pay attention to you, I may be buried in the sea."

"Then what should we do? Si Jie hasn't come back yet." At the end of her speech, her voice was obviously crying.

Facing Lin Yuhan like this, Evan didn't know how to react. He had seen Lin Yuhan who was working hard, and Lin Yuhan who was chatting and laughing with others.Only Lin Yuhan, who has never seen such a man, is still sad for other men.

While talking about it, the proprietress excitedly pulled Lin Yuhan and pointed to the little black spot not far away and said, "Lin, look over there!"

Lin Yuhan looked towards where she was pointing. It was the boss and Qin Sijie who had returned.The moment she saw Qin Sijie standing on the deck, her tears finally fell.

As soon as the boss parked the boat, Qin Sijie jumped off in a hurry. He didn't care about getting wet, he just wanted to hug the person standing on the high place.Great, they are all safe and sound.

The owner of the homestay also came over, and their family was small and noisy, thanking God for sending them back.The boss came over to thank Lin Yuhan for discovering the tsunami and helping their family out of danger.

Only then did Lin Yuhan remember to ask the boss why he and Qin Sijie came back together, and the boss explained to her the thrilling experience of the two of them.When they were fishing outside, Qin Sijie noticed a strange movement in the distance, and asked the boss to find out that it was a sign of a tsunami.The two hurriedly found a shelter to avoid the tsunami, and waited until the tsunami passed before taking the boat back.

"Great." Lin Yuhan hugged Qin Sijie tightly, rejoicing that he also returned safely.

Seeing Qin Sijie who came back, Evan smiled stiffly and said, "Congratulations, Lin." Seeing his stiff look, Qin Sijie snorted disdainfully, who would have been if he hadn't returned safely? Know what this guy is going to do.

The next step is the routine embassy to bring back the suffering people, because Qin Sijie and the others came by private plane, and they only need to register before leaving.

After the registration, the two met and smiled, with a bit of bitterness. They didn't expect such a situation to happen on a good wedding trip.Fortunately, both of them are fine, otherwise it would be very tragic.

"Shall we go back next?" Lin Yuhan asked, in fact, she didn't want to go back so early, but who made them have to leave early when they encountered such a thing.

Qin Sijie thought for a while and felt that it would not be easy to ask for leave, so he made another decision, "Why don't we go to another place?"

"Where to go?"


Because both of them had European passes, they passed through customs easily, and their private jet could also land at an Italian airport.Looking at the leisurely life of the people here, the tsunami they just experienced seems to have happened in another world.

Alas, I knew I would have come here from the beginning, what are the top ten honeymoon resorts, it is really a lie.Lin Yuhan thought a little discouraged in his heart.

Qin Sijie, who was walking beside her, rubbed the top of her hair and said, "Why don't you go see your third uncle now? Although I think he may know."

It was only after he reminded Lin Yuhan that her third uncle was also in Italy, but she didn't know exactly where.

"Just ask Uncle Wei." Qin Sijie reminded her appropriately. Lin Yuhan felt that she had forgotten such an important person on this trip.

It is evening in Italy and it should be early morning in China. After Lin Yuhan asked, he found out that third uncle is now in a small town in Florence.

After getting the specific address, the two people were not in a hurry to go, and wanted to go after shopping in the city of Rome.

"Now I have to rely on you, my wife who can speak Italian." I don't know when Qin Sijie also learned this, which made Lin Yuhan very embarrassed.

She glared at Qin Sijie, and said in a low voice, "Slick tongue."

Unexpectedly, Qin Sijie heard this. He asked, "What is glib? I have learned this for a long time." Lin Yuhan knew that he couldn't compete with him, so he had to shut up obediently.

The two lived in one of the best hotels in Rome that Assistant Qin Sijie had booked in advance, and it was very close to many attractions.The Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, these places can be reached very quickly.

After resting for a while, the two decided to go to the nearest Trevi Fountain first. Walking on the streets of Rome gives people a very different feeling. People here seem to live very slowly, and they are not in a hurry to go anywhere and walk aimlessly.

Seeing such a scene, the two unconsciously slowed down, wanting to integrate into such a life.The setting sun shines on this ancient land, adding a bit of mystery to everyone's face.

Lin Yuhan saw that there is also a place to rent the "Little Sheep" electric car on the side of the road. This kind of car is famous for the famous movie "Roman Holiday". Many people who come here will rent such a car to experience the feeling in the movie.However, the rent of this kind of car is more expensive, and only a few people will rent it.

Qin Sijie saw Lin Yuhan's longing, and after thinking about it, he wanted her to wait for him to rent the car by the side of the road.The owner of that store told him that he was going to close for get off work, and Qin Sijie directly told him that the car would be rented until tomorrow morning, and he would be paid according to the time when he came tomorrow.

The boss was amazed by the generosity of the oriental man, so he quickly agreed to his request and told him not to damage the car.

Qin Sijie pushed the car in front of Lin Yuhan and said, "Please, miss." This line is exactly what the actor in the movie said to the princess played by Hepburn. He didn't know the princess's name and just used "this "Miss" to call her.

They also went to the Wishing Fountain together, but the final result was not so beautiful. It is impossible for a princess to be with ordinary people. At the end of the movie, the princess sitting on a high place and the male protagonist who is a reporter faced each other across the empty hall. Just take a look and never let it go.

Lin Yuhan sighed about this story for a long time, and told Qin Sijie that he must go to the place where he acted in the movie.Now Qin Sijie has made one of her dreams come true.She looked at the man pushing the cart towards her, and her heart softened.

This is the person she loves, the person who will turn all her dreams into reality, the person who will treat her like a princess no matter how old she is.

With him in Lin Yuhan, she can take off all the hard armor, give up the armor, and be a little girl to her heart's content.At that time she was not a designer, not a newcomer in the fashion industry, just a simple person.

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