Petting you is my life plan

Chapter 72 Did you overturn the jar of vinegar?

Ye Fanyu pulled back his fiancée's hand from Ning Qiuxian's, and Ning Qiuxian's eyes widened, as if he was going to fight, "What are you doing!"

"You're leading the wrong person." Ye Fanyu lightly pulled Lin Xiaoxiao to her side.

Ning Qiuxian was chatting vigorously, and he was not happy to be spoiled by Ye Fanyu like this.He knew that he was not Ye Fanyu's opponent, so he pulled Gu Changnian up and said with a small mouth, "You help me."

Gu Changnian touched the bridge of his nose, "I'm not his opponent."

"Why do I need you!" Ning Qiuxian was depressed.

Lin Xiaoxiao tugged at Ye Fanyu's hand, and while he was close to his ear, she said helplessly, "Did you just overturn the jar of jealousy?"


Hard-spoken man.

Lin Xiaoxiao: "You talk to old Gu first, and I will talk to Qiu Xian after we finish chatting."

Without waiting for Ye Fanyu to refuse, she broke free from his hand and walked to Ning Qiuxian's side.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao approaching, Ning Qiuxian voluntarily let go of Gu Changnian's hand, and continued to hold Lin Xiaoxiao's hand again.

Ye Fanyu felt that Ning Qiuxian was really an eyesore, and he decided not to let Lin Xiaoxiao have any contact with this person in the near future.Otherwise, if these two are left alone, it is estimated that nothing will happen to him in the future.

Gu Changnian was standing on the same channel as Ye Fanyu at this time, and it was the first time after the incident that he was treated indifferently by his own children.Although it was only once, he couldn't accept such a scene again.

"Do you regret it?" Ye Fanyu said coldly.

"I regret it so much."

Ye Fanyu glared at a man who was older than him, "Try talking to me like this again, believe it or not, I will ask Xiaoxiao to bring your little friend home?"

The picture was so beautiful that Gu Changnian didn't dare to think about it.

"I was wrong, let's shake hands and make peace?"

Gu Changnian reached out his hand to Ye Fanyu, who was not so boring and completely ignored it.

In front of the two of them, Lin Xiaoxiao and Ning Qiuxian chatted very vigorously. The two started chatting from the concert, but when they walked to the parking place, they still couldn't finish chatting.

"Why don't we go to Feiran, and I'll treat you to dessert. The Tang I told you about last time, his craftsmanship is really good, and after you meet him, you will definitely become friends with him."

Facing Lin Xiaoxiao's proposal, Ning Qiuxian was a little at a loss.

Gu Changnian walked to his side in time and held his hand. His voice was comforting, and Ning Qiuxian's tense mood was relaxed as soon as he spoke, "We haven't been there for a long time, why don't we go tonight Remember?"

No need for Gu Changnian to tell, Ning Qiuxian also remembered where Fei Ran was.

It was the place where they had their first date, and he wanted to go, but he was a little scared.

The same expression appeared on Ning Qiuxian's face, this time with Gu Changnian present, Lin Xiaoxiao just smiled without saying a word.

Ye Fanyu approached Lin Xiaoxiao again, he held her hand and interlocked his fingers.

Gu Changnian guided Ning Qiuxian with a gentle voice, and tightly held Ning Qiuxian's hand with his broad palm, giving him physical and mental encouragement and support, "It's been a long time since you've had a special cocktail. Have a drink, okay?"

"Really? Then let's go quickly, can I take Xiaoxiao's car?"

"Okay, then let's meet at Feiran's gate."

Ye Fanyu was very dissatisfied with Gu Changnian's unauthorized decision, but Lin Xiaoxiao had already brought Ning Qiuxian into the car, and the two men were excluded from the car, so they could only watch them go one step ahead.

"Go and drive, why are you still standing?" Gu Changnian reminded the juniors beside him.

Ye Fanyu sneered at Gu Changnian.

"The night Qiuxian had an accident, he drank at Feiran."

Ye Fanyu's face darkened, and at the same time, even though Gu Changnian said lightly what happened back then, his heart was still as if being cut by a knife.

None of them knew what happened that night before the accident. Feiran had already provided all the clues, but after the clues were connected together, it seemed that the most important part was missing.The person involved knew it best, but Ning Qiuxian kept silent about it afterwards, and they didn't dare to force something useful out of his mouth.

In fact, Feiran is also a knot in Gu Changnian's heart. Since then, Ning Qiuxian has refused to take another step towards Feiran, and even Gu Changnian is unwilling to mention it.

Ye Fanyu said it a few times in the past two years, but Gu Changnian refused to set foot there again.

"Hurry up, I'm worried about Qiu Xian."

Gu Changnian strode forward, and Ye Fanyu looked at his tense back, feeling indescribable.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know what kind of existence Feiran was to Ning Qiuxian, she and Ning Qiuxian chatted about the stars all the way, and when they arrived at Feiran, she dragged Ning Qiuxian to wait at Feiran's door.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't notice it at first, but when she noticed that Ning Qiuxian's eyes were in a trance, she realized that Ning Qiuxian's hand was cold for a while.

She squeezed his hand nervously, "Qiuxian, what's wrong with you?"

There was no air-conditioning installed at Feiran's door, so they were surrounded by the scorching heat of summer.Even though the weather was so hot, Ning Qiuxian's hands were still cold, Lin Xiaoxiao was very worried.

