The wealthy family returns after chasing love

Chapter 94 What a Lovely Couple

One night, there was still some wine in the wine glass, and the wine glass was blowing alone on the balcony, and there was no one on the balcony. Last night, Song Wende was in another room, watching Song Wenyin from a distance, watching her drink for a long time, Song Wende was very After drinking for about two hours, Song Wenyin entered the room by herself. After a while, Song Wende went to the door of Song Wenyin's room and listened. There was no sound inside. Then she quietly opened the door. The lights in the room had been turned off. Seeing Song Wenyin's even breathing, Song Wende felt relieved, and went back to his room with peace of mind.

Song Wende told Zhou Zhou about this, and Zhou Zhou was silent for a while, "Yinyin, she should have thought it through now."

"Think clearly? Do you mean the relationship with Gu Shen?" Since Song Wende was so old, he still doesn't know much about emotional matters. Maybe he can make a difference in academics, but when it comes to love, he is a very dull person.

"No, it shouldn't be about Gu Shen. Since she didn't agree to Gu Shen, there must be another person influencing her." Zhou Zhou analyzed calmly.

"Another person? Zhang Yide?" Song Wende thought for a while, and it was indeed true. He was the only one who could influence Song Wenyin's decision.

"Maybe, as I said before, the two of them look at each other with light in their eyes, as if there is only one other in the world, and they only have each other in their eyes." Zhou Zhou was actually very moved by the love between the two of them. Yes, they responded to the word, fate, they came back after going around and met each other again, their eyes were still full of love, Zhou Zhou believed in reincarnation, what Zhang Yide and Song Wenyin are going through now, but always Did not separate them, maybe this is the connection from the previous life that has continued to the present
When she woke up in the morning, Song Wenyin felt her head hurt a bit. After washing up, she went downstairs to have breakfast. Today's breakfast was made by Song Wende. Song Wenyin stood behind him, "Why don't you let auntie do it?"

"I feel good today, I want to try it." Song Wende brought Song Wenyin a bowl of hangover soup.

Song Wenyin didn't know that it was hangover soup, Song Wende made it into another shape, so that Song Wenyin didn't notice, after Song Wenyin had breakfast, she was ready to go to work, she knew that the news that she went to see Gu Shen yesterday must be in the company The pot exploded, she really didn't want to face it, this group of people didn't work hard every day, this kind of thing is really like it!

Song Wenyin put the car away, and came in from the main entrance of the company. As soon as she came in, she greeted other people's eyes. Everyone looked at her with a smile. Song Wenyin pretended not to see her, and walked to the front desk. The young lady at the front desk greeted Song Wenyin warmly. , "Manager Song! Manager Song!"

Song Wenyin went up to chat with them, "What's the matter? I'm in a good mood today?" The lady at the front desk also had a smile on her face today.

"That's right, I heard that Manager Song has something good to do too?"

The corner of Song Wenyin's mouth twitched, "Uh, uh, yes."

The ladies at the front desk were very excited, "What's the good thing?"

Song Wenyin took out her mobile phone, "Well, well, the pet cat next door to my house has given birth to a baby, I'll show you, it's so cute." Song Wenyin scratched the picture in her hand for them to see.

But the girls were very disappointed, "Manager Song? Are you kidding me?"

"Of course not!" Song Wenyin put away her phone and confidently walked inside. In fact, she felt embarrassed, so she ran as fast as she could.
Song Wenyin was not stable in the office. Although no one came to the office to harass her, she was in a state of confusion. Although she knew that she had done nothing, her current plan was to give up her love for her children and go find Song Wenyin. Gao Yang's clues, now that she doesn't have so much work, it's time to solve this.

Song Wenyin found Li Wan and wrote a leave note. Earlier, she found out about the hospital where she was lost, and she drove there immediately. This hospital is very good now, and it is already a third-class hospital in the city. What Wang Chunyan told her was that she should have been taken away in the ward at that time. The old building should be the former ward. The old ward was not demolished because there were always people there. There were many more wards next to it. I heard from the security guard at the door that this building should be demolished in a year or two, so Song Wenyin came at just the right time, and she had to investigate carefully.

Because this hospital is very famous, after the reconstruction, they also built a history museum about this hospital in the medical university next door. Song Wenyin went to the museum, and in the museum, there are all the photos and photos of the hospital from its establishment to the present. Song Wenyin looked at the information all the way, and there was a photo that caught her attention. It was the building she had lost. Song Wenyin took a closer look. This group of photos took this building very carefully. This building is also the nearest five. The camera was installed only in [-], meaning that there is no video material, and you need to register when you enter this building, Song Wenyin turned her head.

