In a short time, Wang Jiaqi woke up.

I found myself lying on a big soft bed.

She began to recall: how is it possible?Mingming was sitting on the sofa waiting for Mama Li to pick up her clothes... She grabbed the quilt and sat up slowly.

Hearing the sound, Qin Xiyu turned his head, raised his lips and smiled evilly, "As a high-ranking slave, you are too rude, aren't you? You fell asleep before the master fell asleep?" Wang Jiaqi stroked her forehead and murmured: "Childish! " "Don't think I don't know what you're talking about."

Despise me for not having good fruit for you.

"Qin Xiyu raised his legs and warned.

Although he pitied her life lacking in love, the mentality of teasing her went hand in hand.

Wang Jiaqi flipped the quilt and patted her forehead.

Her head was swollen, and the feeling of not getting enough sleep pervaded her whole body.

She wasn't in the mood to talk to Qin Xiyu, he was arrogant and let him go.

At this time, her cell phone rang and vibrated on the coffee table.

Qin Xiyu glanced at the caller ID, frowned and said, "Birch?" Wang Jiaqi immediately ran over to answer the call.

She picked up her mobile phone and politely greeted the microphone: "Hi, Mr. Birch, hello!" Standing beside Qin Xiyu, how could she call "Uncle".

And Qin Xiyu was surprised, how could Birch call Wang Jiaqi himself?Facing the microphone, Biqi said in not-so-fluent Chinese: "Jiaqi, you asked me to transfer all the shares of Wangjiaqin Company to Qin Xiyu. What's going on?" After receiving Duan Xichen's contact, Biqi could no longer sit still Living.

He wants to contact his niece himself.

Birch was not stupid to hear his niece cry out so strangely.

He didn't hesitate, and immediately asked straight to the point: "What do you mean by transferring the shares?" Wang Jiaqi sighed softly, not knowing how to guide this uncle, she said: "Mr. Birch, it is really a pity that you failed to cooperate. .

But please think more about Mr. Birch, the piano company will correct the production quality in the future, we need high-quality technical support like Ding Bernard.

"This statement not only made Birch confused and unable to understand, but also made Qin Xiyu feel that she was very naive.

What is it if it is not naive to ask a shareholder who withdraws shares to provide technical support?She didn't have a detailed plan, so why should she lobby predators like the earl's family?Birch thought for a long time and said, "We will discuss it later!" Then he hung up the phone.

At this time, Qin Xiyu was lying on his side on the sofa, with his legs slightly curled up, his head raised with his palms, and his posture was extremely enchanting.

He stared at Wang Jiaqi with interest and asked, "Why does Birch have your phone number?" Wang Jiaqi gave him a blank look, and said, "When we talked about cooperation in the piano company last time, everyone left a phone number so we can get in touch.

He also taught me how to log in to the international network and use various chat software to conduct video conferences.

"Qin Xiyu narrowed his eyes for a moment, thinking to himself: I'm about to praise that old man named Birch to the sky.

Wang Jiaqi, do you still have me in your heart?Because of men's possessiveness, Qin Xiyu did not allow Wang Jiaqi to praise other men, and she violated his big taboo again.

Qin Xiyu got up and grabbed her waist, pulling her to his chest.

With a light bump, Wang Jiaqi fell on his chest.

Taking advantage of the situation, he lowered his head and nibbled on the pinna of her ear, making her numb and trembling.

Wang Jiaqi immediately pushed him away and said, "What are you doing? Please go downstairs to find something to eat if you're hungry.

I am not food.

"Simple is simple.

In the adult world of demons, how can the word "hungry" be as simple as just having a meal?However, when Qin Xiyu was about to make a move, Wang Jiaqi's phone rang again.

This time, it was Wang Liji.

She picked up her mobile phone and said sarcastically: "Bai Hetian can't get along with you, so Wang Liji will trouble me.

Qin Xiyu grabbed the phone and said, "I'm coming!" "The opportunity to vent his desire was interrupted by Wang Liji in vain, and he couldn't get rid of his anger.

While answering the phone, he put his hips on his hips and said, "Wang Jiaqi has been sold by you, what's the use of finding her?" These words seemed to satirize Wang Liji's thick skin, but they also stabbed Wang Jiaqi's heart severely.

Wang Liji couldn't help trembling when he heard the cold male voice.

Holding the phone, he thought: It's not Wang Jiaqi!The son-in-law who comes with 8000 million yuan is not easy to deal with.

Wang Liji bit the bullet and asked: "Uh, it's Xiyu, is Jiaqi there?" Qin Xiyu snorted and said, "Old man, don't call me so kind.

Jiaqi?She has no freedom with me. It's not that you can find her as soon as you say you can, and you can listen to her just by asking her to answer the phone.

"Wang Jiaqi frowned in dissatisfaction, gritted her teeth and raised her fist.

But if you think about it carefully, it would be very difficult for Wang Liji to blame himself again.

A father-in-law who is in debt is probably afraid of this son-in-law who is called a devil.

He can help Wang Jiaqi find a piano shop, so he is naturally capable of killing him.

Only Qin Xiyu couldn't move this finger.

Wang Liji was timid on the spot, he took a deep breath and said with an embarrassed smile: "If Jiaqi is not convenient to answer the phone... I won't bother.

I'll look for her another day.

"However, Qin Xiyu said coldly: "No need! He continued, "Your good daughter doesn't care about your royal family's affairs at all."

She said, I call the shots.

"Wang Jiaqi was speechless for a moment.

When did she say that?But nightmares are capricious.

There is nothing he wants that he cannot have.

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