Ning Qiuxian tried very hard to overcome the fear in his heart, but the effect was minimal.

He gritted his teeth, and wanted to say that he was fine, but he knew what state he was in, and he couldn't say a word if he wanted to.

"Is it too hot outside, so I feel chest tightness and shortness of breath? Then let's go to the box first, okay, there is air conditioning inside, let's have a special drink? Before they come, let's have a drink first."

Lin Xiaoxiao's proposal hit Ning Qiuxian's heart. He had an almost obsessive liking for Fei Ran's special tune before.For the past two years, Gu Changnian has been trying to make it for him, but the taste just isn't right.

Longing overcame fear, Ning Qiuxian nodded, thinking that it would be better if he drank the special tune.

Seeing that Ning Qiuxian's eyes were focused, Lin Xiaoxiao didn't dare to stand still anymore, and hurriedly dragged people inside.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Fanyu called and told them to go directly to the box.Ye Fanyu told her that they were stuck in a traffic jam on the road, so it probably wasn't that fast.

When she was about to hang up, Gu Changnian's voice came from the phone.

"Xiaoxiao, don't make a sound, listen to me. Qiuxian had an accident at Feiran, please help me take good care of him, if you really have to, take him away. We will rush there as soon as possible, thank you."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Xiaoxiao hung up the phone calmly, she turned to look at Ning Qiuxian.

Ning Qiuxian gritted her teeth and followed her. Lin Xiaoxiao suspected that if she hadn't pulled him, he probably wouldn't even dare to go forward.

Suddenly, Ning Qiuxian dragged Lin Xiaoxiao to stop, his strength was so strong that Lin Xiaoxiao frowned in pain.

"Xiaoxiao, I want to go back."

Ning Qiuxian spoke very quietly, but she heard it all.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know why Ning Qiuxian said that, but she followed his eyes and saw his eyes fixed on a box.

"You want to be in this box?"

After Lin Xiaoxiao finished asking, she beckoned the waiter to come over.

"Ms. Lin, hello."

"Is there anyone in this box?"

"There is."

"Xiaoxiao!" A sharp voice sounded between Lin Xiaoxiao and the waiter, startling them all.

Lin Xiaoxiao barely covered her heart, but when she turned her head, she found that Ning Qiuxian's face was pale, "Qiuxian, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Why is your face so bad?"


Ning Qiuxian wanted to say that he was fine, but he couldn't say anything.


Suddenly, the door of the box opened, and a person walked out of it. He called the waiter with a very impatient voice.

Ning Qiuxian lowered his head hastily when he heard the other party's voice, he subconsciously wanted to turn around, but Lin Xiaoxiao held him back.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Qin, what's your order?"

"No matter how hard you press the service bell, there is no response. Do you still want a tip?"

Lin Xiaoxiao had already seen the clues from Ning Qiuxian's reaction. He had a deep sense of fear for this box, and he was even more afraid of this man who was called Young Master Qin by the waiter.

Gu Changnian told her that Ning Qiuxian had an accident in Feiran, and the location of the accident can be narrowed down, maybe it is the box in front of him.

The waiter apologized to Young Master Qin in a low voice, and Young Master Qin waved his hand and ordered a few bottles of wine before letting him go.But just as he was about to return to the box, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a familiar figure.

He had already stepped into the box, and Lin Xiaoxiao was planning to take Ning Qiuxian over when the door closed, but Qin Keming took two steps back and stood outside the box again.

Lin Xiaoxiao saw Qin Keming's movements, she pulled Ning Qiuxian behind her, and watched Qin Keming with a smirk vigilantly.

"Look who this is, he's still alive. I haven't seen him for so long, I almost can't recognize him. This is a girlfriend, so what can Gu Changnian do? He didn't even want Gu's family because of you. But you didn't even go back to Ning's house, your courage is commendable."

The taunting voice was full of malice, every time Qin Keming said a word, Lin Xiaoxiao felt Ning Qiuxian tremble behind her.

"Ning Qiuxian, why don't you talk anymore? Aren't you eloquent? Afraid of me, you will be afraid of me? Why did Gu Changnian raise you up like this? The young master of the Ning family is actually afraid of me. No one can believe it."

"Have you said enough?" Lin Xiaoxiao frowned coldly with a straight face, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? My name is Qin Keming, you can call me Young Master Qin." Qin Keming stretched out his hand in a frivolous manner, but he couldn't touch Lin Xiaoxiao, so Lin Xiaoxiao avoided him.

Qin Keming shook his head regretfully, "You missed a chance for me to like you."

"You should thank you for not liking me, otherwise you will regret it very much." Lin Xiaoxiao opened Ning Qiuxian's tightly clenched fist with her hand behind her back, she was afraid that he would hurt herself.

"You woman, let me advise you, it's best not to make me angry, or the consequences will be serious. If you don't believe me, you can ask the person behind you, he seems to be very afraid of me."

Lin Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at Ning Qiuxian, and found that he was biting his lip with his head down. She comforted her softly, "Qiuxian, don't be afraid, don't bite your lip, you won't be able to drink special tunes after the bite breaks."

"Hey, you are so gentle and soft-spoken, no wonder you can snatch someone from Gu Changnian. Ning Qiuxian, since you like women, why don't you go back to Ning's house? Gu Changnian, he is willing not to go back home?"

"I found out that there is something wrong with you. It's none of your business whether you go home or not? Your surname is Gu or Ning. Didn't you say your surname is Qin? Which Qin, the animal?"

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