The decoration of Jiang Group’s building is mainly red, and the interior is mainly flowers and plants. Although everyone does not work in the flower market, in order to let the employees feel relaxed, the interior decoration is mainly flowers and plants. It is very pleasant to look at the flowers and plants. Zhang Yide went to work on the first day after the Spring Festival today. He was in a meeting, but his thoughts were no longer on his mind. He doesn't like the current life. If he continues like this, according to the original plan, He is definitely going to marry Jiang Meiqing. This is what he doesn't want. Before he met Song Wenyin, he still thought that his life was okay like this, with a successful career, a car and a house. How much is this? man's dream.

But after meeting Song Wenyin, he was attracted to her. Maybe it was the feeling of being in love, or maybe it was because she was like Wang Chunni, so he always had a feeling of liking in his heart. He knew it was wrong, but at that time He was still deeply attracted until Song Wenyin encountered difficulties. After Wang Chunyan found him, he understood his own heart. That night, besides knowing the real reason of his mother's death, he also sorted out his feelings for Song Wenyin , no matter who she is or what her name is, he always loves her, but she always seems to want to escape from himself, he is very sad, he keeps trying to get close to her, but she avoids her again and again, their relationship, It feels very close, but very far away. It is her who is far away, and he is always close to her, but she is always away.
The office where they held a meeting is decorated with a blue background, and outside the glass window is a gate of this place. There is a passage between the walls, and a red apricot tree is painted on one wall. The red apricot extended to the next wall, Zhang Yide didn't feel very good, the red apricot grew to the other wall, and the red apricot came out of the wall?Zhang Yide frowned and looked at the wall, always feeling uneasy. This was not a good premonition. The staff who reported to Zhang Yide saw Zhang Yide's bad expression. He didn't know if he had said something wrong, so he trembled when he spoke. Trembling, every time I say a word, I have to think about whether what I said is right or not. Although Zhang Yide is not usually angry, he is still very strict with his work. The employee swallowed and continued to talk. The afternoon is over. His expression was always bad, but he didn't say anything to them, so everyone let it go.

And Song Wenyin is still at Gu Shen's house, Gu Shen has been trying to find a way not to let Song Wenyin go, Song Wenyin has no way to refuse him, and cleans up his house again, if Song Wenyin wants to leave, Gu Shen will immediately roll on the ground, Gu Shen pulls Song Wenyin "Don't go! I'm still sick! You're here! Why don't you take care of me?"

Song Wenyin's face was full of black lines. She originally wanted to deliver food, but after taking a look, she was ready to leave. She didn't expect Gu Shen to play tricks on her like this. She really didn't know it before. Knowing that she wouldn't come, now that she can't leave, she has been entangled by Gu Shen, and now there should be too much news in the company, she can't help it, "Then what do you want?" Song Wenyin kicked Kick Gu Shen aside.

Gu Shen stood up and rubbed his butt, then continued to look at Song Wenyin with a smile, "Are you willing to stay? Great!"

Song Wenyin stopped him, "I'm here to help you clean and take care of you! I'm not here to play around with you!"

Gu Shen curled his lips, "Just take care of me, why are you so fierce?"

Later, Song Wenyin worked at Gu's house for an afternoon, and Gu Shen was watching her all the time. Whenever Song Wenyin wanted to leave, Gu Shen quickly found a new job for Song Wenyin. The weather was quite cold. Song Wenyin was sweating from work, she took off two pieces of clothes, rolled up her sleeves, and helped Gu Shen clean the swimming pool at their house, now that Gu Shen is no longer by her side, she feels relieved, half of the pressure she is here , all from Gu Shen, because he is so annoying, now that he is gone, she hums a ditty to clean
Soon it was evening, and Song Wenyin entered the house carrying a bucket, but there was no one inside. Song Wenyin yelled as she walked inside, "Gu Shen? Gu Shen?"

Song Wenyin put down the bucket and looked at her phone. At this point, she should be preparing to go home. Song Wende is cooking tonight. While looking at the phone, someone suddenly came down from above. Song Wenyin looked up and found that it was Gu Shen , he is no longer wearing pajamas at this time, he has changed into a suit of clothes, Gu Shen has always been good at dressing, even in suits, his suits are more eye-catching than others, Gu Shen changed into a black suit Wearing a suit, holding a bouquet of roses in her hand, she walked down slowly, walked in front of Song Wenyin, then knelt down on one knee, "Song Wenyin, you can be my girlfriend, let's date on the premise of marriage."

