Soon, a light appeared in front of Ning Qingqing.

"Mr. Ning, our village is ahead." When the man said that their village was ahead, Ning Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey! We're back!" After the man finished speaking, he shouted in the direction of the village again.

Soon, there were a few more bonfires in the lighted place, and then, the voices from that direction suddenly became noisy.

"Changxi is back, it's Changxi back." The closer Ning Qingqing walked, the more cheers came from the village, and finally when Ning Qingqing reached the entrance of the village, she saw a large group of people standing at the entrance of the village Everyone still has something in their hand.

Some were two eggs, some were a handful of vegetables, and some were holding things that Ning Qingqing didn't recognize.

"This is Teacher Ning." It seems that the person who brought Ning Qingqing all the way here is Changxi. I didn't expect the people in this village to be so enthusiastic.

"This is Teacher Ning, she looks so beautiful."

"You look so young."

When people in this village saw Ning Qingqing, their first reaction was to think that Ning Qingqing was good-looking and beautiful. After all, this small mountain village had not seen outsiders for a long time.

"Mr. Ning, hello, hello." At this time, an older man walked out from among the group of people. A cane made of branches.

As soon as he came out, the people in the village consciously formed two rows to make way for the old man.

These people should be the elders in the village.

"Hello, old man." The old man had already greeted Ning Qingqing first, and Ning Qingqing naturally replied politely.

The old man first looked at Ning Qingqing, and then said, "It's getting late, Teacher Ning has worked hard all the way, let's go to rest first."

"Yes, yes, I forgot. Teacher Ning, the school's dormitory is a bit old, so I will arrange for you to come to my house first. I am the only one in my house. It is also close to the school, which is more convenient."

The person who spoke was a fat elder sister with a kind smile on her round face.

"En." Ning Qingqing responded, and followed the elder sister, followed by the villagers behind. At this moment, a hand grabbed Ning Qingqing's hand, and the sudden cold startled Ning Qingqing. .

She turned her head and saw that there were several children behind her, they were about five or six years old, and one of the little boys was holding her hand.

Looks like a child, Ning Qingqing raised her heart just now, and quietly put it back, "You child, why are you so ignorant, let go quickly."

The people next to him seemed to see Ning Qingqing's embarrassment and quickly pulled the child away. The child seemed to be a little bit wronged, and looked at Ning Qingqing with big watery eyes for a long time before leaving.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, Ning Qingqing arrived at a house, which was the house of the eldest sister who had just spoken.

In the moonlight, Ning Qingqing could vaguely see that this was a dilapidated courtyard with two rows of saplings and an empty chicken coop beside it.

There are still many pitted ditches on the ground, and the dilapidated houses are crumbling. There are not many tiles left on them, and they are covered with straw or something.

Such a house seems a bit "dangerous"

The villagers also seemed to see what Ning Qingqing meant, and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, Mr. Ning, our village is relatively poor and there is nothing good about it, but don't worry, our place is a bit broken, but it is absolutely clean inside. Really, we made all your things new for you." The person who spoke was Changxi's father, who was also the head of Yongning Village.

It is precisely because the village head leads the people in the village to pay more attention to learning, thinking that only knowledge can help the people in my village to embark on the road to prosperity.

That's why Ning Qingqing had such a dinner and there were so many people waiting at the entrance of the village.

Soon, everyone prepared Ning Qingqing's things in a hurry, just like the village chief said, although the outside looked very dilapidated, the inside of the house was packed and it was very clean.

The house has two rooms, and the master bedroom is prepared for Ning Qingqing, which has a brand new quilt and some daily necessities.

The blind dates sent all the food and daily necessities prepared by their homes to Ning Qingqing's house, and it took a long time to finish their work.

"Okay, okay, let's go back first, don't be busy." Seeing these people busy, Ning Qingqing felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly asked the blind daters to go back.

The village head saw that the interior was almost done, and then said, "Everyone should go back soon, Mr. Ning has been running all the way, and must be tired now, let Mrs. Ning take a rest first."

"Okay, Mr. Ning, just tell us if you need anything, and we will help you."

One of them stood up and said.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went out, leaving only Ning Qingqing and Mrs. Lin. Mrs. Lin is the owner of the house, that somewhat fat woman.

She helped Ning Qingqing make up the quilt and followed her out.

Ning Qingqing was slightly touched when she saw the wishes from everyone in the village in her room.

