After a while, Ning Qingqing woke up and went downstairs to see the servants busy in the kitchen.

"What are you doing, are there any guests tonight, why such a sumptuous dinner?" Ning Qingqing asked with a smile.

"No, ma'am, it was arranged by the young master. He said that he wanted to have a good dinner with his wife tonight, so let me prepare these!" the servants said with a smile.

"Oh, so it is like this!" Ning Qingqing smiled, but she was puzzled in her heart. It was not a holiday or an anniversary, why did he suddenly want to have a sumptuous dinner with her?

Oh, I guess it's because they haven't had a good meal during this time, so they should reward her.

Ning Qingqing smiled. Although that man usually has an iceberg face, which makes people look very cold and difficult to get along with, but in fact, that man is still very caring.

Ning Qingqing packed her luggage, and when she went downstairs again, she found that the servants were packing their things and left the villa one by one.

Seeing Ning Qingqing going downstairs, the butler hurried over with a smile.

"Han Steward, what's going on, why are you all gone?" Ning Qingqing asked in surprise.

"Madam, it's like this. The young master said that everyone can get off work after preparing dinner tonight, and you can go home to rest for a night. I was just about to report this matter to Madam, but I didn't expect Madam to go home first. Come down! Ma'am, do you think there is anything else that needs to be prepared, or do you have any orders?" Han Butler said with a smile.

"It's a holiday?" Ning Qingqing was extremely surprised. As far as she knew, there were servants serving the villa all year round. Naturally, these servants also had family members, but the Li family had many servants, and they all worked in shifts. .

But there has never been a situation like today where no servants are left.

What exactly does Li Xiaohan want to do?

"Ma'am, do you have any orders? If it's later, all the servants may have left..." Butler Han continued to ask with a smile.

"No..." Ning Qingqing said.

Butler Han nodded, "Then madam, I'll leave first too!"

After speaking, he also left.

Ning Qingqing looked at the huge house and the sumptuous dinner table, and couldn't figure out what happened for a while.

"Qingqing, I'm back!" Suddenly the door opened, and Li Xiaohan walked in from the outside. He was in high spirits, his face was flushed, and he looked very happy.

"Xiaohan, what's going on here, why did you let the servants take leave suddenly?" Ning Qingqing looked at him in surprise and asked.

"Because they are in the way here!" Li Xiaohan came over, hugged her, and kissed her on the forehead.

"In the way?" Ning Qingqing didn't understand what he meant.

"Okay, come and eat quickly, I'm hungry!" Li Xiaohan said with a smile, and pulled Ning Qingqing to the dining table.

"It's just the two of us at home tonight. This is a veritable two-person world. How about it? Do you think this feeling is very novel!" Li Xiaohan said with a smile.

Ning Qingqing thought about it, indeed, since she followed Li Xiaohan to this villa, it was the first time that there were only her and Li Xiaohan in this villa, this feeling is really novel!
"Yeah, but why did you suddenly take all the servants on vacation? Maybe it's just to create this two-person world!" Ning Qingqing asked with a smile, and there was a mischievous taste in her smile.

"Yes, I just want to create a two-person world..."

Li Xiaohan said with a smile.

"Why?" Ning Qingqing looked at him curiously.

"You'll find out later!" Li Xiaohan deliberately played tricks, he looked at the sumptuous dishes on the table and said, "How can we have a good dinner here without wine, how about this, I'll get the wine, let's drink less Are some good?"

Ning Qingqing just wanted to refuse, but Li Xiaohan had already got up and went to get wine from the wine cabinet.

Soon, he came over with a bottle of red wine and a bottle of whiskey.

"There is no one else tonight, can you have a drink with me?" Li Yanhan went to fetch two more wine glasses and said with a smile.

In fact, he did this out of selfish motives, isn't there a saying called drunkenness, tonight he just wanted to use his drunkenness to ask his wife for benefits that he hadn't received for a long time.

"Xiaohan, I don't know how to drink, so forget it, if you want to drink, you can drink some yourself!" Ning Qingqing said with a smile, he is so happy tonight that he still wants to drink, she naturally won't sweep It's just that she really doesn't know how to drink, so it's better for him to drink alone.

"How can I do that, I just created this two-person world just to have dinner with you, baby, and have a drink together. Besides, this is red wine, which is harmless to the body, so just drink less, okay?" Li Xiaohan finished speaking He had already poured the wine for her involuntarily.

