"Hey, has anyone ever said that women are really bad creatures, don't you know why I came here? It would be chilling to say that!" Li Xiaohan said deliberately.

"Understood, I know that Li is always worried about me! Thank you, Mr. Li, is this okay?" Ning Qingqing raised her eyebrows and her mouth pouted, as if she was acting like a baby.

This was her subconscious action, she never thought of acting like a baby to Li Xiaohan at this time.

Li Xiaohan saw this little action, and suddenly felt his heart swaying. He had never seen such a delicate and naive woman before, and then he stretched out his big hand and turned her head over.

"Hey, Li Xiaohan, we have to pack our bags quickly..." Realizing what Li Xiaohan was going to do, Ning Qingqing hurriedly tried to stop it, but it was too late.

His warm lips were already pressed against her, and immediately there was a passionate kiss.

Ning Qingqing was quickly disarmed by his kiss and surrendered.

After a while, they separated, and Ning Qingqing and Li Xiaohan continued to pack their luggage.

Because Li Xiaohan came, Ning Qingqing, Zi Hao and Lin Ru left directly in his car, the speed was indeed much faster than taking the shuttle bus.

After returning home, Li Xiaohan went to the company to deal with the hilly affairs accumulated these days, while Ning Qingqing rested in the villa, Zi Hao followed Lin Ru to Lin Ru's apartment, Lin Ru said that he wanted the little guy to accompany him with her.

After Ning Qingqing had a good night's sleep, she felt a little bored at home, so she pretended to go out.

These days in a remote place, she really wants to go out for a stroll and see the city where she lives.

As she walked, a shop caught her attention.

She saw the shop, thought about it, and went in.

"Miss, what do you need, I can introduce it to you!" The shopping guide lady came over immediately and asked with a smile.

"I...I want to see your latest underwear..." Ning Qingqing whispered.

"Okay, miss, this way please!" The shopping guide smiled and led Ning Qingqing to the other side.

'Here are all our new products for this season, Miss, you can take a look! The shopping guide said to Ning Qingqing with a smile.

Ning Qingqing walked slowly among the shelves, and stopped in front of a set of underwear.

A set of sexy lingerie as thin as cicada's wings is being displayed on the model's body. The design of this lingerie is very delicate, and the style is not very conservative.But it looks different from other underwear.

Ning Qingqing likes this design element very much. The reason why she chose to walk into this store just now is because she saw this set of underwear displayed on a model when she walked by just now.

She was attracted by this set of underwear.

"This...is there a size I can wear?" Ning Qingqing asked with a blushing face, because she was wearing a big mask and her face was covered with a black black super, so her blush was invisible , but her twitchy behavior made people see at a glance how shy she was at the moment.

"Oh, miss has a really good eye. Did miss see this set of underwear? This is the treasure of our store. It was designed by a famous designer. It is not only a new product of this season, but also a hit. If the lady likes it, I can take the lady to try on the size!" The shopping guide lady immediately said with a smile.

"No need, if there is a size that I can wear, just wrap it up for me!" Ning Qingqing blushed even more, trying it on, wouldn't it be to let others see how she looks in this suit?

The way she wears this suit, she only wants one person to see it, and that is Li Xiaohan!
She imagined what Li Xiaohan's reaction would be when she appeared in front of her wearing this suit, Ning Qingqing's face became even redder, and her heartbeat seemed to speed up a lot.

"Okay, wait a minute, miss, I'll help you wrap it up right away!" The shopping guide was even happier when she heard that the lady decided to buy it without even trying it on, and hurried to find the number package.

Ning Qingqing waited for a while, and the shopping guide lady came out, holding a delicate bag in her hand, "Miss, this is the size you want, please have a look!"

"Well, thank you!" Ning Qingqing said with a smile, and took the bag.

The shopping guide smiled and said in a low voice, "Miss, did you buy this dress to show your boyfriend? In fact, this set of sexy underwear is not sexy, it is also a bit conservative. The design is unique, but I think, if the lady wears it for her boyfriend, then you can go and see those new products over there. Those are more sexy and can highlight your figure. Miss's figure is so good, if you wear it Those sexy lingerie over there will definitely have a better effect, and your boyfriend will definitely... love you more!"

The shopping guide lady's words made Ning Qingqing's face look like a cooked shrimp or a ripe tomato.

"No, there's no need, this is fine!" Ning Qingqing said hastily, she was so embarrassed, she was so embarrassed to talk to a shopping guide lady here about seducing her boyfriend with sexy lingerie.

