In the room, the cupboard was being tormented by the "slapping" sound... Qin Xiyu was rummaging through the cabinets, while counting to himself: "Cups, toothbrushes, towels, combs... Do you want to take the bath liquid for her too?" At this time, the two little maids were already holding a bag of clothes and staring at him, making him uncomfortable.

He asked: "Why?" They looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "Master, is there still a bathtub?" For more than a month, she bought many hearts.

He couldn't help being depressed: How dare you tease the young master?Where is the majesty of the master?He turned his head and stared at them with a cold light that could freeze people to death, and said, "I don't need you to teach me what to do.

"The two of them held their breath and lowered their heads for a moment, thinking: It's so cold... Tang Keke had an idea, and said cautiously: "Master... Actually, the convenience store next to the hospital you said just now also sells them.

It is also very convenient to buy what is left behind at that time.

Qin Xiyu finally stopped, grabbed the cloth bags from the two of them with one hand, and said, "You clean up the scene."

"Tang Keke and Xiaoying looked around the room, it was as messy as a battlefield.

Their hearts were galloping in an instant, and they were trampled to collapse.

Mingming was full of complaints in his heart, but he didn't dare to make any expressions.

Qin Xiyu walked downstairs with a bag in his left hand and a bag in his right.

Duan Mingyue helped lay out the food and said: "Xiyu, Jiaqi doesn't wait a few minutes to use these things, go after eating.

"Qin Xiyu pursed his lips, he would not cast a hostile look at Duan Mingyue.

He looked at the hot soup scooped up by the servant on the table, and asked calmly: "What soup?" The old lady in charge of the kitchen replied: "Young master, it is stewed chicken soup with wolfberry and astragalus.

Duan Mingyue thought about it, and said: "It's good for this Jiaqi to drink, take a pot with you.

"After that, he told the old lady to pack it in a thermos.

Qin Xiyu started gobbling it no matter how many people were not present.

After a while I choked.

Duan Mingyue immediately stepped forward, sat beside him, stroked his back, handed him a bowl of soup, and said, "Eat slowly.

Take a sip of soup.

Jiaqi can't run away, what are you in a hurry for? "From the perspective of others, Duan Mingyue looks more like Qin Xiyu's real mother.

When the thirsty rice was swallowed slowly from the esophagus, Qin Xiyu let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Second Aunt, I don't know why, I obviously don't like her, but I was furious because the surname Bai Tiaohu Lishan.

And because he took Qianyao for a ride on the way there, he couldn't stop the tragedy in time, and he felt unspeakably guilty.

"In front of Duan Mingyue, she can confess magnanimously.

"Li Qianyao?" Duan Mingyue didn't understand why the members of the Bai family were so anxious to murder a young lady who had become an illegitimate daughter.

But Li Qianyao appeared on the same node, which is a bit weird.

"She sprained her ankle, give her a ride.

" Qin Xiyu said lightly.

In his eyes, this encounter is still a kind of "accident".

Even if there is an urge to investigate in the bottom of my heart.

He suddenly said: "Maybe it's like what Bai Caiyu said, if she doesn't come back to West City, everything will be different.

"After hearing this, Duan Mingyue felt that the matter was even more mysterious.

At this time, the old servant brought out a pot of hot soup and asked, "Master, I wonder if the young mistress has reported meals at the hospital tonight? It should be past the time for the hospital to report meals when you come back.

"The old servants didn't mention this matter, he really didn't realize it.

Although he was a bit confused, he was still able to reply and said: "Just prepare a box lunch.

The young lady likes light stir-fries, and don't put greasy and spicy dishes.

"The old servant had a little bit, and went into the kitchen to look for a thermos to pack the meals.

Duan Mingyue looked at him and smiled, and really wanted to ask him how he knew.

Qin Xiyu has always paid little attention to Wang Jiaqi, how could he suddenly know her taste and needs?But seeing the situation, she finally comforted her, at least Qin Xiyu finally cared about winning, and began to care about Jiaqi.

The old servant packed the food, Qin Xiyu thumped his lower back with both hands, stood up, grabbed the things with both hands and went straight to the yard.

Get in the car and leave quickly.

When Qin Xiyu arrived at the parking lot of the hospital again, Duan Xichen's car just arrived at the opposite parking space.

Qin Xiyu got out of the car with a bunch of things, Duan Xichen noticed it.

Duan Xichen got out of the car and asked: "Master Qin! With so many things, who are you giving them to?" Qin Xiyu said coldly: "It's none of your business!" He was annoyed when he saw Duan Xichen.

Especially when he and Wang Jiaqi were talking and laughing together, his eyes were inexplicably angry.

Of course, Duan Xichen wouldn't let him go so easily. He stepped forward and held his arm, raised his eyebrows and asked seriously, "Is it Jiaqi? What happened to her?" "I said, it's none of your business, Great performer!" Qin Xiyu gritted his teeth and threw off his restraint.

Duan Xichen knew that stalking would never yield results, so he just said indifferently: "If so, I will definitely come and see her.

"He calmed down first, and went to visit a Dawn band member who was staying in the hospital for examination because of tinnitus.

Then he called Tang Keke again to verify Wang Jiaqi's situation.

After learning about the matter, he hurriedly went to the ward where Wang Jiaqi lived, leaned against the outer wall of the corridor, and waited for Qin Xiyu.

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