Ning Qingqing had no choice but to have a drink with him.

Li Xiaohan was very happy, drinking with Ning Qingqing for the first time, this feeling is really good.

But what Li Xiaohan didn't expect was that Ning Qingqing's drinking capacity was too low, and she was drunk after only a few drinks.

However, the drunk Ning Qingqing didn't have such a bad drink as drinking madness, she just lay on the table and looked at Li Xiaohan with a smile, without blinking her eyes.

"Baby, why are you looking at me like that?" Li Xiaohan was watched by Ning Qingqing for so long, just because he couldn't help teasing her.

" look good!" Ning Qingqing smiled coquettishly, her fair little face was flushed with drunkenness, and she looked very attractive.

And her watery eyes sparkled, and the alcohol brought out her charming charm.

This sentence made Li Xiaohan feel elated.

"Did you just find out today?" Li Xiaohan approached Ning Qingqing and said with a smile, his eyes full of affection and ambiguity.

"Of course not. In fact, I discovered it a long time ago. It was in the basement where you brought me back. The first time I saw you, I thought you were handsome! Then..." Ning Qingqing said, suddenly there was another No more talking, just pursed his lips and laughed.

"What happened later?" Li Xiaohan asked with a smile.

"Later, after getting along with each other, I found are getting more and more handsome..." Ning Qingqing said with a smile, with a feeling of laziness after drunkenness in her tone.

Li Xiaohan lowered his head and smiled, it turned out that this woman was like this when she was drunk, if she usually told her that he was handsome, it would probably be more difficult than killing her.

But now, when she was drunk, this kind of praise for him came out naturally.

Speaking the truth after drinking, he believes that what she is saying now is what is in her heart.

Unexpectedly, in her heart, he was still very attractive.

"Then why did you want to run away and leave me later?" Li Xiaohan said with a very uncomfortable look on purpose.

"That... That's what I think... I think you almost killed me that time... I think you are terrible, so I want to leave, and, at that time, I always felt that you said you were going to take me to find me Memories, but there has never been any place that reminds me of the past. I think that since I can’t find my past memories when I stay here, maybe I can remember the past when I go out, so I want to I left!" Ning Qingqing pouted and said aggrievedly, "However, the most important reason is because of what you did to me that night..."

Li Xiaohan nodded, he knew that that night when he was drugged by Bai Menglin and almost raped her, it really hurt her a lot. Speaking of which, she didn't accept from her heart that he was hers The fact of her husband is why she rejected him so much later, he can understand.

"What about now, do you still want to retrieve your memory? Now it seems that I can't restore your previous memory, remember the past!" Li Xiaohan held her hand and asked, his tone full of self responsibility.

"Sometimes I still think about it, but now I have figured it out. Since I can't find the memory of the past, so be it. I don't have to have the memory of the past! I think it's good now, It's not bad to stay by your side and live such an ordinary life with you!" Ning Qingqing thought about it and said with a smile, with a satisfied look on her face.

Li Xiaohan didn't expect that she would say such a thing, and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

"Then what you said is true, even if you can't find your previous memory in the future, won't you leave me again?"

"Of course, why should I leave you! I now feel that being by my husband's side is the safest and happiest, and of course I will not leave my husband!" Ning Qingqing looked at Li Xiaohan's handsome face, full of There seemed to be little stars in the eyes.

"Besides, my husband is so handsome and good-looking, why should I leave! I can't!"

At this time, Ning Qingqing seemed to have suddenly turned into a little nympho, looking at Li Xiaohan with an ambiguous smile.

"Then, did you prepare some gift for me?" Li Yanhan looked at Ning Qingqing's appearance, and he really loved her small appearance at this time. How could he see her cute appearance on weekdays? It was a surprise tonight.

"Gift? What gift?" Ning Qingqing asked with sleepy eyes, her brain was a little out of control now.

"Of course it's the gift you hid in your handbag, isn't that for me?" Li Yanhan smiled meaningfully.

Ning Qingqing patted her head, she seemed to have forgotten what was in the handbag.

"Oh, let me go and see, what's in the handbag?" She murmured softly, then got up and walked upstairs to the bedroom. She remembered that her handbag seemed to be in the bedroom .

"Be careful! I'll go with you!" Li Xiaohan hurriedly supported her, worried that she would fall.

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