A little intolerance leads to chaos and big plans. In order to be able to live in the future, visits to Wang Jiaqi's ward will be unimpeded.

Duan Xichen chose to wear earplugs, turned his back to the door, raised his legs, and listened to the music leisurely, waiting for Qin Xiyu to come out.

It is undeniable that music is a good thing, especially the aristocratic melody of the Tim Bernard family, where it is a pleasure to listen to it.

Listening to it, Duan Xichen raised his head and closed his eyes, indulging in the psychedelic world created by the music.

Wang Jiaqi, who needs to rely on an oxygen mask to breathe, did not have much energy to eat.

She only drank a little soup, then fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Xiyu locked all the luggage in the cabinet, turned and left.

He had just walked out of the ward, and saw Duan Xichen sitting on a stool in the corridor with a calm look, and left with a cold snort.

Musicians are sensitive to sound.

Duan Xichen naturally heard Qin Xiyu's haughty snort.

He immediately opened his eyes, and said with admiration at the corner of his mouth: "Master Qin, is this how your honor treats your wife's friend? Anyway, I am also your second aunt's nephew.

Even if you don't know each other well, you can still be considered a distant relative.

"Qin Xiyu hates being provoked.

He squeezed the handle of the thermos bottle tightly, held his breath, and looked back at Duan Xichen coldly as a warning.

Duan Xichen seems to be used to his state, and has never been a pleasant devil.

He spread his palms, took off his earphones, stood up and followed.

Qin Xiyu couldn't bear it anymore, he glanced at Duan Xichen and asked, "How do you know the ward number that my second aunt doesn't even know?" Duan Xichen would never let Tang Keke die.

He put his hands on his hips, covered his mouth with one hand and said with a smile, "Please, Young Master Qin! The hospital is not your private domain, and it's easy to follow you.

""boring! "Qin Xiyu didn't believe his bragging.

From the parking lot to the elevator, he took a few steps and looked back, but there was no sign of him, obviously going the other way.

Duan Xichen didn't say much, he brushed Qin Xiyu's shoulder and said: "Your nobleman is very busy, I will bring a gift to see her tomorrow morning!" After finishing speaking, he threw the car keys in his hand and walked past his eyes.

This performance is extremely provocative to Qin Xiyu's inner dignity.

Qin Xiyu faintly felt a big green hat hovering in the air, ready to sit firmly on top of his head.

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated, public places are not easy to attack, so I have to keep it in my heart.

From that moment on, for the sake of his own reputation, he wanted to help Wang Jiaqi guard against Duan Xichen's gentleness.

As soon as Qin Xiyu came home, he immediately arranged for Tang Keke to come to the hospital the next day to take care of him, and anyone who visited the hospital had to report.

The only thing Qin Xiyu missed was Tang Keke, the "undercover agent".

After a night of rest and treatment, Wang Jiaqi's mental state has almost recovered.

After the doctor's examination, the oxygen mask was also removed.

She sat up and looked out the window dejectedly.

Early autumn has arrived, and the branches of the redbud tree sway slowly in the wind, making a "swish" sound, and the green leaves begin to turn pale yellow.

At this time, migratory birds flew over the branches, and the "squeak" sound played the melody of the season.

Looking at the gray sky outside the window, Wang Jiaqi sighed, "Autumn is here!" At this time, Xichen came in with a bunch of ginger flowers in her left hand and a box of cherries in her right hand, and said with a smile, "What is there to see outside?" Wang Jiaqi immediately turned her head following the sound, saw the thing in Duan Xichen's hand, and wanted to get out of bed to pick it up, but unfortunately, her right hand was connected to the infusion set, and the wire of the 24-hour electrocardiogram monitor was still connected to her chest.

Duan Xichen said: "Okay, you'd better sit down obediently!" Wang Jiaqi asked: "How do you know I'm in the hospital?" son.

"After that, he began to get busy in the ward.

Seeing that he was busy arranging flowers and washing cherries, Wang Jiaqi said politely: "You can just come up and chat with me, why do you still buy so many things?" Duan Xichen smiled and said, "I am willing!" Wang Jiaqi looked at the glass bottle The white ginger flowers inserted in the garden are still in bud.

Then he asked: "Hey, is the ginger flower still in bloom now?" Duan Xichen said: "If you like it, I can find it.

"Mysterious, I still eat."

I'm sorry! "After that, Wang Jiaqi unceremoniously grabbed a handful of cherries and put them in her mouth one by one.

Seeing her gluttonous appearance, Duan Xichen teased her and asked, "Miss, it's not until nine o'clock in the morning, so you eat like this? Didn't you eat breakfast?" Wang Jiaqi pouted and said, "I ate too little last night, so I need to make up for it quickly." return.

" Duan Xichen looked at her dotingly, shook his head, thinking: I don't know who just said that there is no need to buy things.

He turned to ask: "Then can you be satisfied now?" Wang Jiaqi shook her head.

Duan Xichen was suddenly surprised.

Wang Jiaqi said: "Recently I'm used to being busy, suddenly I'm either eating or sleeping, and I have to lock the range of activities, so depressing.

If only I had a violin.

Duan Xichen tapped her forehead and said: "Greedy!"Hospitals also have rules.

He turned and scratched the back of his head, "Well... you can't play music, but listening to music is still allowed."

"After that, he took out his treasured iPod from his pocket, stuffed two earplugs into her ears with his own hands, and said, "I will lend you my boredom-relief artifact for a while..." At this moment, Qin Xiyu took Tang When Ke Ke came, seeing the two getting close was more like you and me.

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