Qin Xiyu was so willful, Wang Liji on the other side of the microphone was also furious.

Not only angry, but also flustered.

The phrase "he said, I call the shots" means that Qin Xiyu will not torture him the worst at any time, only worse.

And the speed is only between the fingers.

Instead, he said politely: "Young Master Qin, I'll just say a few words to Jia Qi, without any malice.

"Qin Xiyu didn't believe it. What kind of good things could this old guy who even sold his own daughter have to say? He sarcastically said: "Uncle Wang, the water thrown by the married daughter.

She has a brand new life, so don't bother me, old man.

Besides, today is the anniversary of your ex-wife's death, and you didn't even attend.

Just because of this, Jiaqi said that it has nothing to do with you.

"Wang Jiaqi still had the same sentence in her heart: When did I say that? Although, she also thought the same way.

Otherwise, why don't you call me Dad?After finishing speaking, he unceremoniously hung up the phone.

Then he asked, "What business does Birch want from you?" Wang Jiaqi pretended to be disappointed and said, "Probably after careful consideration, I don't want to cooperate anymore.

But the piano shop has been out of shape by Wang Liji and Bai Caiyu.

I can't stand this kind of tossing anymore.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't inject capital, as long as he can provide technical assistance, the reputation of the piano store can be re-established.

"Qin Xiyu twitched his lips and said: "You don't even have a detailed plan, why should you lobby others to help you?"Leave it to me, these days will not be a problem.

You obediently think about how to hand over and how to do a good job as the art director.

"He "underestimated" her from the bottom of his heart.

While the two were tidying up upstairs, Qin Xiwen also came back from get off work.

As soon as Xiao Xiaoxian saw Qin Xiwen, she stepped forward and said, "Oh, Xiwen, I finally got off work after a hard day.

"Qin Xiwen glanced at Xiao Xiaoxian and remained silent.

The servant conspicuously offered her a glass of hot and cold boiled water.

Seeing that Qin Xiwen was still looking at her coldly, Xiao Xiaoxian said, "Xiwen, what should I say, seeing you working so hard for Qin Cheng's foundation, my mother really feels distressed.

"But Qin Xiwen raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Don't come to recognize relatives, my mother has already been buried in the loess.

You're no more than a money stepmother.

"After that, she put down the water glass, sat on the sofa and said leisurely.

Every day in this family, they are obsessed overtly and covertly, talking about those topics back and forth.

Maybe after so many years, Xiao Xiaoxian is used to what the siblings say.

But she was still furious when she heard it, especially when Qin Xiwen was in the hall, using people to come in and out and hurt her like this in full view.

Xiao Xiaoxian held back her sulking and said with an awkward smile: "Yes, Xi Wen is right, a stepmother is a stepmother.

But I see you rushing in and out like this, working hard, and that old guy doesn't value you, so I really feel sorry for you.

Qin Xiwen raised her eyes, became vigilant, and asked coldly: "What do you want to say?" "Isn't Xiyu just the prodigal son turning back?"

The old lady was very happy.

You understand her thoughts, I'm afraid that the country you have worked so hard for will be handed over to others to manage.

poor child.

"Xiao Xiaoxian likes to provoke the siblings.

Qin Xiwen was startled when she heard this.

She was also worried that her efforts would not be recognized, and in the end all of her efforts were handed over to Qin Xiyu with Ling Jinyun's words.

She also noticed recently that Qin Xiyu is no longer as silent as before.

Ever since he kicked Bai Hetian out of the board of directors, she felt that the sibling relationship could no longer cover up the fact of the conflict.

But it was not Xiao Xiaoxian's turn to instigate him.

She raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you think you have the ability to defeat Xiyu?" "We won't be afraid if we cooperate.

We are all women, I will always support my daughter and protect her more.

"People are always greedy, even a little bit of strength is better than fighting alone and wanting to break the scalp.

Qin Xiwen was silent.

Xiao Xiaoxian smiled sweetly and said, "If you don't object, Second Mom will regard you as agreeing.

"But Qin Xiwen was still aloof, she put her hands on her chest, glanced at her face, and sighed softly.

My heart is a little messed up.

She suddenly asked: "How much profit do you want from doing this?" "Not much, all I want is money, you inherit the ownership of the Qin family and you go for it.

How about we split the money fifty-fifty? "Xiao Xiaoxian showed her fox tail.

Qin Xiwen frowned, she never felt that the woman beside her was simple-minded.

It's just that I didn't expect to be so deep, so greedy.

Even the Qin family wants to swallow it... The butler saw the deep conversation between the two from a distance, and immediately reported the matter to Ling Jinyun, Ling Jinyun blinked and said: "Whoever comes will come, this house is going to have a storm.

I hope Xiyu can wake up to [-] points, and Xiwen will wake up from the storm.

The important thing is not to let innocent people be implicated and injured.

"The housekeeper naturally understood who Ling Jinyun was referring to as the "innocent people".

He said respectfully: "The relationship between the young master and the young mistress seems to be good recently.

"Trying to comfort Ling Jinyun.

Ling Jinyun said with emotion: "We can't jump to conclusions yet.

" "Yes, old lady.

At this time, Xiao Xiaoxian tried her best to lobby Qin Xiwen.

"For this to happen, we need help," she said.

If you want to be an undercover agent, you must also be a master of sowing discord.


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