Seeing Ning Qingqing's appearance, the shopping guide lady smiled, it seems that this lady is still shy!
She quickly settled the bill for Ning Qingqing, and Ning Qingqing went out with the bag.

But as soon as she went out, she regretted it. The bag has a trademark on it, and people may see what she bought at a glance, which is also very embarrassing.

Ning Qingqing hurriedly stuffed the bag into her handbag, and hurried home.

But I began to blame myself in my heart, what's wrong, she would secretly buy a sexy lingerie, just for Li Xiaohan, she did such a thing, is this still her?
No, let's forget about this thing, we must not let Li Yanhan see it!
If he saw it, she would be really ashamed to death in the future.

Ning Qingqing, Ning Qingqing, how could you do such a shameful thing!
Ning Qingqing scolded herself over and over again in her heart.

But at the corner of the street, Zhou Xiaoyou watched Ning Qingqing come out of the underwear store, still holding a bag in her hand, but after walking a few steps, she put the bag into her bag again, as if she was very precious. As if, I suddenly became curious in my heart, what exactly did that woman buy so precious.

After seeing Ning Qingqing leave, she hurried in too.

The shopping guide lady from just now hurried over, "Miss, do you need anything?"

"The woman who went out just now, what did she buy here?" Zhou Xiaoyou asked, pointing to the direction where Ning Qingqing left just now.

"Oh, you mean that lady just now, she bought a set of sexy lingerie, oh, yes, this is the set!" The shopping guide said hurriedly, pointing to the sexy lingerie on the model over there.

Zhou Xiaoyou frowned, Ning Qingqing actually bought sexy underwear here?

Who is that woman wearing sexy lingerie for, of course it is for Li Yanhan!

Zhou Xiaoyou's eyes fell on the sexy lingerie, and he seemed to see Ning Qingqing in sexy lingerie making out with Li Xiaohan, and his eyes suddenly burst into flames.

"Ning Qingqing, that bitch bought this kind of sexy lingerie to seduce Han Han. How shameless! Shameless, shameless!" Zhou Xiaoyou clenched his fists angrily. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, wishing to tear Ning Qingqing immediately that face.

He also didn't expect that a self-proclaimed noble woman like Ning Qingqing would buy sexy lingerie to seduce Li Xiaohan.

It seems that this woman is becoming more and more threatening to her now. If this continues, won't her cousin's heart really be seduced by this bitch.

No, she can't let this woman continue to be arrogant, she must find a way to make this woman have no time and energy to seduce her cousin.

But what to do?

Zhou Xiaoyou frowned.

After returning to the villa, Ning Qingqing took her bag and went upstairs.

After going out for a walk, she was really tired. She threw her bag aside, and then went to bed and slept for a while.

Not long after Ning Qingqing fell asleep, Li Xiaohan came back.

Hearing from the servant that Ning Qingqing was resting in the bedroom, he went directly upstairs to find her in the bedroom.

Unexpectedly, Ning Qingqing had already fallen asleep.

Seeing her sleeping soundly and seeing her sleeping so soundly, Li Xiaohan didn't have the nerve to disturb her, so he lay down and looked at her.

With a glance inadvertently, he saw that something seemed to be sticking out of her bag.

Curiously, he walked over to pick up her bag, and took out the delicate bag from it.

Is it a gift for him?
This idea came to Li Xiaohan's mind immediately when he saw the bag.

Excitedly, he opened the bag and saw that there were a bunch of small pieces of cloth inside.

"What is this?" He was a little puzzled, took out the small piece of cloth, and unfolded it. ,
When he saw clearly what this bunch of small pieces of cloth was, he widened his eyes in surprise, but when he figured out who this sexy lingerie was for, his heart beat wildly again, and he was so happy Extremely.

He didn't expect this woman to prepare such a surprise for him, which really made him overjoyed.

He wanted to wake up this woman quickly and ask her if this was prepared for him, but after thinking about it, Ning Qingqing's temperament is usually very reserved, if she asks her face to face at this time, I'm afraid it will make her feel very embarrassed , maybe I won’t wear it for him to see.

He thought for so long that the benefits could not be canceled just like that. He had to find a way to make this woman willing to wear this for him!

Li Xiaohan was so beautiful, he put the lingerie set back into the bag, and then quietly put the bag back into her bag, pretending that no one had touched it, and then quietly smiled with a corner of his mouth. Leaving Ning Qingqing's bedroom.

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