The two were in a stalemate like this, neither admitting defeat.

"Hey..." I don't know if it was Han Lin or Qiu who sighed. Li Xiaohan and Ning Qingqing, these two people who will never be able to tell, want to untie this knot in their hearts, I am afraid it will take a long time. For a long time.

As for Ning Qingqing, after closing the door, she sat quietly on the chair, her mind was filled with scenes of being with Li Xiaohan in the past.

Good and bad, from Li Xiaohan's forced marriage at the beginning, to Li Xiaohan's attempt to help her restore her mother's flower roll, all kinds of things, even Ning Qingqing couldn't tell which one was the real Li Xiaohan.

The sea breeze outside the window quietly blew into the room along the window sill, giving Ning Qingqing, who was very irritable, a bit of coolness. She looked out the window and saw flocks of seagulls flying by, and there were still a few clouds floating on the washed-like sky.

The shape of that cloud gradually turned into Li Xiaohan's face.

Ning Qingqing shook her head fiercely, what's wrong with her, it must be that Li Xiaohan's drug investigation was so deep that she looked like Li Xiaohan in everything.

Now, half a year has passed, and I still remember that when we were newly married, Li Xiaohan had promised himself that he would see his father and brother come back in just half a year, but now I'm afraid it's impossible.

Now that the clues are all broken, it is even more difficult to reverse the case if you rely on yourself.

At this moment, Ning Qingqing's phone rang.

The caller ID on the above is clearly Zhongli Mo.

Here, Zhong Limei has driven away most of the relatives in his family, and only some people are still vacillating. Although it is not completely settled yet, he also took the time to call Ning Qingqing.

"Qingqing! I'm almost done here, where are you now, I'll go find you."

"Master, you are going there, our business is not finished yet."

On the other end of the phone, there was Zhong Limo's excited voice first, followed by an old man's voice. Obviously the old man was standing far away. Ning Qingqing didn't hear it very clearly, but Ning Qingqing still understood the general meaning.

"Uncle Liu, you are not allowed to speak." Zhong Limo whispered something to Uncle Liu first, then turned his head and continued talking to Ning Qingqing.

"Qingqing, where are you, I'll pick you up,"

Ning Qingqing naturally heard the conversation between the two people, and now Zhong Limo is involuntary, there is nothing she can do to help Ning Qingqing, and Ning Qingqing will not make things difficult for Zhong Limo, after all, this matter has nothing to do with Zhongli Mo things.

"You don't need to look for me, I want to walk alone now."

"How can I do that? It's dangerous for you to be alone. Tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up right away." On the other end of the phone, Zhong Limo was in a hurry. Ning Qingqing is really pitiful now. Her parents passed away. Brother is still in prison.

Changing from a daughter of a thousand gold to being so penniless and still so stubborn, it made Zhong Limei very distressed.

"I said, I want to walk alone, you don't need to look for me, I will go back after a while, I just want to relax by myself, do you understand?"

In the last sentence, Ning Qingqing deliberately accentuated her voice, she wanted Zhong Limo to understand that she didn't need anyone to care about her now, nor did she need sympathy.

Hearing that Ning Qingqing was so determined, Zhong Limo finally agreed.

"Then... If you need anything, just tell me, and I will help you as soon as possible."

"Well, I will definitely go back and find you if I have something to do." After finishing speaking, Ning Qingqing hung up the phone and looked out of the window. After the baptism of the storm for the past few days, the sky outside was clearer and bluer, which also made Ning Qingqing feel sad. slightly better.

Suddenly, Ning Qingqing wanted to go out for a walk. Ever since the Ning family fell into disarray, Ning Qingqing's heart has been tense. Until now, she suddenly felt that maybe she shouldn't keep pushing herself like this.

After Ning Qingqing chose countless places, she finally chose a small mountainous area, because a village teacher was being recruited here, although Ning Qingqing had never been a teacher before.

But when she was in school, Ning Qingqing had already passed the teacher certificate, and with Ning Qingqing's education, it was more than enough to be a primary school teacher.

Soon, Ning Qingqing packed her things. Ning Qingqing didn't tell anyone about the departure place this time, not even Zhong Limei.

The moment she stepped on the train, Ning Qingqing suddenly relaxed a lot. For so long, Ning Qingqing lived for her father and brother, and now she wanted to do something she wanted to do.

It's not that Ning Qingqing doesn't want to reverse the case for her brother now, but with the current situation, Ning Qingqing has nothing to do, even if she knows that her brother was wronged, so what.

No one is willing to help the Ning family now, and Ning Qingqing herself has no clues. Those families who said they lived and died with the Ning family in the past, it is already good if they don't take the opportunity to frame them now.