No one has cared about Ning Qingqing for a long time.

On the second day, Ning Qingqing didn't wake up until noon. After all, when she came back last night, it was already late at night, and it was almost dawn when she fell asleep.

As soon as Ning Qingqing went out, she saw Mrs. Lin already watering the saplings in the yard, and there were still a few upside-down plates on the small wooden table beside the yard.

Seeing Ning Qingqing coming out, Aunt Lin quickly put down the water pipe in her hand and washed her hands, "Mr. Ning, you're up. I've left some food for you. Come and eat."

"Sister-in-law Lin, I can do it myself." Ning Qingqing was a little embarrassed, after all, she was living in someone else's house, and now even when she got up to eat, she had to be prepared first.

"It's all right, Mr. Ning, I'll do it if I come. People in my village are used to doing these jobs, so don't do it, just sit down."

As she said that, Mrs. Lin began to pick up the sisters-in-law on the table one by one. Inside were ready-made cornmeal steamed buns and two small pickles.

At this time, two children came to the gate.

"Aunt Lin, Aunt Lin!"

"Hey, it's Dabao and Erbao, you two are here, what's the matter?"

Those two children are really cute, wearing a red bellyband on their bodies, they don't look like they are only two or three years old, but this child is clever, with round eyes that move back and forth quickly.

"My mother asked us to deliver eggs to Teacher Ning." After speaking, the two children took out an egg from their hands and sent it to Ning Qingqing.

"Teacher Ning, eat."

The child who looked younger was still drooling while staring at the egg in his hand.

The big one looked at it and slapped it on the child's head.

"Hey! Brother, why are you beating me?"

"That's for the teacher, you're not allowed to make up your mind."

"You two eat, the teacher won't eat." Seeing that the older child seemed to be more sensible, but also greedy, Ning Qingqing wanted to laugh.

But this also reflects how precious a small egg is in this village.

After Ning Qingqing finished speaking, the two children shook their heads violently, "No, no, my mother said, this egg is for Teacher Ning, we can't eat it."

"Then if Teacher Ning gives the eggs to you two, can you eat them?" Ning Qingqing took the eggs from the two children's mobile phones and returned them.

"Now, let's eat."

The two children looked at me and I looked at you, hesitated for a while, "Then we each have half, and the teacher and Aunt Lin each have half."

This child is really smart, Ning Qingqing nodded in agreement, and then Erbao couldn't wait to peel off the egg in his hand, split it into two, and Dabao also started peeling.

The two children shared the large eggs in their hands with Ning Qingqing and Sister-in-law Lin respectively, and the four of them shared two eggs and ate happily.

After Dabao and Erbao left, Ning Qingqing simply cleaned up and went to school, because there were no teachers in the whole school. According to Sister Lin, it was half a year ago that she had a new teacher.

Since then, there have been no new teachers, so that the children in this village now have no classes to attend.

Sister-in-law Lin originally said that she would go with Ning Qingqing, but Ning Qingqing refused, and she couldn't always bother others.

On this way, Ning Qingqing had time to look at Yongning Village. When she arrived in the village yesterday, it was already dark, and she couldn't see what the village looked like at all. Only now did Ning Qingqing have time to observe the village.

This village is not big, and it seems that it can be completed in half an hour, and there are no entertainment facilities in the middle. At this time, every household is chopping wood and collecting herbs, and no one is idle.

When I arrived at the school, I saw an empty prefabricated room as far as I could see. Every room looked crumbling, not to mention any teaching equipment inside, even the simplest blackboard.

Ning Qingqing managed to find a relatively clean wall, tried it with burnt wooden sticks, and it could barely be used as a blackboard. As for the tables and chairs, she could only find some wood and stones to make.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and the cicadas were singing louder in the forest. Ning Qingqing wiped the sweat off her brow, feeling helpless looking at the classroom that was far from being completed.

At this moment, a group of children's voices came, "Mr. Ning, Mr. Ning, we are here to help you."

With the first sound, followed by the second sound and the third sound, a group of children ran over from the village.

An older child took the wood from Ning Qingqing, "Teacher, take a break and we'll come."

"Hurry up, everyone."

"Brother Xiaogang, don't worry." Ning Qingqing recognized the child who spoke. This is Dabao who came here just now. He is still young and can't handle wood and stones, but he doesn't know where he got the rag. Follow the tables and chairs that have been placed, and wipe off the dust on them.

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