The security guard downstairs is a young man. Song Wenyin asked him directly about the entry and exit registration information, but the security guard was not very familiar with it. Song Wenyin couldn't think about it. She called Song Wende, "Brother? I do a favor"

"What?! You want to go to the archives? What do you want to check?" Song Wende was a little scared. He felt that his sister was about to do something dangerous.

"I want to know the reason why I got lost, I really want to know." Song Wenyin's tone was very firm.

"Why? Are you not well now? Why should you know?"

"Aren't you curious, brother? Don't you want to know who is trying to harm our family?" Song Wenyin questioned Song Wende.

Song Wende was silent for a long time, as if he was hiding something, "Okay, I'll find someone for you, you wait a while, but! You have to promise me! You must tell me every action you take after that! Definitely!"

"it is good!"

Sure enough, after a while, a doctor appeared in front of Song Wenyin. This person should be Song Wende's senior. He led him to the archives room. The archives room is very large. The hospital puts some old materials here. They used a computer to register, but it was handwritten before, but in order not to miss any case, they kept it all the time. The senior took Song Wenyin to search in a pile of groceries, but they couldn’t find it after searching for a long time. Song Wenyin was about to give up. At that time, the senior flipped through the register of that time in a corner.

This register is very old. Song Wenyin got this register, it was a very thick one, and the handwriting on it was very scribbled. After a while, Song Wenyin couldn't read it all. She took this register away Alright, I'm going to go back and study it carefully.

In the evening, after Song Wenyin got off work, it was already very late. She took out the registration book she got and flipped through it. There were all kinds of handwriting in it. She started to flip through the first page and read a few pages. There was a message interrupting Song Wenyin, Song Wenyin turned on her mobile phone to check, it was Zhang Yide's news, her heart skipped a beat, Zhang Yide was looking for her, could it be a matter between herself and Gu Shen?Song Wenyin didn't want to explain, because she didn't have anything to say to Zhang Yide, but she was still looking forward to Zhang Yide in her heart, she didn't know why she thought so, she still liked him, it was too rude, she hurriedly patted herself on the face .

Zhang Yide asked her to come out, Song Wenyin took her things and went downstairs, Zhang Yide was waiting for her at the bottom of the building, Song Wenyin walked over, she felt that Zhang Yide would be very angry, she knew that Zhang Yide would go crazy sometimes, just like a mad dog , but she wants to face it, she wants to know his attitude and what he will do.

"You have nothing to say to me?" Zhang Yide finally opened his mouth to speak after looking at her for a long time.

"Say what?" Song Wenyin didn't know what to say.

Song Wenyin didn't say anything, but Zhang Yide hugged her. This hug was not a very domineering hug, it felt very warm to Song Wenyin, but Song Wenyin still couldn't break free, and she didn't want to break free either. Zhang Yide put his head on the On Song Wenyin's head, "I saw the company's wall this morning."

"What?" Song Wenyin slightly raised her head to look at Zhang Yide.

Zhang Yide also looked at him, "Hongxing is out of the wall."

Song Wenyin looked at Zhang Yide and frowned, "What?"

"Don't you know what it means? I received a lot of messages this afternoon." Zhang Yide looked at Song Wenyin with dark eyes.

Song Wenyin rolled her eyes, "Then do you believe it? They say you believe it?"

"So I came here to confirm with the person in person, what do you want to tell me?"

Song Wenyin pushed Zhang Yide away, "Whatever you say is what you say, I don't want to explain." She didn't dare to continue confronting Zhang Yide, and wanted to leave.

Song Wenyin always pushed Zhang Yide away like this, Zhang Yide looked at Song Wenyin, she held her who was about to leave, "Yinyin, Yinyin" Zhang Yide called Song Wenyin softly, Song Wenyin looked at him, she couldn't stand this Looking Zhang Yide, the two of them looked at each other, and all the atmosphere was very suitable, the street lights dimly illuminated them, the convenience store on the side of the road played a slow love song, and the pedestrians next to them were also doing their business, they Two, now they are just two ordinary people on the street, nothing happened to them, Song Wenyin slowly closed her eyes, immersed in this atmosphere, Zhang Yide also closed her eyes, this pair of passionate people , under the street lights of this street, showing the love of ordinary people

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