Under such circumstances, Ning Qingqing has nothing to do. It has been so long and the case has been closed. If you want to reverse the case, you must have solid evidence.

But now, let alone the ironclad evidence, Ning Qingqing didn't understand what was going on at the time, let alone reverse the case.

Li Xiaohan and Zhongli Mo both had their own affairs, and Ning Qingqing didn't want to disturb them anymore, so this trip was more like an escape for Ning Qingqing, leaving the place where Ning Qingqing fell into the quagmire.

Leaving this city where Ning Qingqing couldn't breathe,

Everything will be decided after Ning Qingqing comes back.

Outside the car window, there are trees passing by, with a few wires hanging high on them. The noisy voices in the car are indeed so pleasant to Ning Qingqing's ears. No matter how you say it, this journey is Ning Qingqing's dream for her. redemption.

"Bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang..."

The train traveled for three days, and finally stopped at a very remote place. This is the key station of the train, and there is no train on the next road.

At this time, there were not many people left on the train, and all Ning Qingqing could see were a few aunts packing their luggage.

Ning Qingqing didn't bring anything, she walked out alone with a small bag. She first found a long-distance bus station, bought a ticket, and then waited in the car.

The heavy gasoline smell made Ning Qingqing a little out of breath, but fortunately, she could bear it. The weather here is much cooler than that in the capital. It is also summer, but here, it is not so sweltering.

Opening the window, Ning Qingqing could clearly feel the cool breeze blowing on her face, which made Ning Qingqing feel much more comfortable.

The road in the countryside was very bumpy, the bus was jolted and jolted, everyone in the bus was drowsy, only Ning Qingqing stared out the window with her eyes wide open.

At this moment, the green wheat field outside the car window stretches as far as the eye can see, and the scent of grass enters Ning Qingqing's nose, and the mottled tree shadows hit the car window, it seems that this is a perfect landscape painting.

Suddenly, a small animal ran out on the road ahead, with a big tail and a small head, holding something in its hands.

It moved very quickly. Seeing a car approaching, it swished, jumped into the tree and disappeared.

The bus had been gone for about half a day, and Ning Qingqing was the last one to get off. At this time, it was almost dark, and the multicolored rays of light hit the ground, and Ning Qingqing saw a figure in the distance.

"Excuse me, is this Teacher Ning?"

Ning Qingqing wasn't sure if it was her who called, so she didn't answer. Seeing no one answered, the person asked again, "Excuse me, is this Teacher Ning Qingqing?"

Now, Ning Qingqing knew that she was calling herself.

Ning Qingqing carefully avoided the stones under her feet, and walked forward, "Yes, I am Ning Qingqing."

As soon as the man heard that it was Ning Qingqing, he quickly said, "Mr. Ning, don't move, I'll carry you over here." While speaking, the man had already jumped over the big rock in front of him and ran over.

When he got close, Ning Qingqing could see clearly that this man looked like a farmer, his skin should be dark and sun-tanned, his head was square, and his head was hairy.

"Mr. Ning, you are here, we are all waiting for you at the entrance of the village."

Saying that, the man knelt down. "Mr. Ning, the road on this body is difficult to walk, I will carry you there."

"No, I'll do it myself."


The mountains and mountains in front of her are lush and green, and the surrounding environment is good, but Ning Qingqing only saw the way she came here, not the direction to the mountain village.

Seemingly seeing Ning Qingqing's question, the man scratched his head, "Mr. Ning, we haven't built any roads here. If you want to enter the village, you only have that small road."

As he said that, the man pointed in one direction, and Ning Qingqing looked over, and there was a very narrow path leading to the depths of the mountain.

Although this person still looked honest, Ning Qingqing couldn't help but wonder in her heart that this mountain was really backward, could it be dangerous.

After hesitating for a moment, Ning Qingqing still followed the man, since he's already here, don't be afraid.

The two of them went from dusk to late night, the cicadas around became louder and louder, and the luxuriant trees blocked the bright moonlight. In the whole forest, only the flashlight barrel in the man's hand was still a little bright.

"How long will it be?"

"Hurry up, Mr. Ning, don't worry, we'll be there soon"

Because Ning Qingqing had to walk by herself, and the mountain road was relatively steep, the speed of the two of them was not fast. Until now, the two of them had only walked a few kilometers.

But these few kilometers are really embarrassing for someone like Ning Qingqing who grew up in the city.

After an unknown amount of time, the forest began to become silent, and the surrounding area was eerily quiet. According to Ning Qingqing's experience, it should be midnight now.

When I came here, because the journey was too long, Ning Qingqing's mobile phone had already run out of battery, so all the time now is just Ning Qingqing's own guess.

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