Song Wenyin is wearing an apron with her sleeves rolled up, and her hair is tied up in a mess, but in Gu Shen's eyes, she is extremely beautiful. This is what his wife looks like in his heart. In his dream, Song Wenyin would dress like his wife, but he didn't think However, Song Wenyin would appear like this, but she really appeared in his house like this. Since this scene could appear, why wouldn't she date him?Why don't you marry yourself?This thought ignited Gu Shen's faith, so he decided to woo her again.
In the evening, Song Wenyin returned home, she came back with Gu Shen's flowers, Song Wende got the news from Li Wan in the afternoon, Li Wan told him, "Your sister went to visit Gu Shen!"

"???? What's the situation?" Song Wende and Li Wan sent a message.

"Gu Shen has a fever today, so I'm asking for leave!"

"so what?"

"I told Song Wenyin to ask her to visit Gu Shen, guess what happened?" Li Wan said this very playfully.

"She's gone?" Li Wan always gave Song Wende the feeling that she was a aunt and six wives in their family. It can be said that she looked like a strange relative?

"That's right! She went! She asked me to write her a note! She told me directly that she was going to visit Gu Shen!!!"

Song Wende is stupid, no, according to Zhou Zhou, Song Wenyin should like Zhang Yide? !How could such a thing happen now?

Song Wende was in the kitchen. He noticed that Song Wenyin was back, and immediately ran out to see what happened. He saw Song Wenyin coming back with a bouquet of flowers. Gu Shen? ?Come on, he still prefers Zhang Yide, his brother-in-law
Song Wende rushed in front of Song Wenyin and looked at her, neither happy nor sad, "Have you accepted Gu Shen?"

"Gu Shen? How do you know that I went to find Gu Shen?" Song Wenyin tilted her head and looked at Song Wende, curious how Song Wende knew that she had gone to find Gu Shen. Song Wende already knew about his own news. It seems that he will go to work tomorrow It will be even more sensational.
"Oh, don't talk about this yet! You came back with flowers? You already promised Gu Shen? Have you dated?" Song Wende asked anxiously.

But Song Wenyin shook her head, "No, I ran away with flowers, and I'm still thinking about our relationship."

"You want to accept him?"

Song Wenyin was silent for a while, "I originally wanted to accept him, everything about him is excellent, and he seems to really like me very much, he is not joking."

"You didn't accept it? Why?" Song Wende wanted to know what Song Wenyin thought.

Song Wenyin dropped Rose, hugged Song Wende, and then cried. Song Wende didn't know what happened. He hugged Song Wenyin, patted her on the back to comfort her, "What's wrong? What's wrong with Yinyin? Did Gu Shen hurt you? "

Song Wenyin kept crying, "No, no"

Song Wende stopped asking Song Wenyin, he could not help her with her inner problems, but could give her a hug of knowledge.
Later, Song Wenyin cried for a while, and Song Wende took her to eat. At the dinner table, Song Wenyin didn't say a word, but she ate a lot, eating a bowl of rice more than usual. Song Wende saw Song Wenyin like this , so he was relieved, it's okay, it's okay, it's a good thing to be able to eat, Song Wenyin will solve this problem by herself.

After dinner, Song Wenyin returned to her room. She sat on the balcony, took out a bottle of wine she liked, and thought about the date Gu Shen proposed to her today. Only she knew why she left at that time, really. At that time, when she went to catch Gu Shen's rose, she already wanted to promise him, but when she took the rose, her mind was full of Zhang Yide, whether it was him now or him before, she shed tears When I got down, I suddenly realized that the person I had always loved in my heart was Zhang Yide. She couldn't associate with Gu Shen with such feelings, it was unfair to him!So she left a sentence, "I will think about it." Then she ran away immediately. When she left, her mind was blank, so her clothes were still at Gu Shen's house, and she hugged the rose The flowers are gone.

Song Wenyin poured herself a glass of wine. Now that she knew her inner thoughts, she felt even more uncomfortable, because the two of them could not get together at all. Zhang Yide was so good no matter where he was, how could he be worthy of it now? What about him?Jiang Meiqing is his girl, I can only bury my feelings, Song Wenyin drank the wine in one go.

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